Media Releases | Jul 24, 2024

New knowledge-rich K-6 curriculum sets NSW on the right track

Catholic Schools NSW welcomes the launch of the last four syllabuses of the new K-6 curriculum. The Creative Arts, Human Society and its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), and Science and Technology syllabuses were released to teachers today. Two rounds of public consultation were held to which Catholic Schools NSW contributed. The reformed K-10 Mathematics and English syllabuses are currently taught in schools.

The revised curriculum includes more detail and greater clarity on essential content, helping teachers navigate syllabuses with greater ease and supporting students to meet learning outcomes. Under the revised Curriculum Reform timeline outlined by the Government, the four syllabuses released today will become mandatory on the first day of the 2027 school term, though schools may implement the revised curriculum earlier.

Dallas McInerney, CEO of Catholic Schools NSW, said the new K-6 curriculum was a great improvement and thanked the NSW Government and the NSW Education Standards Authority for their work.

‘After too much emphasis on teaching practices that were not evidence-based and rigorous, this new K-6 curriculum sets NSW on the right track. It is a comprehensive, knowledge-rich curriculum that incorporates more explicit teaching practice.’

‘The curriculum also responds to current challenges, such as compulsory Civics and Citizenship content and understanding the healthy use of digital devices in the PDHPE syllabus.’

‘Well done to the NSW Government and the NSW Education Standards Authority for landing this significant achievement. Both have been responsive and receptive throughout the consultation process, and Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to have had the opportunity to inform a curriculum that sets the benchmark for other states and territories to follow.’

‘We look forward to the rollout of the new and improved curriculum.’

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