School Registration
CSNSW is now the single Catholic registration system authority for Catholic systemic schools in NSW.

Catholic Block Grant Authority
The CBGA is responsible for administering funding to Catholic schools in NSW.

Finance and Resources
Find information regarding financial resources for Catholic schools in NSW.

Teacher Accreditation
Find out about teacher accreditation in NSW Catholic schools and how to become an accredited teacher.

Safety and Compliance
Work Health and Safety in Schools
We promote best work health and safety practice in schools.
Legal and Risk
Information on legal policies as they pertain to Catholic schools in NSW.
Governance Training
Find out more about governance training requirements for responsible persons in NSW Catholic schools.
Emergency Management
We are committed to ensuring all Catholic schools in NSW are as prepared as possible for dealing with emergencies, including natural disasters and pandemics.
Catholic Employment Relations
CER provides expert employment relations, human resources, industrial and legal advice to Catholic employers.

"Catholic education commits us, among other things, to the building of a better world by teaching mutual coexistence, fraternal solidarity and peace."
Pope Francis