Save the Date: Education Law Symposium (Ref: 35/23)
Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to announce the 2023 Education Law Symposium is taking place on Thursday 6 July. It will take place at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth. This in-person event will explore the complex governance issues that challenge our sector and provide valuable insights and opportunities for discussion.
Designed for leaders involved in the management and governance of Catholic schools, systems, and agencies, this symposium will provide a unique opportunity to network with cvolleagues, learn from experts, and engage in though-provoking discussions.
Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest announcements via email and social media. Don’t miss this important event, mark your calendars today!
We’re happy to help with any questions you might have. Please email any queries by clicking here.
Register NOW: Curriculum Reform: Tactics for Success (Ref: 27/23)
CSNSW is offering a professional learning day titled Curriculum Reform Tactics for Success as a way of supporting systems and schools to review their approaches to managing the challenges of implementing multiple syllabuses in K-6.
Key members of primary curriculum teams are invited to attend and Dioceses are encouraged to bring with them a principal or school-based curriculum leader so that application of the learning is both contextual and practical.
Participants will learn a number of things including:
- Implementation indicators and core phases of implementation
- How to identify, develop, enable and design curriculum change
- How to develop the essential objectives for terms 1 and 2 for your context
The day will include 3 sessions:
- Effective Curriculum Implementation
- Effective Professional Learning and Team Processes
- Implementation routines, plans and monitoring
The seminar will take place on Thursday, 2 March at Kimpton Margot, Pitt St Sydney.
You can register by clicking this link. You will need to be signed into CSNSW PL Platform in order to access the event.
Registrations OPEN: Early Years Symposium (Ref: 31/23)
Event registration is open!
Limited places.
You are invited to the inaugural ‘Early Years Symposium’.
It will be held from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Friday 28 April 2023 in the Sydney Masonic Centre.
This FREE event is for ALL those who educate and support early learners in our schools, pre-schools and learning centres.
A one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore pedagogy, build skill acquisition, collaborate with each other to enhance the educational outcomes of our students.
On the day there will be keynote speaker Nathan Wallis along with presenters Sue Larkey, Professor Tricia Eadie and Professor Pamela Snow.
To register use the QR code:
or visit here: Overview | Catholic Schools NSW (
For further information, please contact Sean Maloney (Senior Education Officer) here.
NEW Mathematics modules K-2 Mathematics (Ref: 39/23)
NEW Mathematics modules for K-2 Mathematics are available now!
- The new K-2 mathematics: Get ready to teach 3D spatial structure
- The new K-2 mathematics: Get ready to teach non-spatial measure
Find a playlist of all available K-2 Mathematics Syllabus modules here
The modules can also be accessed directly from the CSNSW PL dashboard under the NESA Accredited PD tile.
REGISTER NOW: Preparing for the 2023 HSC PL Workshops (Ref: 40/23)
Simon Crook and Crooked Science present their flagship program Preparing for the 2023 HSC PL workshops, all of which are NESA Accredited. Access the flyer here.
View the full list of upcoming workshops below:
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Physics Exam – Tue 14/3, Week 7
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Physics Exam (Strathfield) – Tue 27/3, Week 9* (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Physics Exam – Tue 9/5, Term 2, Week 3 (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Chemistry Exam – Sat 11/3, Week 6
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Chemistry Exam – Wed 15/3, Week 7 (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Chemistry Exam – Sat 20/5 Term 2, Week 4 (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Biology Exam – Fri 17/31, Week 7
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Biology Exam – Fri 31/3, Week 9 (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Biology Exam – Fri 12/5 Term 2, Week 3 (repeat)
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Science Extension Exam – Fri 17/3, Week 7
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC Investigating Science Exam – Fri 31/3 Term 1, Week 9
- Preparing for the 2023 HSC EES Exam – TBC
All workshops NESA accredited 5 hours each at Proficient.
*Face-to-face (all other workshops via Zoom)
EARLY BIRD rates of 15% OFF are available on all workshops if purchased by the end of Week 4 (24 Feb).
