HomeVocational Education & Training (VET)

Vocational Education & Training (VET)

VET Noticeboard

Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) is the approved funding authority supporting the implementation of Australian and NSW Government funded programs designed to improve Vocational Education and Training outcomes for Secondary Students.


  • coordinates Vocational Education teacher training programs on behalf of the Catholic sector
  • liaises with
    • Catholic school systems
    • Department of Education Schools Directorate
    • NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
    • ITABS (Industry)
    • TAFE NSW

to support planning for and delivery of Vocational Education and Training for NSW Catholic school students.

The VET Teacher Training Program

To assist Catholic Diocesan RTOs ensure compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015, CSNSW in collaboration with AIS and DoE conducts training for teachers commencing delivery of VET courses or maintaining currency of VET qualifications. Training occurs each semester and entry is limited to teachers who meet required benchmarks. Final decisions for all applications will be made by the Application Review Committee Panel (ARC), a cross sectoral committee responsible for maintaining standards and reviewing all applications for entry into training.

The following outlines the requirements and process. Please note advertised timelines are strict. (HINT: right-click links to open in a new tab)

  1. Teacher Training Program Calendar    2024 Sem2 Applications – Closed
    • Check your school and personal availability for all components of required training.
    • This timetable will be updated as training is confirmed. Please check regularly.
  1. Benchmark
  1. Application Form – Closed: Monday 3 June 2024
    • Combine all your documents into a single PDF:
      • teaching degree and transcript
      • required units for First Aid or White Card and/or industry qualifications and transcripts (or USI transcript)
      • evidence of recent relevant experience, and if applicable,
      • above additional form with required evidence on employer/school letterhead
    • Complete the electronic form linked above, uploading your documents as one PDF [for how, see https://www.wikihow.com/Merge-PDF-Files]
  1. Approval Process
    1. Diocesan RTO: reviews application, accepts or requests more information.
    2. College Principal: approves your engagement in the program, noting dates and associated costs as applicable.
    3. RTO: reviews applications, requests more information, confirms and returns all documents to CSNSW (Due: 14 June 2024)
    4. CSNSW: reviews applications, accepts or requests more information.
    5. Applications uploaded to cross-sectoral portal for ARC (21 June 2024).
  1. Application Review Committee (ARC)  Applicants confirmed (27-28 June)
    • Applications are forwarded to the RTO providing the training, prior to meeting with the three sectors. You may still be asked for more information.
    • The outcome:
      • Accepted – you will receive notification from CSNSW that you have been accepted into the training program.
      • Declined – you will receive notification from CSNSW. Your Diocesan VET RTO Manager will discuss options with you and your school.
  1. Undertake Training
    • Acknowledge and accept all required training components, knowing you’re available for all components (check both personal & school calendars).
    • There will be additional charges where candidates need to re-engage in training for subsequent semesters due to non-completion.
    • NOTE: All are full days, no early finishes.

Work Placement/Work Experience Insurance for 2024

Three separate policies provide work experience/placement cover for students, schools and employers involved in Work Experience and Work Placement activities.

  1. School’s Student Accident and Disability Insurance. Each Diocesan Catholic Schools Authority and RI/MPJP (Congregational) school purchase these policies independently.
  1. Employer’s Indemnity Insurance with Ascot Group as Lead insurer. CSNSW manages this policy on behalf of Diocesan Offices and RI/MPJP subscribers. See link for terms and conditions of insurance cover, including activities that are excluded or require special approval during work placement and certificate of currency until 31 March 2025.
  1.  Professional Indemnity cover for Healthcare Assistants with Vero Insurance Limited.  CSNSW manages this policy on behalf of Diocesan Offices and RI/MPJP subscribers. The VERO Certificate of Currency for Professional Indemnity cover applies until 31 March 2025.
FORMS     To use fillable forms, follow this process:
                  1. Download to fill.
                  2. From your downloads, open using a pdf reader, fill.
                  3. Save as … in appropriate folder on your system.
                  4. Share with others following school/system protocols.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT)

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) provide students with the opportunity to attain a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification as well as their Higher School Certificate (HSC) whilst also gaining valuable work skills and experience through paid employment.

The SBAT Guidelines set out the requirements for the implementation of school based apprenticeships and traineeships in NSW. The School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships webpage hosted by the Department of Education provides valuable information for schools, students and parents. This includes:

Diocesan VET Contacts

Catholic School Office, Diocese of Armidale

Sue Watts
PO Box 636
Armidale NSW 2350

Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst

Stephen Mitchell
PO Box 308
Bathurst NSW 2795

Catholic Schools Broken Bay

Phil Cox
PO Box 967
Pennant Hills NSW 1715

Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn

Karen Ruppert
PO Box 3317
Manuka ACT 2603

Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited

Sue Watts
PO Box 158
Lismore NSW 2480

Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle

Geraldine Blake
PO Box 714
Newcastle NSW 2300

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese

John Wills
Locked Bag 4
North Parramatta NSW 1750

Sydney Catholic Schools

Irene Pereira
PO Box 20277
World Square NSW 2002

Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga

Vanessa Jennings
PO Box 1012
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong

Christina Desmond
LMB 8802
Wollongong NSW 2500

Catholic Education Wilcannia-Forbes

Stephen Mitchell
PO Box 308
Bathurst NSW 2795

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