"The person of each individual human being, in his or her material and spiritual needs, is at the heart of Christ's teaching – this is why the promotion of the human person is the goal of the Catholic school."
- Pope Saint John Paul II
Serving families for over 200 years
Catholic education has served the people of NSW for over 200 years, nurturing the spiritual, moral, and academic development of generations of students. Today, Catholic schools educate around one in five students in nearly 600 schools across NSW, reflecting continued demand over its 200-year history.
Towards the growth of the whole person
The Catholic school ‘must begin from the principle that its educational programme is intentionally directed to the growth of the whole person’ in faith and academia so that it ‘may work effectively for the evangelisation of culture and for the common good of society.’
Catholic schools are safe, supportive learning communities where the unique dignity of each child is respected, nurtured and valued.
No child is left behind, and no child is held back.
Communities of faith and learning
Catholic schools work to improve the faith and education outcomes by creating communities of faith and learning.
Parents are recognised as children's first and primary educators, and Catholic education complements the education parents impart to their children.
This task means joining the ‘work of education with the explicit proclamation of the Gospel’ (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 134), helping students to actively live the Catholic faith.
Education is integral to the mission of the church to proclaim the Good News. First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.
Pope Benedict XVI