Other Catholic School Agencies

Catholic schools in NSW operate under the auspices of one of the 11 diocesan Catholic schools offices or one of the 20 religious institutes or ministerial public juridic persons (PJPs). The contact details for these Catholic school agencies can be found below (or by key word search). The day to day operational responsibility, including the employment of staff, for Catholic systemic schools lies with the 11 diocesan offices and the individual school for ‘independent’ Catholic schools run by the religious institutes and PJPs. Concerns or questions should be directed to the relevant Catholic school agency or school in the first instance.

Latest News

Oct 04, 2023

Response to Disability Royal Commission report

Catholic Schools NSW supports the fundamental and universal right of all children to an education. Catholic education supports families in educating their children across a range of settings, including mainstream schools, support classes within mainstream schools and specialist settings. Catholic...
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Sep 07, 2023

Discussion Paper: Patterns and Developments in Single-Sex Schools

Download the Discussion Paper: Patterns and Developments in Single-Sex Schools
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Sep 06, 2023

2023 Annual Report: Aboriginal Education Outcomes in NSW Catholic Schools

Download the 2023 Annual Report: Aboriginal Education Outcomes in NSW Catholic Schools. 
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