Priority Items

Have Your Say - Draft Syllabuses (Ref: 205/23)

A second round of consultation is now open for the 7-10 draft syllabuses as the next milestone of the NSW Curriculum Reform.

Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the syllabuses through the NESA Consultations webpage.

Extensive feedback from teachers, parents and the community during the first round of public consultations in 2022 has informed the updated syllabuses. All feedback from the ‘Have your Say’ period will be used to inform the development of the final syllabuses.

Please click here for an outline of the key refinements for each syllabus.

The final syllabuses will be released on the NSW Curriculum Website.

Legal and Policy

Section 83C enquiries to the Department of Education (Ref: 211/23)

Commencing immediately, the NSW Department of Education has established a dedicated email address for enquiries related to section 83C. These enquiries are dealt with separately to compliance or enforcement activities of the department. Consequently, you are encouraged to provide as much information as possible to assist the department to respond appropriately.

When considering future transactions, we encourage you to consider any implications of that transaction on the requirements of section 83C. In circumstances where you are uncertain of those implications, please contact Catholic Schools NSW, or if we are unable to assist or provide clarity, you can make enquiries directly to the department at this address: [email protected]

The Department is expecting to launch a dedicated telephone enquiry line in early 2024.


Resources for Learning

Young Drivers - First Car Awareness Campaign (Ref: 208/23)

The Australian Financial Security Authority is encouraging young people to learn about the importance of searching the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) prior to buying their first second-hand car privately.

A PPSR search takes a few minutes to complete, is available online 24/7 and provides you with peace of mind.

For just $2 you can easily check if the car is:

  • debt free – if there’s finance owing on the car, it’s possible it may be repossessed, leaving you out of pocket and without a car.
  • written off – a written off car may have been in a previous accident or been impacted by natural disasters, such as floods and hailstorms, which may make it harder to register or insure. A statutory write-off cannot be repaired or registered.
  • recorded as stolen – if you purchase a car that is recorded as stolen, police may seize the car, leaving you out of pocket and without a vehicle.

For more information or to complete a vehicle search, visit


Employment Opportunities

2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations: Expressions of Interest for Committee Members (Ref: 207/23) 

The CSSA provides teachers and students in schools throughout New South Wales, ACT and internationally with premium Trial HSC Examinations that will provide a sound basis for their preparation for the HSC examinations later in the year. The CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are prepared by committees of practising teachers, university lecturers and education consultants in a variety of HSC courses.

The Head of CSSA Exams is seeking expressions of interest for the following positions.

Committee Members for each of the following 2024 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations:

  • Biology
  • VET Construction
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science

The letter regarding the Expression of Interest requirements for the Committee Member roles with the CSSA and the application process is found here.

Interested applicants are asked to send a Cover Letter and current Curriculum Vitae to Monica O’Brien, Head CSSA Exams, at [email protected] by 9 am Friday, 25 August 2023.


School Updates & Newsletter

Australian Teacher Workforce Survey (Ref: 210/23)

Each year, thousands of teachers and school leaders around Australia share the rewards and challenges of teaching to help the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership understand how to build a more sustainable teaching profession.

How teachers can participate:

On 22 August 2023, the NSW Education Standards Authority will email all registered teachers in New South Wales a link to the Australian Teacher Workforce Survey.

Completing the Australian Teacher Workforce Survey is a valuable opportunity for teachers and leaders to share their experiences and perspectives on the rewards and challenges of teaching.

It only takes 10–15 minutes to help the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership learn more about:

  • Time spent on various aspects of teaching and/or school leadership.
  • Career intentions and the reasons teachers are choosing to stay or leave.
  • Teacher and leader wellbeing.
  • Other important workforce experiences.

Voices of the Profession: School Principals (Ref: 206/23)

Peak principal associations and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) have discussed the need for senior, experienced principals to lead raising the status of the profession. In partnership, AITSL is creating a compaign to esteem the school principal profession. The TALIS 2018 Australia Report found that “98% of school leaders report[ed] that…they are satisfied with their job”.

AITSL wants to work with principals to showcase and share their stories through case studies/testimonials about why they love their job as an education leader, which will contribute to improving the status of the profession.

Content can be provided either in a written or video format which will be used to create website, social media, and email newsletter content to promote the school principal profession.

This document provides sample questions and filming guidelines to highlight the experiences and knowledge of school principals.

Any questions and comments can be directed to Leanne Volk, Principal, Marketing and Communications at [email protected] or on +61 3 9944 1240