Register Now: Education Law Symposium (Ref: 95/24)
Catholic Schools NSW invites principals, heads of governance and compliance, finance officers, and others designated ‘responsible persons’ to attend the 2024 Catholic Schools NSW Education Law Symposium.
The theme of this year’s symposium is Catholic School Governance: Shaping Our Future.
The symposium will be held on Monday 15 July 2024 at the Sydney Sofitel Wentworth.
Designed for leaders in the management and governance of Catholic schools, systems, and agencies, this in-person event will explore the complex governance issues that challenge our sector and provide valuable insights and opportunities for discussion.
This year’s symposium will include keynotes, panels, and workshop sessions discussing the following topics:
- Section 83C
- Responsible Persons
- AI and Implications for School Governance
- Ministerial Public Juridic Persons
- The school curriculum
- Effective governance
- Teacher supply.
You can register here.
Register Now: CSNSW AI Symposium: Risks, Rewards and Opportunities (Ref: 89/24)
Catholic Schools NSW proudly presents the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium as part of its ongoing Professional Learning programme.
The symposium will take place on Friday, 31 May.
This timely event delves into how AI can revolutionise teaching and learning, exploring the benefits, opportunities, and challenges.
Participants will hear from industry experts in AI and education as they discuss AI’s benefits, including personalised learning experiences, enhanced student engagement, assessment, and administrative efficiency.
The symposium will also examine the associated risks and ethical considerations, such as the impact on teacher roles and student well-being. By fostering dialogue among educators, administrators, and AI experts, this symposium seeks to shape a responsible and informed approach to leveraging AI in Catholic schools, ensuring it aligns with our mission in Catholic education.
Those interested can register here.
Animal Welfare Liaison Officer Identification and Paperwork (Ref: 104/24)
The use of animals in schools for educational purposes is governed by the NSW Animal Research Act 1985 (the Act). Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) meets a requirement of the Act by issuing an Animal Research Authority to each school annually.
The details of how systems and schools meet the requirements of the Act were outlined in Memo 102 issued by Danielle Cronin (Deputy CEO CSNSW) on 26 April. Please ensure that the attached Animal Research Authority is distributed to schools and completed and retained in a centralised place within each school by Friday, 3 May 2024.
Further information can be obtained from Joanne Hack at [email protected].
Notre Dame Education Lecture Series: The State of Education (Ref: 100/24)
All those interested are encouraged to attend a public lecture to be given by Professor Tom Bennett OBE on Tuesday 14 May from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney on “The Enlightenment: the rediscovery of practice and evidence in school behaviour“.
The topic of classroom behaviour and behaviour management is becoming increasingly relevant and pressing. All education ministers in Australia mandated the teaching of behaviour management in education degrees and this lecture hopes to facilitate a broad discussion of the topic among teachers, school leaders, parents, and the wider community.
Professor Tom Bennett OBE is the founder and director of ResearchED, a non-profit organisation that runs teacher conferences about research and education. He is the UK Education Department’s independent behaviour advisor.
This lecture is one of three lectures to be given by Tom Bennett OBE on 8, 14, and 16 May. All three lectures have the option for attendance in person or online. Register here to attend: Notre Dame Education Lecture Series – register
Register Now: Early Years Symposium – Thursday 20 June 2024 (Ref: 90/24)
CSNSW invites all early childhood educators, teachers. and leaders to register for the upcoming CSNSW Early Years Symposium. The theme for the Symposium is Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years.
The Symposium will be held on Thursday, 20 June 2024, at Macquarie University City Campus L24, 123 Pitt St, Sydney, NSW.
Early childhood teachers, educators and leaders are invited to explore the current state of mental health and wellbeing in the early years and how a collective impact can work best. We know the early years of a child’s life are critical for life-long learning and wellbeing. When teachers, educators, families and community services work in partnership to support a child, we build the foundations to set a child up to thrive at school and life.
Expert speakers include Dr Justin Coulson (Psychologist and parenting expert), Dr Sharon Goldfeld (Director, Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital) and Dr Jacqueline Amos (Child, Adolescent Psychiatrist and Specialist Therapist – Strategy, Research and Innovation)
Register here.
Updated Not-for-Profit Guidelines for Non-Government Schools (Ref: 99/24)
The Education Regulation 2017 (NSW) has been updated with a new regulation under Clause 10B to clarify how certain school income and assets can be used by non-government schools to provide recognised education and care programs, including preschools, long day care and out of school hours care.
The new regulation permits non-government schools to use certain types of school income and/or assets to deliver education and care programs for current learners and future learners, without operating ‘for profit’.
Further information is also available under section 9.2 of the NFP Guidelines (2024).