Contact Crooked Science Directly at [email protected] for further information.
Responding to copyright infringement notices (Ref: 36/23)
Its been drawn to our attention by the National Copyright Unit that schools may be receiving emails from certain companies (some company names may include Copytrack, Pixsy) demanding they pay a fine for using a copyrighted image, alleging it has been used in an infringing way.
Certain correspondence may even be threatening court proceedings if the stated fine is not paid. Such emails are sent in relation to images or photos schools are using in their materials (such as in a school newsletter or on the school website).
Often schools actually have a licence to use the image (for example under the Statutory Text and Artistic Works Licence, a Creative Commons licence or other licence or permission) and the company sending the infringement notice may not be aware of this (and may not have taken steps to establish that).
What you should do if you receive a letter or email alleging infringement?
- Don’t respond to the email. Schools should not panic if they receive an email or letter alleging copyright infringement.
- Take down the material, while the issue is being resolved. The school should take the material down immediately after receipt of the email/letter. The school should also consider where else the material has been used by the school and take steps to immediately cease those uses.
- Contact the National Copyright Unit and provide the following.
- copy of the email making the allegation;
- the date and time at which the material was taken down and
- details about the image/photo that is the subject of the infringement claim;
- the basis on which the school used the material (i.e. it was or wasn’t used with permission from the copyright owner, under a licence like Creative Commons, or under an education exception or the Statutory Text and Artistic Works Licence).
- The NCU will assess all the relevant facts and information and advise on the next steps.
If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact Mark De Carvalho ([email protected]), Senior Legal Counsel at Catholic Schools NSW.
2023 NAPLAN Tests (Ref: 34/23)
Several changes have been made to the administration of the online NAPLAN tests. You can find detailed information regarding these changes and resources to support the implementation of these changes here on the CSNSW eLearning Platform.
Changes to the NAPLAN tests include:
- NAPLAN moved to Term 1 in March: Wednesday 15 – Monday 27 March
- Revised test session schedule allows all year groups to start writing on the same day. (Wednesday 15 March)
- Test security period reduced to 4 days. (28 to 31 March)
- New protocol for students who leave a test due to illness
- Practice tests are no longer required, however there are several familiarisation options available to schools and students, including the NAPLAN training environment which is recommended for staff who are unfamiliar with NAPLAN online processes and functions
- An infographic of available options can be found here: Infographic
2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations (Ref: 16/23)
The CSSA, a division of Catholic Schools NSW, creates premium CSSA Trial HSC Examinations by education experts. Our contributors have syllabus expertise and extensive teaching experience to create Trial HSC Examinations.
The CSSA has posted a Letter to the Principal containing essential information regarding the 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. If a Principal requires technological assistance with sign-in to their registered school account in the CSSA website, please email [email protected] There is a CSNSW verification process in place to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of each Principal and their registered school account with the CSSA.
Key Dates to assist schools:
- The 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable is from Monday 31 July to Monday 14 August with a security period up to and including 8am, Thursday 17 August
- The 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Principal Information Package will be emailed to Principals on Friday 10 February
- 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations online ordering is available as of 9am, Monday 13 February and until 5pm, Thursday 6 April (Week 11, Term 1)
- Schools must contact the CSSA regarding CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Disability Provisions by 9am, Friday 31 March (Week 10, Term 1)
- The 2023 Draft CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be provided in the Principal Information Package and then made available on the CSSA website
- The 2023 Final CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be emailed to Principals in Week 1, Term 2 and then made available on the CSSA website
CSSA website and individual School Accounts:
School data in School Accounts with the CSSA must be kept up-to-date by individual schools via the CSSA website | Account Settings.
Relevant personnel in CSSA registered schools should ensure that school data available and fields of information on the CSSA website is checked, updated and completed as necessary. This will ensure that your School’s address, phone number, email address and contact details are correct – this information is critical for communication with schools and the secure delivery of CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Remember to click on the “SAVE” button at the end of the process.
