Professional Learning

Youth in Distress Training - Workshop for School Counsellors in Congregational Schools (Ref: 117/22)

The Youth in Distress Training workshop has been designed to build on the current level of skills of school counselling staff, and to further develop confidence in undertaking risk assessments and safety planning for students exhibiting suicidality and self harm. School counsellors will have the opportunity to work on real case studies, reflect on their own experiences, and learn from peers.

The program has been developed by the Black Dog Institute and will precede the roll out of system-wide guidelines for managing suicidality and self harm.

The topics covered are as follows:

Topic 1- The suicidal crisis

Topic 2-  Assessing and managing risk

Topic 3- Self-harm

Topic 4- After the attempt

Topic 5- Self-care

Please send expressions of interest, including names and email address, of counsellors interested in attending the training, to [email protected]


Podcast Series Available- Engagement and Utilisation of the AEDC data (Ref: 111/22)

A two part podcast series on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data has been published to assist teachers with how to utilise the AEDC dataset. This two-part series covers:

  • What is the AEDC and what type of information is in the AEDC? – Discussion on how the AEDC data is collected and what the AEDC instrument measures.
  • How to engage with your AEDC data? – Discussion on the value of AEDC data and how schools and early childhood education services can use the AEDC data to inform policy and practice.

Access the podcasts HERE.


Resources for Learning

NSW Government Everyday Maths Club Campaign Resources (Ref: 113/22)

The NSW Government have announced a campaign to change perceptions of maths among young people.

The  new resources have been launched within the Everyday Maths hub on the NSW Government website, providing students and parents with new maths solutions, challenges, games and fun experiences.  These new resources encourage and support parents, carers and students from various backgrounds to think and act mathematically.

A new feature of the hub is a dedicated culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) section across five different languages and  contains more than 30 new pieces of content related to financial literacy, mathematics in careers, and mathematics in the modern world.

The NSW Government resources can be accessed here.



New NSW Health Campaign- Vaping Resources for Schools (Ref: 116/22)

NSW Health has released a new state-wide vaping campaign which outlines key information regarding vaping, the consequences of young people vaping and the way to disperse information correctly surrounding this topic, including a vaping toolkit.

The Resource includes information that is specifically tailed for young people, parents and carers, teachers and schools and health professionals. Further, it provides access to avenues that are available to encourage and support students to quit vaping.

Access the NSW Government campaign resources here. 

The Senior Manager – Wellbeing, Catholic Schools New South Wales also talks to Paul Dillion (the Director and founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA)) about drugs, alcohol and vaping in the podcast below.




School Newsletter

National Reconciliation Week 2022- 27 May to 3 June (Ref: 115/22)

The National Reconciliation Week 2022 theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” asks all Australians to be brave in working towards change that benefits all Australians.

Reconciliation Australia encourages all Australians to take action every week of the year, not just in National Reconciliation Week.

National Reconciliation Week—27 May to 3 June—is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Read more here.

Revised Highly Accomplished Lead Teacher Policy (2022) (Ref: 110/22)

On Sunday 15 May, the Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC, Minister for Education and Early Learning launched the revised Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Accreditation Policy (HALT policy) (2022) with a target of 2,500 teachers achieving higher levels of accreditation by 2025. Currently, there are 27 HALTs Catholic schools in NSW with more than 135 in process.

The HALT policy (2022) is designed to support more teachers to achieve higher levels of accreditation and aims to:

  • clarify and strengthen evidence requirements
  • increase the level of support available to applicants through feedback
  • streamline the assessment process and assure the validity and reliability of decisions
  • achieve greater consistency with national certification processes.

How NESA is supporting applicants under the HALT policy (2018)

  • NESA will be communicating with existing applicants on 16 May 2022 to provide them with information about our Transition Information Sessions. These will help existing applicants clearly understand their options when deciding how best to continue their application for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation.
  • Information on the transition arrangements and a Transition Information video is now available on the NESA website.

How NESA will support applicants under the HALT policy (2022)

  • Prospective HALT applicants will find a range of materials on the NESA website to help them understand the HALT policy (2022), including information sessions, an introduction video and other information and resources.

The media release can be found on the NESA website.

For further information about the revised policy please contact Mary Ryan, Head Professional Learning and Accreditation, at [email protected]  or 0409606437.

Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT- Upcoming Free Parent Webinar on Online Safety (Ref: 105/22)

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT have arranged a free webinar with the eSafety Commissioner for parents and carers of children aged 5-12 years.

The title of this years’ seminar is: Helping Kids Thrive Online

This Term 2 webinar offers tips on how to support young people to socialise, learn and have fun online in a safe manner. It explains how to access information, use technology safely and navigate new online platforms.

It will cover:

  • how to talk to young people about online risks on different social media platforms and games
  • how to help young people develop skills to protect themselves when they are online
  • where to go for help if things go wrong and how to access mental health support and information through eSafety.

Register here:

Who should attend? Suitable for parents and carers of children aged 5-12 years

Date/Time: Wednesday 8 June at 7:30pm

If you have any questions or require additional resources please contact

Clare Dunstan [email protected]

Access the Webinar poster here: Helping kids thrive online Poster

Indigenous Veterans Commemoration - This Friday, 27 May (Ref: 101/22)

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Veterans & Services Association, supported by The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) and the NSW Office for Veteran Affairs, will be conducting the Annual Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Ceremony on Friday 27 May 2022. This ceremony is supported by Catholic Schools NSW.

The Sydney ceremony is one of several being held across Australia during Reconciliation Week in recognition of the service and sacrifice of indigenous veterans.

The commemoration service will be live-streamed on the Anzac Memorial’s Facebook page, allowing you to view the service from your home or workplace.

Access the Facebook page here.

Ceremony details

  • The livestream will begin at 10.30am on Friday 27 May.
  • Preservice activities commence at 10:40am.

If you have any questions, please contact The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch):

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (02) 9264 8188

Education Policy

2022 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations: Expressions of Interest for Convenors (Ref: 114/22)

The CSSA provides teachers and students in schools throughout New South Wales, ACT and internationally with high quality Trial HSC Examinations that will provide a sound basis for their preparation for the HSC examinations later in the year.

The CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are prepared by committees of practicing teachers, university lecturers and education consultants in a variety of HSC courses.

The Head of CSSA Exams is seeking expressions of interest for the following positions:

Convenor for the following 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations:

  • Chemistry
  • Physics

Access the letter regarding the Expression of Interest requirements for the roles with the CSSA and the application process here:

2023 CSSA TRIAL HSC EXAMINATIONS EOI – Convenor, Chemistry & Physics

Interested applicants are asked to send a Cover Letter and current Curriculum Vitae to Monica O’Brien, Head CSSA Exams, at [email protected] by 9am Monday 13 June 2022.








