Priority Items

HSC Analysis – Working with Student Groups (Ref: 079)

Catholic Schools New South Wales highlights two powerful tools to assist in the process of analysing HSC results. The document below discusses how the Results Analysis Package (RAP) and Catholic Schools New South Wales HSC Analysis Project (DeCourcy) uses groups as a means of digging deeper into the data.

Click here for a description of how this can be done.

AEDC Teacher and School Packs (Ref: 080/21)

The 2021 AEDC data collection starts in Term 2. Schools will receive their School Leader and Teacher packs in the mail shortly, to assist in their preparation and planning for the AEDC.

If your school hasn’t received your packs by the end of March please contact the AEDC Helpdesk – [email protected]

The AEDC 2021 NSW list of key dates for schools can be found here

Further information about the 2021 AEDC data collection can be found here

Minister for Education and Youth "Being our best: Returning Australia to the top group of education nations" (Ref: 073/21)

The Hon Alan Tudge MP, Minister for Education and Youth, delivered his first major address on schooling. The speech focused on school standards and academic performance.

Being our best: Returning Australia to the top group of education nations

11 March 2021

Click here 

SAVE THE DATE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Education NSW State Conference 2022 (Ref: 074/21)

The next Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Education NSW State Conference will be held in 2022, from 11-13 October 2022 (SAVE THE DATE).

Catholic Schools NSW and Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta look forward to welcoming you to what will be a very special gathering and journey on the land of the Darug and Gundungurra people.

Catholic School Liturgies and Music Copyright (Ref: 075/21)

The Australian Pastoral Musicians Network (APMN) has recently sought to provide Catholic education directors across Australia with advice on Catholic school liturgies and music copyright. The APMN advice relates to whether schools can rely on their APRA AMCOS licences for the use of music in any religious activity or service. This is a longstanding matter that has been the subject of numerous exchanges over the last few years. Urgent advice on this matter has been sought from the National Copyright Unit, which is the national body representing all Australian schools sectors with respect to copyright issues.

The National Copyright Unit and their legal advisers, Minter Ellison, are preparing a response on this matter. When further advice about this matter is available, an update will be shared. In the meantime, further information can be sought from the Catholic Schools New South Wales Legal Hotline on 1800 4Catholic Schools New South Wales (1800 427 679).


Recommendation regarding excursions Ref: (072/21)

Due to a number of health and safety concerns, the Department of Education and Training is recommending that education and care services do not visit the following venues for excursions or other activities until further notice:

  • Adventureland – 44 Ton O Fun Road, Darawank
  • Outdoor Education NSW – Morisset 30 Nentoura Road, Morisset
  • Outdoor Education NSW – The Mountain 2154 Wisemans Ferry Rd Mangrove Mountain
  • Outdoor Education NSW – Outdoor Centre Wyee
  • Nepean Adventure Centre – 71 Dredge Avenue, Douglas Park

For any questions or concerns relating to this advice, contact the department at [email protected] or by calling 1800 619 113.

Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards 2021 (Ref: 66/21)

The Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards 2021

There will be 12 recipients.

The Awards have been created by the Commonwealth Bank and Schools Plus to recognise and celebrate excellence in teaching and school leadership.

Hosted by Adam Spencer, the event will cross live to the teachers and principals in their schools, from remote regions of Australia to the inner-city hubs.

The ceremony will give an exclusive insight into the transformative work of outstanding teachers across Australia and will feature messages from special guests.

Date:         Friday 19th March
Time:         12:15pm – 1:15pm AEDT

You will need to register using your own details and use this password when prompted: 2021TeachingAwards 


CSSA Trial HSC Examinations 2021 (Ref: 062/21)

This advice is provided to clarify that:

CSSA Trial HSC Examinations is a division of Catholic Schools NSW.

Registered schools with CSSA should have received the 2021 Principal Information Package.

  • 2021 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations ordering online became available as of Week 4, Term 1.
  • The 2021 Draft CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable is now available on the CSSA website.
  • The 2021 Final CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be available on the CSSA website in Week 1, Term 2.
  • The processes and procedures for the creation and distribution of the CSSA Trial HSC Examinations will remain in place for 2021.
  • Please note the process for invoicing has been updated. This has been noted on the CSSA website Notice Board for all registered schools and in the 2021 Principal Information Package.
  • Ordering is available until Friday 30 April 2021, 5pm (week 2, Term 2). If ordering, please kindly complete one order (only) inclusive of all required subjects.
  • School data can be changed by individual schools via the CSSA website |Account Settings.

Relevant personnel in CSSA registered schools should ensure that school data available on the CSSA website is checked and updated, as necessary. This will ensure that your School’s address, phone number, email address and contact details are correct – this information is critical for the delivery of CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Remember to click on “SAVE” at the end of the process.

If you have not received the 2021 Principal Information Package, please contact [email protected] for assistance.


Professional Learning

Let’s talk about…Principal Wellbeing (Ref: 068)

Thursday 25 March 9.30-10.30 (One session only)

Principals are invited to a one-hour session with Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist, in the Zoom room to talk about setting themselves up for ‘wellbeing success’. Last year the series was incredibly well received and Catholic Schools NSW has made the decision to continue to support this initiative throughout 2021.

To register follow the two-step process below:

Step 1:  (if you have not already been to the Catholic Schools New South Wales dashboard)

Step 2:

For access issues please contact [email protected]

For any other information please contact Mary Ryan [email protected] or 0409606437



Catholic Schools New South Wales Sector NCCD Cross Moderation Training (Ref: 077/21)

Audience: Participants from systemic and non-systemic Catholic schools and offices across NSW including staff in schools (teachers, school counsellors, middle leaders) and diocesan office staff working in the area of disability.