Harmony Week Resources and Competitions (Ref: 12/23)
Harmony Week runs between Monday 20 March – Sunday 26 March and Harmony Day is Tuesday 21 March 2023. The day provides us with an opportunity to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community.
Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country — from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world. Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live.
An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collectively, these traditions have enriched our nation.
Support Harmony Week in your school with resources found here.
Students are also invited to participate in the Harmony Day Poster Competition and the Harmony Day Songwriting Competition.
Competitions close on Friday 14 April 2023.
Registrations NOW OPEN: Virtual Story Time (Ref: 30/23)
‘What Do You Call Your Grandma?’
By Ashleigh Barton
Registrations are open!
Be one of the first 100 teachers to register to receive a free copy of this delightful book for your class.
Live streamed into classroom at 10am Wednesday 22 March 2023
Register with the QR code:
or visit here:
Once registered you will receive a link for the live stream of the virtual story time via your email address.
Early childhood and K-2 teachers are encouraged to register.
For further information, please contact Sean Maloney (Senior Education Officer) here.
APPLY NOW: Senior Manager, Vocational Education Training (Ref: 25/23)
We are Hiring!
Catholic Schools NSW is recruiting the position of Senior Manager, Vocational Education Training (VET). This is a permanent and full time position.
The Senior Manager, Vocational Education Training (VET) is responsible for providing statewide leadership to the Catholic sector in the area of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and vocational learning. To provide strategic advice and reporting to Senior Management on the delivery of current VET programs and prospective future trends in VET.
Find the full position description and information on how to apply here.
Bus Safety Week: 20 February – 26 February (Ref: 37/23)
Bus Safety Week began on Monday 20 February and will run until Sunday 26 February 2023. The annual campaign raises awareness for all road users on how to stay safe on and around buses, helping to reduce injuries and fatalities.
Be Bus Aware highlights the importance of bus safety for all road users. Buses are large, heavy vehicles and can’t stop quickly. NSW has one of the largest metropolitan bus fleet in Australia. Almost 4000 buses operate in the Sydney area, while another 1000 buses service the Newcastle, Wollongong and Blue Mountains areas. In addition, more than 3000 bus services operate in rural and regional NSW.
Over the five-year period up to June 2020, a total of 34 people were killed in crashes involving buses in NSW. Of the 34 fatalities, 15 were pedestrians. During the same five-year period, 362 people were seriously injured in bus crashes, including 69 pedestrians and 18 bicycle riders.
Bus safety for school students has more information on how families can help keep children safe getting on and off buses.
The Safety Town website has activities you can do with primary school children to help them keep safe on and around buses. There is also a section for families on driving safely around buses, and getting children to and from the bus stop safely.
The Agent Walker: Operation Safe Transit bus safety video was produced for school students in years 5 and 6, who are starting to gain independence, and their teachers, parents and carers.
Register NOW: MAE Careers Pathfinders Showcase Day (Ref: 33/23)
The Utilities and Electrotechnology ITAB & Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Board is partnering with TAFE NSW Albury to highlight exciting career opportunities in the fields of Energy-Utilities and Electrotechnology for young women.
This event will provide attendees with opportunities to network and to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the role they can play in these industries.
The event will take place at TAFE Albury Campus – Electrotechnology – Building L, 636 Poole St, Albury on Thursday 23 March.
Since numbers for the event are limited, those interested can register here.
Click here for the flyer and map.
Register NOW: Robotics MAE Showcase Day (Ref: 32/23)
All women career aspirants, students, and school career advisors are invited to attend the Robotics MAE Showcase Day.
This event is being held in partnership with Process Automation and Controls by the Utilities and Electrotechnology ITAB & Agrifood Industry Training Advisory Board after it was awarded a National Careers Institute project to promote and showcase opportunities for women in non-traditional careers.
The event is free and is hosted for interested females, careers advisors and influencers.
The event will take place from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm on Thursday 16 March. It will be held at Process and Automation Controls, 81 Fletcher St, Adamstown, NSW, 2289.
Places for the Showcase are limited, and those interested can register here.
Click here for the event flyer.
