Results Analysis Training (RAP) - Tuesday 14 February 2023 (Ref: 6/23)
Catholic Schools NSW has partnered with NESA to offer RAP training to staff in our schools.
The training is available at two levels:
a) An introductory course for those new to RAP, and
b) An intermediate course for those with prior experience seeking to improve their skills.
The courses will be delivered via Zoom on Tuesday 14 February 2023 and will run concurrently starting at 2:30 pm.
Register to the seminars via the link here:
Please feel free to contact Gary Molloy should you require any further detail or clarification: [email protected].
HSC Data Analysis Seminar Programme, Jan-Feb 2023 (Ref: 278/22)
A seminar program will run during January and February 2023 concerning the analysis of the upcoming HSC results, will be of interest to teachers, principals, and leaders of curriculum or pedagogy. Three different seminars will be offered providing general information regarding analysis, a more detailed look at particular results for your school and ways in which principals and school leaders can guide their schools using the results.
Seminar registration:
Online training:
See below for more information in relation to on prerequisites and how to register.
Please feel free to contact Gary Molloy should you require any further detail or clarification: [email protected].
NetID Registration
Before attending any of the face-to-face seminars listed below, it is essential that every participant has a functioning NetID logon, and have been able to use that to access both the HSC Data Analysis Users portal, and within that the online Tutorial (see below). Access to the Complete Report for your school is not enough!
The Online Tutorial
Before attending any of the face-to-face seminars listed below, it will be extremely useful for intending participants to have completed the online tutorial which has been created to support users of the HSC Data Analysis. It is accessed within the HSC Data Analysis Users portal: on the LHS of the portal, click on “Tutorial” then “HSC Analysis Online Tutorial Modules” then “Access CSNSW online PL here”. Go to “NESA Elective PD”, and scroll down to “CSNSW HSC Analysis Online”.
The tutorial consists of 17 modules each of which takes the user through a different aspect of the Analysis. Each module consists of a short video followed by a 3-question quiz.
While teachers can complete the tutorial solo, by far the best professional learning comes from undertaking them with a colleague. Work through both the content and the quiz together and look at examples of what is provided in each video within your school’s own Analysis. It’s in the discussion that the learning occurs.
Prerequisite Requirements
Please carefully note the target group information associated with each course below.
HSC Analysis #1: Introduction to the Analysis
Target group: Teachers, KLA coordinators and others who have not previously attended an HSC seminar, and for those who have but who want to ‘brush up’ on the main ideas behind the Analysis. It’s very handy if two or more people from the same school can enrol for the same seminar.
When: Offered twice, on both occasions at Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St.
• Thursday 2nd February 2023, 9am – 3pm
• Monday 20th February 2023, 9am – 3pm
Program: Why and how we should use data within schools to shape the direction of pedagogy. What we are trying to do with the Analysis, and how does it fit with the Board’s RAP? The idea of Comparative Learning Gain, and how it can be used to understand HSC data. A guided reading of your school’s Analysis.
Preparation: Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.
Accreditation: Completing Introduction to the Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Register for Thu 2 Feb here: Introduction 2 Feb
Register for Mon 20 Feb here: Introduction 20 Feb
HSC Analysis #2: A detailed reading of your Analysis
Target group: Experienced users – any teacher, coordinator, AP or Principal who has previously attended at least one HSC Analysis Seminar. Applicants will be asked to nominate the year in which they attended the earlier seminar.
When: Offered twice, on both occasions at Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St.
• Monday 6th February 2023, 9am-3pm
• Thursday 16th February 2023, 9am-3pm
Program: The background data theory covered in HSC Analysis #1 will be assumed knowledge. After a brief revision of the main underlying premise of the Analysis, participants will spend most of this seminar in a detailed, guided reading of their own school’s Analysis, surfacing the questions in it and considering ways to resolution.
Preparation: Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.
Accreditation: Completing A Detailed Reading of your Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Register for 6th Feb here: Detailed Read 6 Feb
Register for 16th Feb here: Detailed Read 16 Feb
HSC Analysis #3: Leading your school in the Analysis
Target group: Principals, APs, Leaders of Curriculum or Pedagogy: those who have a whole-school focus rather than a one-KLA or year group. This program is targeted at senior leadership teams: principals with whoever in the school has carriage of leading the use of the Analysis and the necessary professional learning within the school.
When: Tuesday 14th February 2023, 9am-3pm
Where: Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney
Program: We will explore the intersection of leadership, data, teacher professional learning and student achievement. The idea of the seminar is to surface the questions that come from a reading of the school’s Analysis, and then to consider leadership responses to the issues that surface. Because leadership is essentially a team function, it is very useful if two or more members of a school’s senior leadership team can attend this seminar together.
Preparation: Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.
Accreditation: Completing Leading the Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.4 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher or Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Register for 14th Feb here: Leading the Analysis 14 Feb
APPLY NOW: Japanese Government 2023 MEXT Scholarship - Teacher Training Category (Ref: 1/23)
The Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship 2023 Teacher Training Category is now open!
