The requirements for registration include that schools provide a safe and supportive environment for their students.
Schools must have and implement a policy and procedure for managing complaints from students and/or parents. It should include:
- how to raise a concern
- how the school responds to concerns.
The school must make the complaints policy publicly available.
External complaints handling policy and procedures
We have a document that sets out how we manage complaints: External Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures.
Schools are responsible for managing complaints relating to enrolment, attendance, school fees, bullying, wellbeing and child protection. Parental complaints that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the school must be directed to the relevant Catholic Schools Office.
Process for complaints
Complaints must be made in writing and include details of:
- the name, address and contact details of the individual(s) or organisation making the complaint
- the individual(s) or organisation against whom the complaint is being made
- the issue or matter to which the complaint relates
- evidence that options for pursuing the complaint at the school have been pursued without resolution, or an outline of the compelling reason(s) why this would not be appropriate
- any evidentiary material to substantiate the complaint, including copies of correspondence and any other relevant documents
- an account of any other action already taken in relation to the complaint.
You can make a complaint by:
- Completing a feedback form on our website.
- Calling us on 1800 427 679.
- Writing to us at GPO Box 34, Sydney NSW 2001.
- Emailing us at