Priority Items

Catholic Schools New South Wales HSC (DeCourcy) Analysis training and support (Ref: 022/22)

The 2021 HSC Analysis was made available on Tuesday 8th February.

User Support

All support for users with access or technology issues should in the first instance be directed to the support desk via email: [email protected]

Professional Development and Training

After careful consideration, the preferred mode of delivery for the HSC Analysis training will continue to be face to face. A version of the Introduction to the Analysis and Detailed Reading of the Analysis is being trialled via Zoom.

Course Details

Diocesan Officers Overview:  Wednesday 2 March – face to face at SMC Conference & Function Centre* (SMC)

Introduction to the Analysis #1 : Friday 4 March – via Zoom only

Detailed read of the Analysis  #1: Tuesday 8 March – via Zoom only

Leading your School in the Analysis: Monday 21 March  face to face at SMC

Introduction to the Analysis #2: Wednesday 23 March  face to face at SMC

Detailed read of the Analysis #2: Friday 25 March face to face at SMC

The link to register for this training can be accessed HERE

The online training module can be accessed HERE 

For more information contact Gary Molloy, Manager Research, Data & Analysis

*SMC Conference & Function Centre
66 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000

2022 NAPLAN Update (Ref: 016/22)

NAPLAN 2022 Test Window

The test window for NAPLAN 2022 is 10-20 May 2022.

Welcome packs will be sent to schools from February 17 2022. An email from [email protected] will be sent to all principals on March 1 with access credentials to the assessment platform.

NAPLAN 2022 readiness

Preparation activities for NSW schools include participation in:

  • training for NAPLAN co-ordinators and test administrators
  • a practice test between 21 March and 8 April 2022 (including a Coordinated practice test.)


Training to support schools with the delivery of 2022 NAPLAN online includes facilitator led training sessions, webinars and eLearning.  Further details may be found at: 2022 NAPLAN training

Catholic Schools New South Wales also host 2022 NAPLAN eLearning. Click here for access instructions.

Further information contact [email protected]

2022 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations (Ref: 003/22)

  • The CSSA, a division of Catholic Schools NSW, creates high-quality CSSA Trial HSC Examinations.  Our contributors have syllabus expertise and extensive teaching experience to create Trial HSC Examinations.
  • To assists schools, we have a refreshed website for the 2022 CSSA program. The refreshed CSSA website is where a school must register for an account. Each school has one registered account for the Principal and their chosen delegate. Registered schools with the CSSA can then order CSSA Trial HSC Examinations.
  • Principals of registered schools with the CSSA should receive the 2022 Principal Information Package in Week 3, Term 1 via email. If you have not received the 2022 Principal Information Package by Friday 11 February – Week 3, Term 1 – please contact [email protected] for assistance.
  • If a Principal requires technological assistance with sign-in to their registered school account in the CSSA website, please email [email protected] There is a Catholic Schools New South Wales verification process in place to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of each Principal and their registered account with the CSSA.
  • The dates for the 2022 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are Monday 1st August to Monday 15th August 2022. The Security Period is up to and inclusive of 8am, Thursday 18th August 2022.
  • 2022 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations online ordering is available as of 9am, Monday 14 February (Week 4, Term 1) and until 9am, Friday 1 April 2022  (Week 10, Term 1).
  • The 2022 Draft CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable is conveniently provided in the Principal Information Package and will then be made available on the CSSA website.
  • The 2022 Final CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable will be emailed to Principals in Week 1, Term 2 and will then be made available on the CSSA website.
  • School data can be changed by individual schools via the CSSA website |Account Settings.

Relevant personnel in CSSA registered schools should ensure that school data and new fields of information on the CSSA website is checked, updated and completed as necessary. This will ensure that your School’s address, phone number, email address and contact details are correct – this information is critical for the delivery of CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Remember to click on “SAVE” at the end of the process.

Monica O’Brien

Head of CSSA Exams

Professional Learning

eSafety parent guide to digital technologies and mental health (Ref: 017/22)

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT in collaboration with the eSafety Commissioner is presenting a free webinar.

eSafety parent guide to digital technologies and mental health

This free webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 10–18.

It will cover:

  • what do to about accidental exposure to content about suicide, self-harm or eating disorders
  • using games, apps and social media to support mental wellbeing
  • the pros and cons of digital mental health platforms
  • strategies for young people to support friends online.