This scholarship offers Australian teachers of primary school, high school or college level the opportunity to conduct research on school education at designated Japanese universities as “Teacher Training Students”.
Applications are open to teachers who were born on or after 2 April 1988, have graduated from a university or Teachers’ College and have 5+ years of teaching experience. Applicants will also be required to take Japanese and English exams and must demonstrate a sufficient level of Japanese language ability to be able to receive research guidance in Japanese.
Hard-copy application documents are due at the Embassy of Japan in Canberra by 5PM (AEDT) on Friday 17 February 2023.
More information and application forms are available on the Embassy of Japan in Canberra website here.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Embassy via [email protected] or (02) 6272 7252.
SAVE THE DATE! Friday 28 April 2023 – Early Years Symposium (Ref: 282/22)
In term one this year, Catholic Schools NSW is holding the inaugural ‘Early Years Symposium’.
Registration for the event will go live on the Catholic Schools NSW PL Platform with more information to come shortly.
On Friday 28 April 2023, keynote speaker Nathan Wallis will present at the Symposium, along with Sue Larkey, Professor Tricia Eadie with more speakers to be announced.
Early childhood and early years primary school teachers are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact Mr Sean Maloney – Senior Education Officer ([email protected])
NESA Resources - Familiarisation with the new syllabuses (Ref: 07/23)
Following the release of a number of new syllabuses in Term 4, 2022, NESA has developed some videos designed to be used during the schools’ staff development days, to familiarise teachers with the following syllabuses:
- English 3-6
- Mathematics 3-6
- English 7-10
- Mathematics 7-10
- Modern and Classical Languages K-10
The videos can be accessed through this link, where you will also find the video transcripts in Microsoft Word format.
Safer Internet Day (Ref: 4/23)
Promoting online safety is a challenge. In 2022 the ESafety Commissioner reported almost 50% of children using the internet were bullied or treated badly online and 47% of 14-17 year olds had received sexual messages. Join the ESafety Commission to promote Safer Internet Day on February 7 and support online safety at school and home.
Free resources and campaign kit can be found here.
eSafety Educator Support (Ref: 8/23)
eSafety Champions are teachers, wellbeing professionals, or staff representatives who make online safety a priority in their schools. Every Champion in the network is given the skills, tools, and knowledge to keep their school safe online.
Click this link to find out more information or to sign up to the network.
You can contact Nathan Smith here for enquiries about the network.
National Online Safety Education Council (Ref: 3/23)
CSNSW recently joined with other education authorities and peak bodies from all sectors and states/territories to participate in the inaugural meeting of the National Online Safety Education Council that was led by the eSafety Commissioner.
The Council aims to fight the rising tide of online harms in school communities throughout Australia. It will meet regularly to boost cooperation among educators, addressing a range of interconnected harms occurring in Australian classrooms, school yards and homes.
If you would like to provide feedback to this Council, please contact the CSNSW representative: Ben Smith, Head of Mission, Identity and Civics.
2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations (Ref: 16/23)
The CSSA, a division of Catholic Schools NSW, creates premium CSSA Trial HSC Examinations by education experts. Our contributors have syllabus expertise and extensive teaching experience to create Trial HSC Examinations.
The CSSA has posted a Letter to the Principal containing essential information regarding the 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. If a Principal requires technological assistance with sign-in to their registered school account in the CSSA website, please email [email protected] There is a CSNSW verification process in place to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of each Principal and their registered school account with the CSSA.
Key Dates to assist schools:
- The 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable is from Monday 31st July to Monday 14th August with a security period up to and including 8am, Thursday 17 August
- The 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Principal Information Package will be emailed to Principals on Friday 10 February
- 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations online ordering is available as of 9am, Monday 13 February and until 5pm, Thursday 6 April (Week 11, Term 1)
- Schools must contact the CSSA regarding CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Disability Provisions by 9am, Friday 31st March (Week 10, Term 1)
- The 2023 Draft CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be provided in the Principal Information Package and then made available on the CSSA website
- The 2023 Final CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be emailed to Principals in Week 1, Term 2 and then made available on the CSSA website
CSSA website and individual School Accounts:
School data in School Accounts with the CSSA must be kept up-to-date by individual schools via the CSSA website | Account Settings.
Relevant personnel in CSSA registered schools should ensure that school data available and fields of information on the CSSA website is checked, updated and completed as necessary. This will ensure that your School’s address, phone number, email address and contact details are correct – this information is critical for communication with schools and the secure delivery of CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Remember to click on the “SAVE” button at the end of the process.
Harmony Week Resources and Competitions (Ref: 12/23)
Harmony Week runs between Monday 20 March – Sunday 26 March and Harmony Day is Tuesday 21 March 2023. The day provides us with an opportunity to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community.
Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country — from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world. Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live.
