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New and Upgraded Preschools

Preschool Capital Grants providing $60 million over the next 3 years to build and upgrade Catholic preschools.
Preschooler reading in garden

About New and Upgraded Preschools ("NUP")

Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) acting in its capacity as the NSW Catholic Block Grant Authority (“CBGA”) is responsible for administering the NSW Government’s $60 million grant program for new and upgraded preschools (“NUP Program”) on non-government school sites in high growth areas.

The aim of the capital grants made under the NUP Program is to facilitate access to preschools in high growth areas by building new preschools or upgrading existing preschools on non-government school sites. High growth areas are determined by reference to a combination of socio-economic status, student demographics and a school’s classification (i.e. whether a school is a school for a specific purpose). 

Funding under the NUP Program is available for two discrete funding streams:

New BuildsUpgrades to existing Preschools
Grants of up to $4 million to support major capital works that will build new preschools on non-government school sites (including grants for planning processes)Grants of up to $350,000 to support minor capital works and grants for planning purposes (e.g. building of indoor or outdoor play spaces, renovations to existing facilities and minor expansions).

Key Dates

There will be two submission rounds each financial year from 2024-2025 to 2026-2027.  The indicative dates for submission rounds and application outcome dates are as follows:

DateApplication Process
20 December 2024CSNSW have identified schools that are eligible based on the Socio-economic and Demographic criteria within the guidelines are invited to apply for funding. 
31 January 2025

Supplementary Round

Completed applications are required to be submitted to CSNSW for assessment, which should include the following:

  • projects must be designed and costed
    • completed and detailed design drawings
    • proposed inventory
  • development consent
  • meet the requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF) 
    • detailed evidence of committing to apply for service approval
    • implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • completed an Aboriginal Impact Statement in accordance with the guidelines.

Applications for a new build must consider the low supply of preschool places in the area compared to the demand and the proximity to public school sites being considered for a new construction to avoid duplication/oversupply of preschools in any given region.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.

6 March 2025CBGA to recommend to Capital Projects Evaluation Panel ("CPEP") the list of projects that meet the NSW Government’s eligibility criteria.
7 March 2025School Proprietor’s Deed of Certification and Warranty sent to Delegated Approved Authority for authorisation of local contribution.
31 March 2025Schedule of approved projects submitted to the NSW Minister of Education.
30 May 2025Ministerial approval for 2024 Supplementary Round projects (indicative).
30 June 2025

Main Round

Completed applications  are required to be submitted to CSNSW for assessment, which should include the following:

  • projects must be designed and costed
    • completed and detailed design drawings
    • proposed inventory
  • development consent
  • meet the requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF) 
    • detailed evidence of committing to apply for service approval
    • implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • completed an Aboriginal Impact Statement in accordance with the guidelines.

Applications for new builds must consider the low supply of preschool places in the area compared to the demand and the proximity to public school sites being considered for a new construction to avoid duplication/oversupply of preschools in any given region.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.

3 September 2025CBGA recommend to CPEP the list of projects that meet the NSW Government’s eligibility criteria.
4 September 2025Schedule of approved projects submitted to the NSW Minister of Education.
28 November 2025Ministerial approval of 2025 Main Round Projects (indicative).

Submission Dates

The schedule for applications for the 2024/2025 to 2026/2027 financial years is set below (a detailed 2026 schedule will be released in the new year).

Application YearNSW Government Application Due DateOutcome Date - NSW Minister Approval

Main Round

30 September


29 November


Supplementary Round

31 March 


30 May

Main Round

30 September


28 November


Supplementary Round

31 March 


29 May

Main Round

30 September


30 November