Upcoming Events

The Catholic Schools NSW Professional Learning Framework identifies opportunities, across a range of modalities, for both formal and informal learning to enhance individual knowledge, skills and professional practice, and enhance school and system effectiveness.

These opportunities throughout the year include conferences, symposiums, workshops, forums and online professional learning and development, both synchronous and asynchronous.

The platform offers online and on demand PL for teachers and teacher assistants (K-12) and those in governance roles across Catholic schools in NSW. Current online offerings include:

  • 2023 ACU Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey – Webinar
  • Understanding, identifying, and responding to violent, antisocial and extremist behaviour
  • Disability Standards for Education (DSE) for K-12 teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Evidenced based teaching strategies for students with diverse learning needs
  • Instructional strategies – Functional behaviour assessment, Behaviour intervention planning, Video modelling
  • Inclusive education
  • EAL/D and new arrivals modules and resources
  • Early learning – Professional learning modules and resources
  • Assessment and Data literacy Modules, Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA)
  • K-6 New Curriculum Professional Learning Modules and Resources
  • Solar Lab Reading Series – La Trobe University
  • Professional learning for support staff
  • Author – Teacher podcast series

Access to the CSNSW PL platform for Catholic school staff is available through your NETiD account.

Governance Training

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) sets the fit and proper persons requirements for ‘responsible persons’ in the Registration and Accreditations of Non-government Schools (RANGS). This includes the requirement that responsible persons whether for an individual school or a system of schools complete 12 hours of NESA approved training over 3 years delivered by a NESA-approved training provider.

  • Catholic Schools NSW is a NESA-approved training provider.
  • Annually Catholic Schools NSW hosts the NESA approved Education Law Symposium, now a constant in the diaries of those persons responsible for the operation and governance of non-government schools.
  • Complementary to the Education Law Symposium Catholic Schools NSW PL offers an ever-expanding suite of NESA approved online on demand module addressing governance issues and more.


For more information about Governance Training for responsible persons and NESA requirements please contact Catholic Schools NSW here.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Authorised Provider

Catholic Schools NSW is authorised to assess and accredit PD on NESA’s behalf and has processes in place to ensure the professional learning accredited by Catholic Schools New South Wales meets the criteria set by NESA.

We offer a range of NESA Accredited courses for teachers maintaining their accreditation at Proficient, highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher in NSW. Other courses offered by Catholic Schools New South Wales may align with the NESA list of approved Elective PD.

Successfully completing many of the learning experiences offered by Catholic Schools New South Wales will enable participants to count the indicated hours and minutes addressing the listed Standard Descriptors towards maintenance of teacher accreditation as either NESA Accredited of Elective PD.

A statement in the course description will indicate if the professional learning is NESEA Accredited or Elective PD. Teachers are required to log their own Elective PD in eTAMS.


Early Years Symposium

If we give children the best start, they will grow into happier, healthier adults.
We know the early years of a child’s life are critical for life-long learning and wellbeing. When teachers, educators, families and community services work in partnership to support a child, we build the foundations to set a child up to thrive at school and life. This symposium explored the current state of mental health and wellbeing in the early years and how a collective impact can work best.

Access keynotes, papers and research HERE.

2024 AI Symposium: Risks, Rewards and Opportunities

The inaugural AI symposium brought together Catholic education leaders from across NSW to hear from industry experts in AI and education, and engage in discussions exploring the benefits of AI, including personalised learning experiences, enhanced student engagement, assessment and administrative efficiency.
Access all symposium resources HERE

Community is at the heart of all Catholic education, not simply as a concept to be taught, but as a reality to be lived. John Paul II (1987)

The 2024 Connected Catholic Communities Symposium gathered together our Catholic community – early childhood & school leadership, diocesan office staff, parishes, and Catholic agencies, from across NSW to explore: How might we transform our work and the services we provide to our students, families and staff to ensure vibrant and flourishing communities?

Access research, keynotes and case studies HERE.

CSSA Symposium: Writing across the curriculum in Stage 4 & 5
The theme of the 2024 CSSA Symposium was in direct response to the current and ongoing NSW curriculum reform and in support of effective implementation in Catholic schools across NSW.

It brought together education and industry leaders and explored how evidence-based practices in writing can be implemented in a secondary education context. The Symposium engaged participants to move from the written to the enacted curriculum.

Access the presentations and research HERE.

2023 Secondary Curriculum Reform Conference
The syllabus is one element in the process of wider learning. We have given you the toolkit. We leave to schools the decisions they are best placed to make about the wider curriculum.

The reformed NSW syllabuses are the roadmap to this future. Catholic teachers and leaders from across the state considered the reformed curriculum through the following lenses:

  • the syllabuses
  • the cross-syllabus drive to improve reading, writing and communication
  • assessment
  • ensuring we meet the learning needs of the most disadvantaged

Access the presentations and resources HERE.

2023 Assessment and Data Symposium
The thing is, it’s not about the data. It’s about what we do with it.

Insights for Learning and Engagement gathered together colleagues from across NSW for a learning conversation, lead by some of the world’s leading academics in assessment and data practice and research.

Access presentations and research HERE. 

For more information about CSNSW Professional Learning contact professionallearning@csnsw.catholic.edu.au.