An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collectively, these traditions have enriched our nation.
Support Harmony Week in your school with resources found here.
Students are also invited to participate in the Harmony Day Poster Competition and the Harmony Day Songwriting Competition.
Competitions close on Friday 14 April 2023.
2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations: Expressions of Interest for an Assessor (Ref:15/23)
The CSSA provides teachers and students in schools throughout New South Wales, ACT and internationally with high quality Trial HSC Examinations that will provide a sound basis for their preparation for the HSC examinations later in the year. The CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are prepared by committees of practicing teachers, university lecturers and education consultants in a variety of HSC courses.
The Head of CSSA Exams is seeking expressions of interest for the following position:
An Assessor for the following 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examination
- Engineering Studies
The letter regarding the Expression of Interest requirements for the role with the CSSA and the application process is found here.
Interested applicants are asked to send a Cover Letter and current Curriculum Vitae to Monica O’Brien, Head CSSA Exams, at [email protected] by 9.00am, Wednesday 8 February 2023.
Virtual Story Time - Register NOW for free book (Ref: 9/23)
This term, Catholic Schools NSW is proud to present a virtual story time of “What Do You Call Your Grandma?” by author, Ashleigh Barton.
Shortlisted in 2022 for the Children’s Book Council of Australia awards, it is a charming and heart-warming book that celebrates the many ways we say grandma.
The virtual story time will be livestreamed into your classroom at 10:00 am Wednesday 22 March.
Be one of the first 100 teachers to register your class for the virtual story time event and you’ll receive a free copy of this delightful book!
Registrations open Tuesday 21 February…so stay tuned!
Check out the trailer below by clicking on it or click here to watch it.
For further information, please contact Sean Maloney (Senior Education Officer) here.
ESafety advice for parents - ThinkUKnow program (Ref: 13/23)
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) are urging families to be proactive this school year and update the privacy settings on children’s devices to help prevent predators from contacting them online.
The AFP-led ThinkUKnow program – Australia’s first and only nationally delivered, law enforcement-led online safety program – has produced guides for parents and carers.
- Gaming devices and what you need to know
- Parent and carer social media starter kitFor more information, visit
Shop For Good in 2023 (Ref: 14/23)
Make 2023 the year your school community – staff, students and parents – shop more sustainably. Every day there are opportunities to support businesses that are committed to make difference to people and the planet.
The Shop For Good Facebook page is an excellent resource schools can like, follow and share from to learn about everyday products that contribute to the “economy of care” encouraged by Pope Francis. It provides information and product profiles that can help individual consumers and people who make purchases on behalf of Catholic organisations nationwide to make an impact every time they spend.
Trade is central to both poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. The Fairtrade mark, for example, is the world’s most recognised ethical label. The standards that sit behind it include social and environmental sustainability, protect against modern slavery risks, promote gender equality and worker safety. When trade structures are designed with sustainable development in mind, they can boost incomes, tackle poverty, and deliver a lasting impact. By purchasing Fairtrade products, consumers are actively participating in sustainable consumption.
The variety and availability of Fairtrade certified products is growing each year in Australia. For example, all chocolate, tea and coffee products are not the same – no matter how beautiful the packaging. At Easter alone, chocolate sales in Australia soar to $200+ million but the vast majority of those products are not Fairtrade certified.
One Catholic aged-care provider reported serving 831,200 cups of tea and 150,000 cups of coffee in 2019-2020. This would indicate that collectively, Catholics consume and procure millions of cups of tea and coffee at home/work/parish, places of service and learning every day. Just imagine the potential positive impact of that spend on vulnerable people at the bottom of supply chains. Fairtrade certification also applies to other products such as cotton, gold, flowers and furniture to name a few.
Fairtrade promotes long-term relationships between buyers and farmers. These relationships can help grow employment opportunities in farming communities and provide sustainable livelihoods for farmers. Fairtrade also offers pre-financing for farmers and sets out benchmarks and standards for hired labour and gender equality.
A critical aspect of Fairtrade is the Fairtrade premium – an additional sum paid to Fairtrade Associations which is invested in community development. This investment provides critical capital to working people that can be used for improvements of products to be more competitive in the market and receive higher prices. Another example of its use is improving educational resources for children. These and many other investments directly contribute to economic growth rather than a model based on charity.
Obtaining the Fairtade mark is not easy – nor should it be. Support Fairtrade businesses who are committed to achieving the standard. Learn more about the Fairtrade standard and explore the many brands available for purchase on the Fairtrade Australia New Zealand website at:
All supermarkets carry tea, coffee and chocolate products with the Fairtrade mark. Look for the blue-green circle with a waving farmer. Purchase these products for your home, parish or workplace via your office supplies partners such as WINC and COS who regularly carry these products. If your workplace has a coffee machine, consider contracting with Sprout Coffee.
Ask your school social media or communications officer to Like, follow and share Shop For Good at