Priority Items

Hosting HSC Exam Centres and Voting Centres for the Referendum ​​​​​​​(Ref: 238/23)

NESA has advised of the arrangements for schools hosting HSC exam centres and voting centres for the Voice Referendum on Saturday, 14 October.

NESA’s key messages to schools and exam staff are that:

  • schools and school sectors remain responsible for exam venues;
  • NESA’s usual and strict protocols remain in place for the secure collection and storage of exam materials on Friday, 13 October;
  • Presiding Officers will be briefed and prepared to follow usual procedures; and
  • School staff should follow their school and sector advice when liaising with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to prepare voting venues and return them to normal for exams on Monday, 16 October.

For further information, schools can contact NESA at [email protected].

Professional Learning

AI in Education Mini Conference (Ref: 237/23)

Western Sydney University’s School of Education invites you to connect with like-minded educators at the upcoming mini conference AI in Education. Participants who attend this conference will have the opportunity to explore the possibilities and challenges AI presents in education, build capacity in using AI technologies for learning and teaching, and hear from experts in the field, including Professor Matt Bower from Macquarie University.

Topics to be explored:

  • AI literacy and fluency
  • Ethics of AI use in education
  • Practical application in classrooms
  • Assessment in the post-AI world
  • The role of the AI-powered educator

Time: Monday, 13 November 2023, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Click here to register.


Disability Standards for Education: New AITSL Resources (Ref: 234/23)

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has developed a range of resources to help teachers and school leaders better understand and meet their obligations under the Disability Standards for Education (DSE). The DSE specify how education is to be made accessible to students with disability and cover a range of issues, including enrolment, participation and curriculum development. Indeed, the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Teacher Standards) make explicit the teaching practices required to support full participation of students with disability in education.

However, adhering to the DSE, embedding the Teacher Standards and meeting the needs of students with disability can be a complex process. The DSE resources developed by AITSL provide effective strategies ith respect to determining and making reasonable adjustments, differentiation and inclusive teaching practices.

You can find the AITSL resources here.


2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations - Preliminary Information (Ref: 233/23)

The following information is provided to schools in preparation of their 2024 school calendars:

  • The 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are scheduled for Monday 5th August to Monday 19th August with a security period up to and including 8am, Thursday 22nd August 2024.
  • The 2024 dates for online ordering examinations including disability provisions are available on the CSSA website here. Note these dates in 2024 executive school calendar.
  • The 2024 DRAFT CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable will be available on the CSSA website from Week 2, Term 2 2024.


Positive Schools 2023 Wellbeing in Action Conference (Ref: 231/23)

The Positive Schools Wellbeing in Action Conference runs from 25 October to 27 October 2023 in Sydney.

Register now via the Positive Schools website:

There is a full 25% discount for NSW Catholic school teachers and leaders on conference registration fees. Simply use the discount code CATHPOSITIVE23 when registering.

This code is only valid until 6th October. NESA professional accreditation hours are available upon completion of the conference. Visit the Positive Schools website for more details.

Download the event brochure here.


New Resources for Schools on Digital and Media Literacy (Ref: 228/23)

The Australian Government has entered into a funding agreement with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, to make their range of digital and media literacy education products available to all Australian schools. This has taken shape in the form of the eSmart website.

These resources are designed to equip students with the necessary tools for navigating the online world. The products are aligned to the curriculum and come paired with supporting resources to help teachers develop the confidence and skills to deliver them in classrooms.

For more information, please contact eSmart via email


Resources for Learning

New Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources from ACARA (Ref: 239/23)

A new online resource for teachers to help students develop their understanding of the factors that influence their mental health and wellbeing and that of others has been developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), working with experts from Beyond Blue and Headspace. The new ‘Curriculum Connection’ resource means teachers will now be better equipped to teach about mental health and wellbeing through the Australian Curriculum learning areas, including Health and Physical Education, Digital Technologies, English, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and the Arts.

The mental health and wellbeing resource has been developed with the aim of equipping young Australians with an understanding of the importance of:

  • connectedness and belonging;
  • the ability to manage themself and their interactions with others;
  • accessing reliable and timely information and services to manage health and safety; and
  • engaging in health-enhancing behaviours such as healthy eating, physical activity and sleep.

Access the resources here. 


Scholarships and Awards

Nominations for the 2023 Dr David Dufty Award (Ref: 232/23)

The nominations for the  2023 Dr David Dufty Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Society and Culture have been extended to 13 October. 

Teachers of Society and Culture in NSW are invited to apply for, or peer nominate a colleague for the Dr David Dufty Award. This award is conferred annually and presented yearly at the Society and Culture Awards evening. The successful recipient will receive the Society and Culture medal.

This award is by either self-nomination or peer nomination. If peer nominated, the SCA will contact the nominee to gather evidence. Nominee Information is to be submitted to [email protected] prior to Friday 13 October 2023.

See the full nominee criteria and form here.

The recipient of this year’s Dr David Dufty Award will be announced on Thursday, 14th December 2023.
