
CSNSW Submission on the Draft Stage 6 English, Mathematics, and History syllabuses (Ref: 327/23)

CSNSW will be making submissions to NESA on behalf of the Sector on the draft Stage 6 English Mathematics and History syllabuses that are currently available for consultation. Subject matter experts from Dioceses and RI/MPJ schools are invited to complete a survey or participate in an online forum that will help form the basis of these submissions.

Please complete the Expression of Interest Form if you would like to receive a survey or register for an online forum please click on this link and complete and submit the form by Monday 20 November and a survey or meeting link will be sent to you on reception.

Online Forums are scheduled for

English    Wednesday 29 November 9.00-10.00 am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 420 553 817 498

Passcode: Jwm4vf

Mathematics   Wednesday 29 November 10.30-11.30 am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 444 625 195 013

Passcode: x46aQD

Ancient History   Friday 1 December 1-1.25 pm

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 433 538 301 316

Passcode: 5A7zir

Modern History   Friday 1 December 1.30 -2.00 pm

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 433 538 301 316

Passcode: 5A7zir

Have Your Say Submissions

The syllabus for each course has been placed on the CSNSW Reform Hub, and teachers of these courses are encouraged to voice their professional opinion on the future of the Stage 6 curriculum via the Have Your Say Surveys which can be accessed via this link.

The consultation period will remain open till 18 December.

Please contact Joanne Hack via email here  if you have questions regarding any aspect of the Curriculum Reform.

HSC Data Analysis Seminar (Ref: 272/23)

Teachers, school leaders, and system officers are invited to attend a series of seminars presented by Dr John DeCourcy, discussing the intricacies and importance of understanding and analysing the 2023 HSC Data.

The Seminar Programme spans the following 4 seminars, some with multiple times, and each with a particular audience in mind. Those thinking of registering are reminded to ensure they have a functioning NetID login and that they can access both the HSC Data Analysis Users portal and an online Tutorial within that portal designed to support intending participants.

More information about the tutorial, prerequisites, and the entire programme can be found here: Seminars-2024-outline

Please see below for the date and time of each seminar with registration links.

Diocesan Officers’ Overview

Who: Diocesan & Congregational system officers.
When: Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: The Assembly, Mezzanine level, 123 Pitt St, Sydney.

Programme description: this seminar will take participants through using the system-level reports in conjunction with school reports to support schools. There will be opportunities for cross-system sharing and a discussion of key features of the 2023 HSC. A NESA representative will also be present to talk briefly about the 2023 results.

Register here: Overview | Catholic Schools NSW (

HSC Analysis #1: Introduction to the Analysis

Who: Teachers, KLA coordinators, school leaders and interested persons who have not previously attended an HSC seminar.
1.  Tuesday 13 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
2. Friday 23 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description:  This seminar proposes to discuss why and how data should be used within schools to shape the direction of pedagogy. It will also cover an introduction to the idea of Comparative Learning Gain and how this can be used to understand HSC data.

Register here:
1. Introduction | Catholic Schools NSW ( – first session
2. Introduction | Catholic Schools NSW ( – second session

HSC Analysis #2: A detailed reading of your Analysis

Who: Experienced users, including teachers, coordinators, APs or Principals who have previously attended at least one HSC Analysis Seminar.
1. Thursday 15 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
2. Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description: Participants will have the opportunity to spend the majority of the seminar in a detailed, guided reading of their own school’s Analysis. This will include a consideration of ways to resolve any problems highlighted by the Analysis.

Register here:
1. Reading| Catholic Schools NSW ( – first session
2.Reading| Catholic Schools NSW ( – second session

HSC Analysis #3: Leading your school in the Analysis

Who: Principals, Aps, Leaders of Curriculum or Pedagogy and anyone with a whole school focus.
When: Monday 19 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description: This seminar will explore the intersection of leadership, data, teacher professional learning and student achievement. Participants will come away having considered a range of leadership responses to their school’s Analysis. Multiple members of a school’s senior leadership team are encouraged to attend.

Register here: Leading| Catholic Schools NSW (

Professional Learning

SAVE THE DATE – 2024 Combined Disability and Behaviour Network Symposium (Ref: 325/23)

Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to confirm the date for the 2024 Combined Disability and Behaviour Symposium, as Friday 10 May 2024.

