
NESA “Have Your Say” Periods Term 1, 2024 (Ref: 40/24)

The NSW Curriculum Reform continues to be delivered by NESA in 2024 according to its published timetable. School leaders and teachers of these syllabuses are encouraged to contribute their expertise to the development of these syllabuses via the  “Have Your Say” surveys, which will open at various dates this Term, which are summarised below. The surveys can be accessed via the Syllabus Consultations page on the NESA website. Further information can be obtained from Joanne Hack [email protected]

Syllabus  Have Your Say Opens Have Your Say Closes
Creative Art K–6



Science and Technology K–6

Geography 7–10

History 7–10

PDHPE 7–10

Visual Arts 7–10

Monday 26th February Monday 11th March 2024
Agricultural Technology 7–10

Aquatic Technology 7–10 (previously known as Marine and Aquaculture Technology)

Engineering Technology 7–10

Monday 26th February Monday 11th March 2024
Aboriginal Studies 7–10

Commerce 7–10

Monday 11th March 2024 Monday 8th April 2024


Professional Learning

The HSC Rural and Remote Marking Program (Ref: 41/24)

The HSC Rural and Remote Marking Program (RRMP) is a joint program run by the Department of Education (DoE), Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) and the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Applications available from 7 March 2024 to 21 March 2024.

The program is designed to give rural and remote teachers the opportunity to participate in marking the Higher School Certificate (HSC). The RRMP is a valuable professional development activity, and allows teachers to gain knowledge, skills and understanding about the marking process.

Further details are contained in the Rural and Remote Marking Program Information Handbook or via Joanne Hack [email protected]


National Copyright Unit - Free Webinars (Ref: 38/24)

Teachers, librarians, and other interested school staff are encouraged to make use of this free webinar series from the National Copyright Unit.

The webinar series aims to provide practical advice for school staff as they navigate copyright issues while teaching. Participants will learn about using text and artistic works, music and AI.

The following are webinars in Term 1 and 2 for schools.

Term 1

Topic Dates Registration Link
Schools: Copyright for School Resource Developers Tuesday 20 February (12 – 1pm AEDT) Register Here
Schools: Using Text and Artistic Works in Schools Tuesday 27 February (12 – 1pm AEDT) Register Here
Schools: Music and Copyright in Schools Tuesday 5 March (12 – 1pm AEDT) Register Here
Schools and TAFE: AI and Copyright Tuesday 12 March (12 – 1pm AEDT) Register Here
Schools: Using TV and Film in Schools Tuesday 19 March (12 – 1pm AEDT) Register Here

Term 2

Topic Dates Registration Link
Schools and TAFE: Creative Commons Tuesday 7 May (3:30 – 4:30pm AEST) Register Here
Schools and TAFE: AI and Copyright Tuesday 21 May (3:30 – 4:30pm AEST) Register Here

Also available to educators throughout the year is the ‘Copyright for Educators’ long-form webinar series. Interested educators and school staff can sign up below.

Date Details Registration Link
Term 1: Tuesday 26 March 2024 9 – 3pm AEDT (Syd/Melb/Canberra) Register Here
Term 2: Wednesday 5 June 2024 9 – 3pm AEST (Syd/Melb/Canberra) Register Here
Term 3: Thursday 22 August 2024 (WA time) 9 – 3pm AWST (Perth)/

11 – 5pm AEST (Syd/Melb/Canberra)

Register Here
Term 4: Tuesday 22 October 2024 9 – 3pm AEDT (Syd/Melb/Canberra) Register Here


Join the Conversation: Connected Catholic Communities – Belonging and Flourishing | 2024 Symposium (Ref: 31/24)

Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to once again be bringing together our Catholic community for the Connected Catholic Communities – Belonging and Flourishing | 2024 Symposium to be held in Sydney on Tuesday 12 March.

Participants are also invited to attend a Masterclass with our international keynote speaker Dr Anne Henderson, on the afternoon of Monday 11 March.

As our school communities are asked to do more and be more, we need to rethink the traditional remit of Catholic education in Australia to address the social determinants of education and achieve equity and excellence for our students to achieve the fullness of life.