Registration: Separate registration links for each event will be sent to disability contacts in RI/PJP schools and Catholic School Offices prior to end-of-term.


Tuesday 4 May

  • Whole day, face-to-face event (9 am – 3 pm)
  • Sydney Masonic Centre (sorry no remote access available – please refer to Thursday 6 May webinar repeat)
  • Agenda for the day will include
      • Session 1: NESA Curriculum options for Students with Disability (presented by Marina Laing)
      • Session 2: Imputed Disability focus – Base Line Moderating Activities
      • Session 3: Imputed Disability Focus – Cross Moderating Activities


90-minute sessions via video conference, with large group forum participation and small break-out rooms for baseline moderation activities and cross moderation of self-nominated school case studies.

  • Thursday 6 May: 3pm to 4:30pm – Imputed Disability Focus (repeat of session 2 and 3 from Tuesday 4 May)
  • Monday 10 May: 3pm to 4:30pm – Physical Category Focus
  • Wednesday 12 May: 8:30am to 10am and 3pm to 4:30pm (2 repeat sessions) – Mental Health Category Focus
  • Thursday 13 May: 3pm to 4:30pm – Sensory Category Focus
  • Tuesday 18 May: 8:30am to 10am and 3pm to 4:30pm (2 repeat sessions) – Autism Category Focus
  • Thursday 20 May: 8:30am to 10am and 3pm to 4:30pm (2 repeat sessions) – Cognitive Category Focus

Further information on all session please contact [email protected]


K-2 English & Mathematics Curriculum Reform Webinar Recording (Ref: 069/21)

If you missed the K-2 English & Mathematics Curriculum Reform Webinar that was hosted by Catholic Schools NSW featuring special guests from NESA, the Webinar is available as a video until 6 April 2021.

In the video, Catholic Schools New South Wales and NESA explore the draft outcomes and content for K-2 English and Mathematics. The video contains a discussion of the rationale for the changes and what to expect when the material is released for consultation.


School Newsletter

Child Safety Handbook (Ref: 065/21)

The latest digital edition of the Child Safety Handbook is now available with updates from government departments on road safety and internet safety.

Please share in your school newsletter.

Resources to educate students about the Census (Ref: 067/21)

The ABS has developed Census lesson guides, which are for anyone who wants to teach their students about the Census: what it is, why it’s important, and how they can take part. Included in the lesson guides is information for teachers as well as activities that students can complete.

The activities are suitable for a range of students, including:

  • students learning English, including those attending migrant English programs or adult literacy programs
  • culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in upper primary and secondary schools and at TAFEs
  • any context where people want to learn about Australian culture – for example at community centres, mothers’ groups and so on.

The lesson guides are divided into three themes:
1. What is the Census?
2. How the Census helps people
3. How do I fill in the Census form?

Please share the Lesson guides and accompanying worksheets.

ABS – Lesson guides_FA

ABS – Worksheet – How the Census helps people _(level 1)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – How the Census helps people _(level 2)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – How the Census helps people _(level 3)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – Learning about the Census form _(level 1)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – Learning about the Census form _(level 2)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – Learning about the Census form _(level 3)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – What is the Census (level 1)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – What is the Census (level 2)_FA

ABS – Worksheet – What is the Census (level 3)_FA


Feedback is encouraged

Educational resources to help Australians remember (Ref: 78/21)

Schools and community groups around the nation will soon start receiving educational materials and creative resources to help commemorate Anzac Day.

Media Release

World Hearing Day (Ref: 070/21)

This year the World Health Organisation are amplifying the message Screen, Rehabilitate, Communicate.

Sound Scouts has invited schools to share the call to action to screen for hearing loss. The Sound Scouts app allows all schools and families to take part in this initiative.

They are accepting bookings for the Sydney 2021 school screening program.

68th Annual RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration (Ref: 51/21)

The RSL & Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration is coordinated by the Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW), the NSW Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW and the NSW Association of Independent Schools.

In 2021 the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration will be held virtually due to the ongoing health pandemic, this however will allow students to still honour the service and sacrifice of our servicemen and women.

A video will be produced of the service which will be available for your school to play to students the week of ANZAC Day, Monday 19 to Friday 23 April 2021. This virtual service will be approximately 30 minutes long.

The interactive components will include the opportunity for a student to recite The Ode and also for a floral tribute to be laid locally. More information on how this can be incorporated during the service will be sent with the video.

We ask that you please register your schools’ interest in receiving the video by providing your details via the following link by 26 March 2021.

Please use this link to register

Distribution of the video will occur by 19 April 2021.

Please contact Gerard Delany (State Manager – Education Policy and Program) of this office ([email protected]) or phone 02 9287 1549 if you have questions/advice.

Veg up your school in 2021! (Ref: 56/21)

Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch is back for 2021.

A free, school-based health promotion event that helps to encourage students, and their families, to eat more vegetables.

The event has ready-to-go resources to help with: planning and preparing for the event; educating your students on vegetables; promoting vegetables to students and families; communicating your plans to parents and the wider school community.

Register now so you can receive the resources straight away and start getting ready for the fun!

Vegetable Week is on during Week 8 of Term 1 – from Monday 15 March to Friday 19 March 2021

The Big Vegie Crunch: 10am on Thursday 18 March.

For more details and to register, visit the Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch webpage.