Privacy Awareness Week (Ref: 94/24)
Privacy Awareness Week will run from 6 – 12 May this year. It gives individuals and businesses an opportunity to assess their current privacy practices and consider areas for improvement. This year’s theme is Privacy and Technology: improving transparency, accountability, and security.
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has developed a wide range of resources designed to support best practices in privacy.
To access the resources, click here.
National Walk Safely to School Day (Ref: 101/24)
On Friday, 10 May 2024, parents and children are encouraged to join primary schools all across Australia in walking to and from school as part of the Walk Safely to School Day.
This national initiative aims to encourage children to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle by simply including a walk at the beginning, at lunchtime and at the end of each day. The event also promotes reduced car-dependency, greater use of public transport, cleaner air, improved diets and road safety to primary school children throughout Australia.
The Pedestrian Council of Australia, the organisation behind National Walk Safely to School Day, has developed a range of resources to support parents and teachers in raising healthier, happier kids. These resources can be found here: Walk Safely to School Day 2024 – Stickers, Posters
Applications Now Open to Join the Government's Youth Steering Committee (Ref: 98/24)
The current Government is looking for young people to play a role in shaping government policy and programs that matter to them. Minister for Youth Dr Anne Aly has invited young people from across Australia to apply to be part of the Government’s Youth Steering Committee.
The Committee will work closely with Dr Aly, ensuring that young people are involved in government decision-making, including the implementation of Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions we make.
With no experience required, applicants aged between 12 and 24 are encouraged to apply for at least seven new two year positions, alongside some existing members reappointed to the 14 person Youth Steering Committee.
Interested youth can apply here: Youth Steering Committee — Australian Youth Affairs Coalition
Available Now: 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Final Timetable (103/24)
The 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Final Timetable was released to schools on Monday, 29 April (Week 1, Term 2). CSSA communications were sent to the registered email address of the Principal and Main CSSA Contact as noted in the individual School Account in the CSSA website.
The Final Timetable will be made publicly available on the CSSA website in Week 2, Term 2.
The CSSA website is conveniently located here:
The 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable is scheduled for:
- Monday 5 August to Monday 19 August.
The 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Security Period is:
- up to, and inclusive of, Wednesday 21 August.
- Examinations, including examination-related materials and student scripts, can be returned to students from 8.00am, Thursday 22 August.
CSSA website and individual School Accounts
- Individual Schools must keep up to date school data in their CSSA school accounts via the CSSA website’s Account Settings.
- Relevant personnel in CSSA-registered schools should ensure that school data available and fields of information on the CSSA website are checked, updated and completed as necessary. This will ensure that your school’s address, phone number, email address and contact details are correct – this information is critical for communication with schools and the secure delivery of CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Finally, remember to click on the “SAVE” button at the end of the process.
Monica O’Brien
Head, CSSA Exams
Closing Date Changed: NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship (Ref: 45/24)
The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships closure date is now Friday 17 May 2024. The scholarships are open to permanent and temporary teachers in NSW government and non-government schools and recipients will have the opportunity to undertake a five-week study tour internationally or within Australia to explore best practice in their chosen focus area.
Twelve scholarships are open to apply for, each with a different area of interest.
For further information and to find out what scholarships are available to apply for, please visit the NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships webpage.
Apply Now: The NSW Premier’s Vocational Education in Schools Scholarship (Ref: 35/24)
The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for educators to collaborate with other professionals in their chosen focus area and inspire positive outcomes for students in NSW schools.
The scholarships are open to current temporary or permanent teachers in all NSW schools, TAFE NSW campuses and early childhood centres.
The Vocational Education in Schools Scholarship is open to teachers in NSW secondary schools, specifically Vocational Education and Training accredited teachers, or teachers undertaking a VET co-ordination role at their schools. The scholarship is for a study to research current issues in vocational education which impact students in schools.
Areas for research may include, but are not restricted to:
- the role of workplace learning in the delivery and assessment of VET courses
- school-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship pathways
- partnerships between vocational education providers and industry
- curriculum structures, delivery patterns and arrangements of vocational education
- articulation of vocational education credentials acquired by students inot post-School vocational education and training.
The successful applicant will undertake a study tour and follow-up activities of up to five weeks internationally or within Australia. Study tour travel is to be completed in one block between 1 January and 30 June 2024, with individual follow-up activities and reporting to be completed within 90 days of study tour completion.
Time may involve formal study (e.g., undertaking a short course at a respected tertiary institution) or may involve a program of visits to sites, schools and institutions to conduct interviews, observe exemplary practices and collect resources for the preparation of teaching materials related to the specific scholarship category.
Successful applicants will be eligible for a grant of $15,000 for a five-week study tour to be completed in Australia or internationally.
A portion of time (up to one week) may be allocated toward follow-up dissemination activites (e.g., experience-sharing, professional learning) within and across NSW, either in-person or virtually.
You can apply for the scholarship through this link.