Bringing together stakeholders from a range of education settings including early childhood services, schools and universities, along with other ministries of the Church such as parishes, social services and health, will allow us to continue to explore our collective impact.

Evidence clearly shows that addressing the health, wellbeing, and relational needs of students, families and the community fosters optimal learning and development and a sense of BELONGING AND CONNECTION.

So how can we draw on the school community’s ecosystem of partnerships – both inside and beyond the school gate – to build and enhance wider community of services and interactions that better meet the needs of families wanting to participate in Catholic education.

The Masterclass and Symposium will be an opportunity to continue the conversation exploring evidence-based practice to create flourishing Catholic communities that meet family needs wholistically.


The CSNSW Connected Catholic Communities initiative responds to Plenary Council Decree 3 which calls on those responsible for Catholic education to: “identify and respond to the needs of the diverse and distinct circumstances of Catholic schools in Australia” by building partnerships which enhance the vision of Catholic education as an instrument of evangelisation and an essential dimension of the contemporary mission of the Church.

The recommendations of the Expert Panel of the recent Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System also provides further impetus for this work, calling for “steps to embed and strengthen linkages between schools and other services, such as community, family, health (including speech and occupational therapists), and disability support services”.


The keynote speaker and Masterclass facilitator will be international researcher and practitioner Dr Anne T Henderson, who will be focussing on the theme of Belonging. We will also be launching the CSNSW Discussion Paper: “Reimagining Services and Work in Schools: Transformational opportunities for the community, students, and workforce”.



Registration is Now Open: 2024 Catholic School NSW CSSA Symposium – 'Writing across the curriculum’ (Ref: 23/24)

Catholic Schools New South Wales CSSA Symposium – ‘Writing across the curriculum’

The Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) CSSA Symposium – ‘Writing across the curriculum’ will be held on Monday, 18 March 2024, at The Amora Hotel, Jamison Sydney.  CSNSW invites Diocesan Representatives, Principals, School Leadership, Key Learning Area Coordinators, Stage 4–5 Year Coordinators and teachers in Catholic education to join us at the CSNSW CSSA Symposium – ‘Writing across the curriculum’.

The Teaching Writing: Report of the Thematic Review of Writing (NESA 2018) highlighted the ability to write is critical to educational success. In response the reformed NSW syllabuses have a strengthened focus on the teaching of writing.

In support of the NESA curriculum reform this CSSA Symposium will explore the theme ‘Writing across the curriculum’ and reflects our shared commitment to engaging in current and emerging issues in secondary education in Catholic schools.  The CSSA Symposium event will bring together education and industry leaders to explore how evidence-based practices in writing can be implemented in a secondary education context. The CSSA Symposium program will engage participants to reflect upon how they can embrace change and optimise learning and engagement within their school and beyond.

Presenters include:

  • Paul Cahill – Executive Director, Curriculum Reform, NSW Education Standards Authority
  • Professor Mary Ryan – Executive Dean of Education & Arts, Australian Catholic University
  • Christine Jackson, Principal Researcher/Project Lead, and

Annie Fischer, Senior Researcher/Project Lead, Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)

Presenters of Writing Workshops include:

  • Christine Jackson, Principal Researcher/Project Lead, and
  • Annie Fischer, Senior Researcher/Project Lead, Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)
  • Alicia Pringle – Subject Matter Expert: Literacy & Learning Innovation K-12, Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Armidale
  • Catherine Molloy – Supervisor, Teaching and Learning, Sydney Catholic Schools

The Agenda will be confirmed soon.

Event Details

Date:                                 Monday 18 March 2024

Time:                                 Registration opens at 8.15am for

commencement at 8.45am – 4:00pm

Location:                         The Amora Hotel, Jamison Sydney

The venue is in Sydney CBD and close to Wynard Train Station, the Light Rail, buses or Secure Parking Stations.

Fee for event registration:                                       $160.00

At this time, it is important to acknowledge the Commonwealth Government for the Non-Government Reform Support Funds that were made available to cover the costs of prior CSSA Symposiums. As of 2024, the CSSA has had to reintroduce a fee for registration to each CSSA Symposium. This fee charged is reflective of covering costs incurred to host the event.

