New Professional Learning Module: "Understanding Violence, Antisocial and Extremist Behaviour" (Ref: 123/24)
In July 2022, CSNSW began participating in a three-year cross-sector project with the NSW Department of Education to counter violence and extremism (CVE) in schools.
Over recent months NSW has seen an increase in both right-wing and Islamic extremism. While schools remain safe places for staff and young people, the Deputy Premier is requesting daily reports from the CVE Hotline to ensure appropriate reporting and response protocols are followed by all NSW schools.
CSNSW has developed a professional learning module, Understanding violence, antisocial and extremist behaviour. The module will help ensure staff are aware of their reporting obligations and are equipped to respond appropriately to these matters.
The module can be accessed here.
CSNSW encourages all principals and school staff to complete this module.
As a reminder, any threats of school violence should be reported directly to NSW Police (000 if it is an emergency) or to the NSW Schools CVE Hotline: 1300 495 051.
CCSP "Our Catholic Faith" Handbook 2024 (Ref: 119/24)
The Council of Catholic School Parents has released its 2024 handbook, Our Catholic Faith, to assist parents and families in understanding the Catholic beliefs, celebrations, and prayers that form the foundation of Catholic schools. The handbook explains how Catholic Schools aim to provide a holistic education, enriching the lives of students and their families by cultivating both academic learning and faith.
It serves as a resource for all parents, especially those unfamiliar with Catholic traditions, offering insights into the basics of Catholic beliefs, celebrations, symbols, and prayers.
Click here to download the handbook or here to read more on the CCSP website.
Tickets Selling Fast: Education Law Symposium (Ref: 95/24)
Catholic Schools NSW invites principals, heads of governance and compliance, finance officers, and others designated ‘responsible persons’ to attend the 2024 Catholic Schools NSW Education Law Symposium.
The theme of this year’s symposium is Catholic School Governance: Shaping Our Future.
The symposium will be held on Monday 15 July 2024 at the Sydney Sofitel Wentworth.
Designed for leaders in the management and governance of Catholic schools, systems, and agencies, this in-person event will explore the complex governance issues that challenge our sector and provide valuable insights and opportunities for discussion.
This year’s symposium will include keynotes, panels, and workshop sessions discussing the following topics:
- Section 83C
- Responsible Persons
- AI and Implications for School Governance
- Ministerial Public Juridic Persons
- The school curriculum
- Effective governance
- Teacher supply.
You can register here.
Reminder: Modern Slavery Statement for the 2023 Financial Year (Ref: 116/24)
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (‘the Act’) commenced in 2019 and requires entities with a consolidated revenue above $100 million in the 2023 Financial Year to submit an annual modern slavery statement, outlining how they are addressing the risks of modern slavery in their businesses and supply chains.
You can find the requirements under the Act here: Modern Slavery Act 2018
Entities covered by the Act with a reporting period between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023 must submit their modern slavery statements for FY2023 by 30 June 2024. Failure to submit by this date may result in action by the Minister for Home Affairs.
For Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery (ACAN) members, certain deadlines are applicable, and participants should refer to the ACAN portal:
Register for September Fruit & Veg Month (Ref: 122/24)
Registrations are now open for Fruit & Veg Month commencing in September 2024. This tailor-made initiative, organized by the Healthy Kids Association, is designed to promote healthy eating habits among students. By registering your school, you’ll gain access to free, fun activities carefully aligned with the NSW syllabus. This year’s theme, “Fruit & Veg around the World,” includes a virtual exploration of international flavours and culinary traditions.
Registered schools will receive:
- A teacher’s booklet with hints, tips, and a checklist to streamline event planning.
- A classroom kit including a poster and stickers.
- Fun and easy activities suitable for the entire school community.
- Ideas for school involvement.
- Community outreach initiatives to engage parents and the community.
These resources are crafted to inspire long-term healthy habits in students, making a lasting impact on their well-being. Participants have consistently reported that Fruit & Veg Month positively influences the entire school community, encouraging students to embrace and enjoy the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Click here to register your school.
Paddock to Plate Free Teaching Resources (Ref: 118/24)
RSL and Schools "Remember ANZAC Art Competition" for 2025 (Ref: 121/24)
RSL NSW is pleased to announce the opening of the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Art Competition for 2025.
All primary and secondary schools across New South Wales are invited to submit a maximum of two artworks for consideration. A panel consisting of representatives from the NESA, Art Gallery of NSW, RSL NSW, and the Anzac Memorial Veteran Artist in Residence will judge the submissions.
The two winning artworks will be featured on the cover of the 2025 RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Service program. All finalists will receive a certificate, a medal, and have their artwork displayed at the prestigious Anzac Memorial.
The competition closes for school submissions on November 1, 2024, and the finalists will be announced and notified on November 15, 2024.
Visit the RSL website to learn more and apply.