Priority Items

Registrations Open: Kathleen Burrow Research Institute Annual Lecture 2022, Delivered by The Honourable Justice Jacqueline Gleeson (Ref: 140/22)

Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to announce the special guest delivering the Lecture for the Kathleen Burrow Research Institute Annual Lecture 2022 is the Honourable Justice Jacqueline Gleeson SC. Justice Gleeson will speak on: The High Court’s Contribution to Legal Education.

Date: 5 October 2022

Time: Commencing 6pm

Location: Refectory Hall, Holme Building (A09), The University of Sydney

Register HERE.

Catholic Schools NSW welcomes Catholic Schools New South Wales board members, school principals, relatives of Kathleen Burrow and any stakeholders in Catholic education to join us for this fantastic evening.

The Kathleen Burrow Research Institute is a research unit within Catholic Schools NSW that conducts and publishes research on contemporary issues in school education to promote the advancement of education in all school sectors in Australia.

The work of the Institute seeks to provide an evidence base to support Catholic Schools NSW in advocating for best practice in all schools and particularly in Catholic education, and to inform and engage with sector leaders and policymakers.

2023 NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships- Applications Now Open (Ref: 141/22) 

Applications for the 2023 NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships are OPEN NOW.

The program offers recipients up to $15,000 for 5-week study tours between January and June 2023.

There are various scholarships available for primary, secondary, TAFE and early childhood teachers.

2023 Premier’s Teacher Scholarships timeline: 

Applications open: 27 June – 26 August 2022

Selection panels held: 10 – 14 October 2022

Recipients announced by Premier: 30 November 2022

Study tours conducted: 5 weeks between January and June 2023

Access the NSW Government website for more information and how to apply here. 

Read more about the various scholarships available and who can apply for each scholarship here: 2023 NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships Brochure.

Date Placeholder for Catholic Secondary Schools (CSS) Forum - "On The Horizon" (Ref: 136/22)

Catholic Schools New South Wales will hold the Catholic Secondary Schools Forum at the Sydney Masonic Centre on Thursday 3 November.

Please place this date in your diary.

Further details regarding the agenda and speakers will be shared early next Term (Term 3).

Professional Learning

Catholic Schools New South Wales On-Demand Short Courses- Instructional Strategies (Ref: 137/22)

Catholic Schools New South Wales is pleased to offer two on demand Short Courses during Term 3 for teachers who support students with intellectual disabilities and/or Autism. 

The two Short Courses are:

  1. Video Modelling
  2. Systematic Instruction

These NESA accredited courses will be facilitated by Dr Bree Jimenez, Associate Professor of Special Education, University of Texas, Arlington. They will be available on demand, with the added benefit of individual coaching and support by Bree.

NESA ACCREDITATION: Full completion of each of the Instructional Strategies Short Courses will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Students with Disability addressing standard descriptors 1.1.2, 1.5.2, 4.1.2, 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Please see the attached course flyer for further information, including how to apply.

Applications close 18 July.

Catholic Schools New South Wales On-Demand Short Courses- Instructional Strategies Brochure


Managing Suicidality and Selfharm- Training for School Counsellors in Congregational Schools, FREE Workshop (Ref: 132/22)

This free workshop has been designed to increase the capacity of school counsellors to risk assess, manage and support students exhibiting suicidality and self harm. School counsellors will have the opportunity to work on real case studies, reflect on their own experiences, and learn from peers.

The program has been developed by the Black Dog Institute and will precede the roll out of system wide guidelines for managing suicidality and self harm.

The workshop will be held in Sydney on Wednesday July 27 2022 8.30am-4.30pm.  The workshop includes morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea.

Places are limited.

Interested staff please contact Jennifer Coen, Senior Manager, Wellbeing Catholic Schools New South Wales, to register:

For more information about the course, please click here: Youth in Distress- Managing Suicidality and Self-harm Course Information


Abstract Submissions CLOSING 30 June: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference 2022 (Ref: 120/22)

Catholic Schools NSW and Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta are calling for abstracts for presentations at the 2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Education NSW State Conference. Presenters will have the opportunity to contribute to system improvement by sharing detailed evidence of promising and effective practices within one of the abstract categories below.

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to present a 50-minute interactive workshop to 40-100 delegates, including Catholic school principals, teachers, school staff and regional officers.

The opportunity to present a paper to peers gives colleagues ideas and practices for their unique school context and provides presenters with important professional development: influencing sector-level innovation and improvement.

Abstract submissions must address one of the four conference themes:

  1. Community Connectedness and Pathways
  2. Aboriginal Spirituality and Dreaming
  3. History, Story and Journey
  4. Healing and Reconciliation

For more details regarding the Abstract categories and guidelines, as well as submitting your abstract here.



DUE THIS THURSDAY 30 June: Modern Slavery Statements for FY2021 DUE NEXT WEEK 30 June 2022 (Ref: 125/22)

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (‘the Act’) commenced in 2019 and requires entities with a consolidated revenue above $100 million in the 2021 Financial Year to submit an annual modern slavery statement, outlining how they are addressing the risks of modern slavery in their businesses and supply chains.

Entities covered by the Act with a reporting period between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 must submit their modern slavery statements for FY2021 by 30 June 2022. A failure to submit by this date may lead to the Minister for Home Affairs taking action against the entity.

For Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery (ACAN) members certain deadlines are applicable and participants should refer to the ACAN portal:


School Newsletter

2022 Braille Writing Competition (Ref: 138/22)

The Sydney Braille Forum wishes to extend an invitation to students who are braille users for the 2022 Braille Writing Competition.

The Sydney Braille Forum is a voluntary group, and an integral part of the Australian Braille Authority. Each year they organise a Braille Writing Competition for all NSW school students who use braille to access the curriculum.

After the initial competition application is received, the student will receive a creative writing task that must be written in braille. There will also be a braille proofreading passage to locate braille errors. A special section is available for pre-braille students who have the option to make a picture with Braille dots.

There will be an awards night in November for participating students, their parents, families and school staff. Certificates for all entrants will be presented with exciting prizes for competition winners.

For further information and to obtain a competition entry package please contact: Annette Sutherland [email protected]

Initial competition applications will need to be received by Monday 25th July, 2022. Students will then be provided with a creative writing task for submission early in September.

Registrations Open - Fruit and Veg Month 2022: Building Fruit and Veg Communities (Ref 133/22)

Fruit & Veg Month 2022 is a free health promotion event for NSW primary schools (including those schools that teach a primary curriculum) only.

This year, the Fruit & Veg Month is focusing on ways to think, act and shop local as well as how to build local food communities. The theme for Fruit & Veg Month 2022 is: Building Fruit & Veg Communities 

Fruit & Veg Month 2022 will be held from Monday 29 August to Friday 23 September. 

Register here and receive FREE resources for your school.