School Vaccinations (Ref: 28/23)
From February 2023, children in year 7 (aged 12-13) will be offered a single dose course of HPV vaccine at school vaccination clinics.
Previously, students were offered two doses of the HPV vaccine in the NSW school vaccination program. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has reviewed recent international evidence and has advised that a single dose of the HPV vaccine gives the same protection as two dose courses.
For more information visit:
Please see a message for parents regarding the School Vaccination Program here: School newsletter messaging to parents of year 7 students in 2023.
Schools can also access an online consent parent communication toolkit here:
- Online-consent-parent-communication-toolkit-schools
- School Vaccination_Online Consent 2023 A4 Poster
- School Vaccination_Online Consent 2023 Digital Screens
- School Vaccination_Online Consent 2023 DL Flyer
General information on school vaccine program:
- NSW Government School Vaccination Programs
- School Vaccination Program (translated consent materials)
If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Smith, ([email protected]) Senior Policy Officer,
THIS WEEK: Free Parent and Carer webinar (Ref: 22/23)
In collaboration with the eSafety Commissioner, the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT is offering a webinar on the topic of ‘Navigating Online Friendships’.
This 30 minute webinar will cover:
- how to support young people to have safe and respectful online relationships
- what to do when something happens at school and ends up on social media or private messaging apps
- how to report to social media platforms and eSafety.
The webinar will run at 7:30 pm on Thursday 23 February and you can register here.
RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Art Competition for 2024 (Ref: 20/23)
The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration was first held in 1953 and co-hosted by RSL NSW and the Department of Education. Over the years the service has expanded to Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools NSW. Proceedings, held at the Anzac Memorial Hyde Park in April each year, are delivered entirely by school students including the Master of Ceremonies, keynote address, readings, and musical accompaniment. The Service also includes an Inspection of the Guard by the official party, The Ode, The Last Post, and Rouse.
The service aims to educate primary and secondary school students about Australia’s military history, whilst paying respect to the service and sacrifice of servicemen and women of the Australian Defence Force.
To mark the 71st Anniversary of this service in 2024, RSL NSW, the Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools NSW are launching an art competition for NSW school students. The theme of the competition is “Why Lest we Forget?”, inviting students to create an artwork that considers why we commemorate ANZAC Day. Two artworks will be selected for the cover of the 2024 service program and all finalists’ artworks will be displayed at the Anzac Memorial and included in the program.
More information including the guidelines, how to submit artwork, judging and FAQs can be found here.
Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship 2023 (Ref: 21/23)
The NSW Government invites Year 10 and Year 11 History students to apply for the 2023 Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarship. Applications are now open via the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs website here.
The ANZAC Memorial Scholarship gives History students the opportunity to travel on a two-week study tour to Singapore and Darwin where they will explore the history of Australian men and women at war. A military historian will accompany students and the tour will include significant historical sites.
The Scholarship covers:
- all learning and leisure activities on the tour
- all travel while on the tour (flights, coaches, etc)
- all meals and accommodation
- uniforms to wear on the tour.
Applications close 13 March 2023. Further information is available on the Veterans Affairs website here.
Vegetable Week and The Big Vegie Crunch (Ref: 38/23)
Only 5% of NSW children eat enough vegetables. We’re on a mission to change that stat, by increasing children’s knowledge, exposure, and positive attitudes towards vegetables.
Vegetable Week starts at the end of Term 1 – from Monday 27 to Friday 31 March 2023 – with The Big Vegie Crunch on at 10am on Thursday 30 March. If you can’t crunch at that time, choose an alternative time over Vegetable Week.
Schools that register receive ready-to-go resources to help you:
- plan and prepare for the event
- teach your students about vegetables
- encourage students and their families to eat more vegetables
- promote your Big Vegie Crunch activities to parents, carers and the wider school community.
Plus, registered schools will receive hardcopy ‘I CRUNCHED’ stickers and can apply for $75 grants to help purchase vegetables for the Big Vegie Crunch. Schools are also eligible to enter this year’s competition and win big prizes.
For more details and to register, visit the Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch webpage.