NESA Accredited PD: In process – soon to be advised.

Registration: Registration is available via Eventbrite from Wednesday 31 January 2024. Tickets are limited so remember to register early to avoid missing out.

The link to Eventbrite is found here.

The Agenda will be released soon.


Legal and Policy

Reminder for Schools – Copyright Resources (Ref: 34/24)

A reminder that the National Copyright Unit (NCU) has a team of copyright lawyers and specialists dedicated to administering copyright policy, advocating and advising schools on copyright issues.

The NCU website, Smart Copying, has a range of resources designed to help schools navigate using copyrighted materials, creating resources, labelling and attributing correctly, and what to do when they receive a copyright infringement notice. These resources can be found here: Smart Copying – Resources

Schools can also ring or email the NCU directly for help or support. Contact details can be found on this page: Contact Us – Smartcopying


School Updates & Newsletter

Are Standards Standard? Research Survey for NSW Teachers (Ref: 42/24)

Tim Bartlett-Taylor is a former teacher and previous manager of the Office for Professional Learning (practicum office) in the School of Education at the University of New England (UNE). Tim is currently undertaking a Master of Education (Research) to determine the role of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in assessing initial teaching education students (pre-service teachers) on their final placement as being ‘classroom ready’.

In the first phase of the research, Tim is asking teachers to complete a survey to rate the level of importance of each Standard and its descriptors, outline why they have made these decisions, and what influences may have informed these decisions. Teachers are also invited to describe what the term ‘classroom readiness’ means to them. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

You can complete the survey by clicking this link.

This survey can be shared freely with other NSW teachers from any teaching system. Information sheets and further information can be found on the first page of the survey link.

Tim passes on his sincere thanks to all teachers who take the time to complete this survey.

New Music Curriculum – Years 7 to 10 (Ref: 39/24)

The new Music syllabus is now available for years 7-10.

The new syllabus is planned to be implemented in NSW schools in 2026 and schools now have an opportunity to plan and prepare in the meantime.

Key features:

  • Interrelated focus areas of Performing, Listening and Composing provide students with experience of the creative process as an individual and in collaboration with others
  • Repertoire requirements provide students with opportunities to meaningfully engage with a broad range of music including the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
  • Content supports inclusion of diverse learners including students who are D/deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Life Skills content provides opportunities for students with intellectual disability to make real world connections as well as music for personal enjoyment and expression.

The syllabuses are now available on the NSW Curriculum website.

Schools have access to support materials including teaching advice on NSW Curriculum to assist them with implementation of the new syllabuses at this webpage. More resoruces will be made available to teachers over time including online, accredited professional development on NESA’s online learning hub.

For more information on Curriculum Reform, please visit the NESA curriculum reform webpage.

Vegetable Week and The Big Vegie Crunch (Ref: 37/24)

Only 5% of NSW children eat enough vegetables. We’re on a mission to change that stat, by increasing children’s knowledge, exposure, and positive attitudes towards vegetables.

Vegetable Week starts at the end of Term 1 – from Monday 18 to Friday 22 March 2023 – with The Big Vegie Crunch on at 10am on Thursday 21 March. If you can’t crunch at that time, choose an alternative time during Vegetable Week.

Schools that register receive ready-to-go resources to help you:

  • plan and prepare for the event
  • teach your students about vegetables
  • encourage students and their families to eat more vegetables
  • promote your Big Vegie Crunch activities to parents, carers and the wider school community.

Plus, participating students will receive hardcopy ‘I CRUNCHED’ stickers and can apply for $75 grants to help purchase vegetables for the Big Vegie Crunch. Schools are also eligible to enter this year’s competition and win big prizes.

For more details and to register, visit the Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch webpage.

Scholarships and Awards

Liam and Frankie Davidson Literary Award for Senior Students (Ref: 36/24)

Each year the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) invites senior secondary students residing in Australia or New Zealand to apply for the Liam and Frankie Davison award for outstanding achievement in literary writing on Women’s Health.

Launched in 2014, the RANZCOG Secondary Students Literary Competition was renamed in 2015 in honour of RANZCOG staff member and award-winning author, Liam Davison and his wife Frankie, a secondary school teacher, in recognition of their shared passion for nurturing and encouraging young writers.

