Mission and Identity
Catholic schools are an essential element of how the Catholic Church continues the ministry and mission of Jesus Christ.

Educational support
Diverse Learning
Support is provided to Catholic schools with students with diverse learning needs.

Catholic schools have always provided a holistic education to the children in their care. We play a significant role in supporting the wellbeing of young people.

Early Childhood Education and Care Regulation and Policy Environment
Discover more about the Early Childhood Education and Care regulation and policy environment in NSW.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)
We support the planning and delivery of VET for Catholic school students and coordinate VET training for teachers.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs)
Find guidelines and resources on school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.

Family and Community Engagement
The Catholic school community is made up of families and school staff and it is supported the parish and the wider community.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Catholic Schools New South Wales is working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, teachers and principals to support students to thrive throughout school and life.

Foundations for Learning
Early learning matters for future school success.

Curriculum and assessment
Student Assessment
Find student assessment resources and teaching strategies for Catholic schools in NSW.
NSW is in the midst of significant curriculum reform. CSNSW, along with NESA and Catholic School Agencies, has been leading the development and implementation of new syllabuses in all Catholic schools in NSW.
CSSA HSC Trial Examinations
The CSSA is a division of Catholic Schools NSW. It creates premium CSSA Trial HSC Examinations written and assessed by education experts.
"Catholic education commits us, among other things, to the building of a better world by teaching mutual coexistence, fraternal solidarity and peace."
Pope Francis