Tuesday 8 March 7.30pm – 8.30pm

Register here 

Resources to promote the webinar within your school community are provided below:



Work Experience/ Work Placement Insurance 2022/23 (Ref: 021/22)

Catholic Schools NSW (Catholic Schools New South Wales), working with broker Marsh Pty Ltd, has secured employer liability cover for students in work experience and work placement programs in 2022. Ansvar Insurance Limited is the 2022/23 insurer and offers cover at the same level as the previous year.

Further information is available in the memo below:

Memo 021-22 Work Placement Work Experience Ansvar Insurance 2022 v1


National Copyright Unit's free 2022 webinar series (Ref: 018/22)

The National Copyright Unit (NCU) is offering a series of free and practical webinars to help teachers navigate copyright while teaching.

These free webinars are open to all Australian schools and TAFEs (excluding Victorian TAFEs) and are targeted to teachers and teacher-librarians/librarians. The webinar covers topics such as:

  • basic introduction to copyright
  • what schools and TAFEs are allowed to do under the various education licences
  • free education use exceptions – flexible dealing, exam copying, performing and communicating works in the classroom and disability access exceptions
  • guidelines for schools and TAFEs about teaching students online
  • using Netflix, YouTube and audiobooks in class, including virtual classes
  • finding and using ‘Creative Commons’ licensed material and ‘Open Education Resources’
  • livestreaming of music performances/concerts.

Webinar dates and registration links can be found at the following site: 


National Copyright 2022 School Promo Flyer


School Newsletter

Nominations now open for the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards (Ref: 019/22)

This year’s Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards will showcase teachers and educators who have made a transformative impact in their students’ lives and demonstrated resilience to unique teaching challenges.

Now in its sixth consecutive year, the Awards will expand by adding a new category for Early Career Teachers.

Twelve educators will win a prestigious Teaching Award valued at $45,000 that goes towards professional development and a strategic school project, and the privilege to join a unique group of education change-makers.

In addition, up to 10 Early Career Teachers will receive a prize valued at $10,000 for professional development and a unique mentoring program. The new Early Career category aims to encourage and support teachers in the first five years of their profession who have the commitment, potential and passion to forge a successful teaching career

Media Release Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards

New funding to advance women in STEM (Ref: 020/22)

The Commonwealth Government has announced a funding commitment of $6.7 million towards the advancement of women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The funding will ensure the extension of the Superstars of STEM program, as well as the Women in STEM Ambassador, including the national awareness raising initiative – Future You.

Media Release – Women in STEM

Large Air Tanker naming competition (Ref: 005/22)

The Australian Government has funded the provision of a National Large Air Tanker (LAT) and your school could have the chance to name it.

Class groups from years 5 – 8 in rural/regional/ non-metro schools, are invited to express in 300 words or less what the Australian Government should name the Large Air Tanker and why.

The winning class will have their nominated name displayed on the LAT and a chance to contribute to the signage design! Your school will also receive a visit from the Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie to celebrate the success and the school and class will be included in an article in the Australian Journal of Emergency Management (April 2022 edition).

Entries  close on Friday 11 March 2022.

School approval must be obtained before any entry is submitted.

Further information can be found at the following sites: and National LAT Naming Competition (

Free curriculum resources from Ochre Education and AERO (Ref: 006/22)

New Australian not for profit Ochre Education and The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) have launched a series of sequenced, free video lessons and curriculum resources developed by teachers, beginning with materials in primary English and maths to support schools in Term 1.

Teachers can find these on

or on AERO’s website:

For more information, contact: [email protected]

Information Sheet

Applications open for the NSW Youth Advisory Council 2022 (Ref: 007/22)

Recruitment for the NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) 2022 is currently open.

Membership of the YAC is open to children and young people between 12-24 years of age residing in NSW. Applications are particularly sought from diverse locations, backgrounds and life experiences.

The 12 member YAC provides a direct avenue of communication between young people and the NSW Government. The YAC meets regularly throughout the year to discuss a range of topics and provide feedback on policies, procedures and resources affecting children and young people.

Members also provide feedback to community groups, government agencies and Departments and Ministers on issues concerning children and young people.

Applications close 13 March, 2022.

For further information about the YAC and for young people to apply, please use or share the link below:

If you have any questions feel free to call the office on (02) 9248 0970 or email [email protected]

MEXT 2022 Scholarships - Teacher Training Category (Ref: 008/22)

The Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship 2022 ,Teacher Training Category is now open, and applications close on Friday 18 February 2022.

Details and application forms are available on the Embassy of Japan in Australia website 

Please address any enquiries to the Embassy via [email protected] or (02) 6273 3244.