Up to two awards are offered each year; the winning entrant(s) will receive $1000 in AUD or NZD as applicable, based on country of residence. Pieces must be betwee 500 – 1000 words and can take the form of a personal, informative, analytical, imaginative, instructive, or argumentative piece.

For information about possible topics, writing tips, terms and conditions and to register, please use the attached flyer here and visit the Award webpage.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact the RANZCOG Scholarships and Grants Coordinator on +61 3 9412 2916 or email [email protected]


Premier's Vocational Education in Schools Scholarship (Ref: 35/24)

The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for educators to collaborate with other professionals in their chosen focus area and inspire positive outcomes for students in NSW schools.

The scholarships are open to current temporary or permanent teachers in all NSW schools, TAFE NSW campuses and early childhood centres.

The Vocational Education in Schools Scholarship is open to teachers in NSW secondary schools, specifically Vocational Education and Training accredited teachers, or teachers undertaking a VET co-ordination role at their schools. The scholarship is for a study to research current issues in vocational education which impact students in schools.

Areas for research may include, but are not restricted to:

  • the role of workplace learning in the delivery and assessment of VET courses
  • school-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship pathways
  • partnerships between vocational education providers and industry
  • curriculum structures, delivery patterns and arrangements of vocational education
  • articulation of vocational education credentials acquired by students inot post-School vocational education and training.

The successful applicant will undertake a study tour and follow-up activities of up to five weeks internationally or within Australia. Study tour travel is to be completed in one block between 1 January and 30 June 2024, with individual follow-up activities and reporting to be completed within 90 days of study tour completion.

Time may involve formal study (e.g., undertaking a short course at a respected tertiary institution) or may involve a program of visits to sites, schools and institutions to conduct interviews, observe exemplary practices and collect resources for the preparation of teaching materials related to the specific scholarship category.

Successful applicants will be eligible for a grant of $15,000 for a five-week study tour to be completed in Australia or internationally.

A portion of time (up to one week) may be allocated toward follow-up dissemination activites (e.g., experience-sharing, professional learning) within and across NSW, either in-person or virtually.

You can apply for the scholarship through this link.


NSW Training Awards: Applications for 2024 Are Now Open​​​​​​​ (Ref: 3/24)

Step up and be recognised with a NSW Training Award! The NSW Training Awards are conducted annually by Training Services NSW to recognise outstanding achievements by individuals and organisations in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.

Why get involved with the Awards?

As the premier awards for vocational education and training (VET) in NSW, the Awards are a great way to receive recognition for the effort that individuals, Employers and Registered Training Organisations put into VET.

For organisations, the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the organisations’ commitment to VET. Entering the Awards raises the profile of the organisation and the awareness of the industry to the organisations’ dedication to skills for the workforce.

For individuals, the Awards provide a unique opportunity to celebrate their achievements and hard work. Nominating an individual for an award can open many doors and potentially become a stepping stone in their careers.

Individual Award Categories relevant for schools:

  • VET in Schools Student of the Year
  • School-based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
  • VET Trainer/Teacher of the Year

Organisation Awards:

  • Industry Collaboration
  • Large Employer of the Year
  • Small Employer of the Year
  • Large Training Provider of the Year
  • Small Training Provider of the Year Awards

National Award categories: (previous successful  school applications)

  • Innovation in VET Award
  • School Pathways to VET Award


Give yourself plenty of time to complete your application. You can still make edits to your submitted application right up until the closing dates:

  • Individual: 17 March 2024
  • Organisations: 31 March 2024

Be sure to access the NSW Training Awards site for:

  • Eligibility and selection criteria
  • Submission tips and videos
  • FAQs
  • Interview preparation videos


Students will be in the final year of their qualification, so generally, Year 12. Teachers/trainers can be relatively new or very experienced.

Winners progress through:

  • Regional Training Awards
    • Interviews: April; Awards: June
  • NSW State Training Awards
    • Interviews: July; Awards: 13 September
  • Australian Training Awards
    • Interviews: October; Awards: November

For an Organisational Award, check you’ve selected the most appropriate category.

Good luck!
