Professional Learning

HSC Data Analysis Seminars (Ref: 272/23)

Teachers, school leaders, and system officers are invited to attend a series of seminars presented by Dr John DeCourcy, discussing the intricacies and importance of understanding and analysing the 2023 HSC Data.

The Seminar Programme spans the following 4 seminars, some with multiple times, and each with a particular audience in mind. Those thinking of registering are reminded to ensure they have a functioning NetID login and that they can access both the HSC Data Analysis Users portal and an online Tutorial within that portal designed to support intending participants.

More information about the tutorial, prerequisites, and the entire programme can be found here: Seminars-2024-outline

Please see below for the date and time of each seminar with registration links.

Diocesan Officers’ Overview

Who: Diocesan & Congregational system officers.
When: Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: The Assembly, Mezzanine level, 123 Pitt St, Sydney.

Programme description: this seminar will take participants through using the system-level reports in conjunction with school reports to support schools. There will be opportunities for cross-system sharing and a discussion of key features of the 2023 HSC. A NESA representative will also be present to talk briefly about the 2023 results.

Register here: Overview | Catholic Schools NSW (

HSC Analysis #1: Introduction to the Analysis

Who: Teachers, KLA coordinators, school leaders and interested persons who have not previously attended an HSC seminar.
1.  Tuesday 13 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
2. Friday 23 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description:  This seminar proposes to discuss why and how data should be used within schools to shape the direction of pedagogy. It will also cover an introduction to the idea of Comparative Learning Gain and how this can be used to understand HSC data.

Register here:
1. Introduction | Catholic Schools NSW ( – first session
2. Introduction | Catholic Schools NSW ( – second session

HSC Analysis #2: A detailed reading of your Analysis

Who: Experienced users, including teachers, coordinators, APs or Principals who have previously attended at least one HSC Analysis Seminar.
1. Thursday 15 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
2. Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description: Participants will have the opportunity to spend the majority of the seminar in a detailed, guided reading of their own school’s Analysis. This will include a consideration of ways to resolve any problems highlighted by the Analysis.

Register here:
1. Reading| Catholic Schools NSW ( – first session
2.Reading| Catholic Schools NSW ( – second session

HSC Analysis #3: Leading your school in the Analysis

Who: Principals, Aps, Leaders of Curriculum or Pedagogy and anyone with a whole school focus.
When: Monday 19 February 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Macquarie University City Campus, Level 24, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Programme description: This seminar will explore the intersection of leadership, data, teacher professional learning and student achievement. Participants will come away having considered a range of leadership responses to their school’s Analysis. Multiple members of a school’s senior leadership team are encouraged to attend.

Register here: Leading| Catholic Schools NSW (


'Engaged Classroom' Resources - Free Evidence-based Resources for Teachers (Ref: 341/23)

The free resources will help teachers starting out, those working in new environments, and experienced teachers who want to refine or refresh their classroom management practice.

A further two sets of classroom management resources for teachers will be released in 2024.

The first suite of professional learning resources includes easily accessible evidence explainers and adaptable best practice guides. Future resources will include video demonstrations, mentoring guides and support for school leaders.

The first set of resources is available on the Australian Education Research Organisation website.


Results Analysis Training 2024 (Ref: 334/23)

Teachers are encouraged to take advantage of online training on 13 February 2024 which aims at developing an understanding of Results Analysis and how to use the Results Analysis Package (RAP) data sets to create teaching and learning goals.

This training will be provided by NESA staff and there are sessions suitable for both beginners and those at an intermediate stage.

Session: An Introduction to the Results Analysis Package (Beginners)
Date: Tuesday 13 February 2024
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Register via this link.

Session: An Introduction to the Results Analysis Package (Intermediate)
Date: Tuesday 13 February 2024
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Register via this link.


Online Safety Considerations for Generative AI in Education (Ref: 338/23)

Register for eSafety Commissioner’s new 30-minute Gen AI and online safety education professional learning webinars for teachers and school leaders.

Two sessions will be held:

Monday 29 January from 2:00-2:30 pm

Tuesday 30 January from 2:00-2:30 pm

Click here to register for either session.

Access eSafety’s AI position paper here: Generative AI – position statement | eSafety Commissioner


School Updates & Newsletter

Latest Information Now Live on My School Website (Ref: 343/23)

Parents, carers and wider school communities can now access the latest individual school information on the My School website, which has been updated for 2023 with the latest school-level NAPLAN data and new profile information on schools.

The December 2023 My School update includes:

• 2023 NAPLAN results for schools
• 2023 school profile and population data
• 2023 school attendance data for Semester 1
• 2022 school financial information, including capital expenditure and funding sources
• 2022 vocational education training participation and outcomes
• 2022 year 12 certifications

Student progress data for 2021–2023 is not available due to the resetting of the NAPLAN measurement scale and earlier assessment of students, as data from this year onwards cannot be compared to pre-2023 data. However, school leaders, teachers, parents and carers can still view NAPLAN performance data relative to socio-educational advantage by school on the NAPLAN results page.

My School’s Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) indicates the average educational advantage of each school’s students. It is calculated using information about parents/carers’ occupations and education, school geographical location and the proportion of Indigenous students. A school’s ICSEA value is provided to encourage taking socio-educational advantage into account when comparing school achievement.

Scholarships and Awards

National Awards for Intercultural Excellence (1/24)

The National Awards for Intercultural Excellence is a new initiative from Together For Humanity to recognise high school student champions, as well as teachers, teams, or schools who demonstrate leadership, passion and influence in intercultural or interfaith concepts or issues.

In 2024, the National Awards will recognise students, teachers, teams or schools from across Australia championing inclusion, and intercultural or interfaith initiatives within their school communities.

To nominate for the Awards, please complete student/student team or teacher/school team nomination form and principal endorsement form and submit a short video to Kate at Nominations close March 2024.

Please use the following resources to nominate your champion:


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Scholarship Program 2024 (Ref: 329/23)

Applications are now open for TAFE and University scholarships from Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. Students who are from rural and regional areas or who are experiencing financial difficulty can apply for a variety of scholarships to support them in pursuing a tertiary education.

These scholarships include:

  • Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Uni Scholarship for rural and regional students – 12 scholarships of $6,500 per student, per year, for two years.
  • Bendigo Bank TAFE Scholarship for rural and regional students – Five scholarships of $5,000 per student, per year, for two years.
  • Robert Johanson Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Board Scholarship – One scholarship of $8,000 per year, for two years.
  • Bendigo Bank Indigenous Scholarship Program – Four scholarships of $6,500 per student, per year, for two years for those studying at either university or TAFE.
  • Rural Bank Agribusiness Scholarship – Six scholarships of $6,000 per student, per year, for two years. Two $3,000 TAFE scholarships for one year are also available. Students must demonstrate a desire to contribute to the Australian agricultural sector.

Students also have the option of apply for scholarships from several Community Banks across Australia.

Most applications for scholarships will close by the end of January 2024.

Students can apply for the above listed scholarships here: Home Page – Bendigo Bank (

Students can apply for Community Bank scholarships here: Scholarship – Foundation (