Further details about guest speakers for the symposium will be shared soon; please save the date so that you don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Registrations will open in February 2024.


NCEC Maths Webinars (Ref: 323/23)

The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) has recently produced a series of six primary mathematics webinars which focus on Effective Mathematics Teaching.

This professional learning series is designed to be used by the leaders of primary schools to help improve mathematics teaching and learning.

The first webinar gives a series of tips for leaders in primary schools on how to improve mathematical understanding. In the next five webinars, three to five questions are examined across various stage levels.

You can access the Resources here, and you can find more information on the NCEC website.


Anzac Memorial and NSW Parliament Joint Teacher Preview (Ref: 319/23)

Join the NSW Parliament and Anzac Memorial Education teams at the Joint Teacher Preview evening on Thursday, 7 December!

Visit the NSW Parliament’s historic Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council Chambers, explore excursion options for your students, and discover teaching resources specially developed for teaching the HSIE History K-6 syllabus and the Stage 6 Legal Studies syllabus.

Experience how the Anzac Memorial’s Learning Team uses live theatre and creative expression to bring Anzac stories to life across the History, English and Creative Arts syllabuses.

Discover excursion options for Stages 2-6, exploring Australians at war, community and remembrance. Learn about the history of the building and the meaning behind its art and architecture.

The program ends with an opportunity to connect with your colleagues over drinks.

Thursday, December 7, 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Commencing at: NSW Parliament House, 6 Macquarie St, Sydney

Followed by: Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park

Register now:


Resources for Learning

ACARA NEW key curriculum Opt-in online assessments available from 2024 (Ref: 322/23)

From 2024, Australian schools can opt-in Year 6 and Year 10 students to take part in NAP Opt-in assessments in key curriculum areas.

Participation in NAP sample assessments is still required by those schools selected as sample schools.

These new optional assessments are part of the National Assessment Program and will be phased in over 3 years, starting with science literacy in 2024, with civics and citizenship added in 2025, followed by ICT literacy in 2026. From 2026, NAP Opt-in assessments in all 3 domains will be available each year.

The assessments are run directly by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and its appointed contractors. There is no fee for schools registering to take part.

Schools choosing to take part in NAP Opt-in assessments will be able to:

  • Measure student performance against national standards in key curriculum areas beyond literacy and numeracy.
  • Use the results (available only to the participating school) to review, plan and adapt teaching and learning programs.
  • Run the assessments using the online platform at a time that suits them in the testing window, which in 2024 will run from Monday 6 May – Friday 31 May.
  • Schools receive results and provide principals with school-level reports  July -August 2024.

Schools have the option to enrol both Year 6 and Year 10 students, or one year, or individual classes of students within either year. When schools enrol full-year cohorts, they benefit from more data for school-wide planning.

Schools interested in taking part are encouraged to complete a short Expression of Interest form, available here, by 8 December 2023.

Formal registration for the assessment will open on 26 March 2024 and close on 30 April 2024.

More information for schools is available here and in the NAP Opt-in assessment information for schools sheet here.

For further information, please contact Karen Ferrante via email here.


School Updates & Newsletter

Sextortion safety information from the Australian Federal Police (326/23)

In the lead up to the end of year school holidays, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) is asking education departments to share important safety information within their departments and school communities to help prevent sextortion.

Sextortion is a form of online blackmail where someone tricks or coerces you into sending sexual images of yourself and then threatens to share the images unless you comply with their demands. The ACCCE is receiving around 300 reports of financial sextortion per month, with the majority of reports involving 13-17-year-olds. There are serious safety concerns for victims, with instances of self-harm attributed to this crime.

The ACCCE has a number of resources to support school communities including:

  • Downloadable posters
  • Animations
  • ThinkUKnow online blackmail and sexual extortion response kit
  • Messaging kits and social media assets

To continue raising awareness of this issue amongst young Australians, the ACCCE recently launched a new education initiative to increase sextortion support for young people alongside Kids Helpline, Meta and US youth prevention program NoFiltr.

For more information and access to resources visit

Online child sexual exploitation, including sextortion, can be reported to

The ACCCE would like to remind victims of this crime they will never be in trouble for seeking help at any stage, even if they have already sent images and paid money.