REGISTER NOW: Kathleen Burrow Research Institute Annual Lecture 2022, Delivered by The Honourable Justice Jacqueline Gleeson (Ref: 140/22)
Catholic Schools NSW is pleased to announce that the 2nd Annual Kathleen Burrow Research Institute Lecture will take place on Wednesday 5 October. The Lecture will be delivered by the Honourable Justice Jacqueline Gleeson SC, Justice of the High Court of Australia. Justice Gleeson will speak on “The High Court’s Contribution to Legal Education”. There is no cost to attend this event.
Catholic Schools NSW invites Catholic Schools New South Wales board members, school principals, relatives of Kathleen Burrow and other stakeholders in Catholic education to join us for this exciting and unique opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s most distinguished legal figures.
The lecture will include a Q & A components and canapes and beverages following the event.
Key Event Information
Date: Wednesday 5 October 2022
Time: Commencing 6 pm
Location: Refectory Hall, Holme Building (A09), The University of Sydney
Register HERE.
Update: Catholic Schools NSW Corporate Review Panel (Ref: 195/22)
The Constitution of Catholic Schools NSW specifies that a review of the operations of Catholic Schools New South Wales be commissioned by the Board five years after its establishment.
The independent Review Panel, appointed to conduct the review and comprised of Gabrielle McMullen AM, John Watkins AM and Pam Betts, commenced their work at the end of June. During these past two months, the panel’s focus has been on broad consultation with Catholic Schools New South Wales key partners in Catholic education and beyond.
The Panel is grateful to all those who have responded to an invitation to participate in an online survey, with over 100 responses received. In addition to the survey, the panel has received a number of submissions and interviewed a wide range of Catholic Schools New South Wales’s partners. The Panel has broadened the number of interviews initially identified and hence this phase of the review will now continue until late September.
A preliminary draft of the review findings will be discerned by the Panel throughout October. As there was a slight delay in commencing the review and the fact that the Panel has broadened the consultation process, it is now anticipated that the final review report will be provided to the Board of Catholic Schools New South Wales in January. This will provide an opportunity for the Catholic Schools NSW Board to prepare a response that will be considered by the Bishops in March 2023.
REGISTER NOW- Catholic Schools New South Wales Virtual Symposium - Supporting Learning K-12 (Ref: 155/22)
REGISTER HERE for the K-12 Education Symposium Monday October 10.
Join us online at 8:45am to be welcomed by Danielle Cronin, Director Education Policy Catholic Schools NSW. The keynote will start sharply at 9am and will be presented by Professor Jim Tognolini, ‘Using quantitative and qualitative assessment to inform teaching and learning in the primary and secondary classroom’.
Join us as a staff or as an individual, for 5 hours of NESA Accredited PD.
The day consists of live streamed keynotes and workshops and a wide selection of asynchronous professional learning opportunities. Live streamed sessions are below and asynchronous modules include:
- Formative assessment
- Explicit instruction
- Data based instruction in early writing
- After significant disruption: Accommodating diverse learners in busy & complex classrooms (K-2 and 3-6)
- Effective teaching assistant support: Best practice for small group instruction
- Mental Health & Wellbeing: A Response to COVID 19
Presenters include:
- Sarah Richardson and Georgina Lawrence, Australian Education Research Organisation,
- Professor Pamela J Mims, East Tennessee State University,
- Rachel Carr and Amanda Corby, Illume learning,
- Sue Larkey,
- Jennifer Coen Catholic Schools New South Wales,
- Dr Bree Jimenz, University of Texas at Arlington and more.
For any issues with accessing the registration please email [email protected].
Last Opportunity: Register for Intensifying Instruction for Struggling and at Risk Students, presented by Sarah McDonagh (K-4 focus) (Ref: 189/22)
Session Title: Intensifying Instruction for Struggling and At-Risk Students
Session Overview: In most schools and classrooms in New South Wales, teachers report that a proportion of their students are struggling to meet grade level expectations. While this phenomenon is not new, it has been magnified because of interruptions to student learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this professional learning, we will consider what it takes to intensify instruction for struggling and at-risk students in the context of a multi-tiered system of support. We will look at the role of explicit instruction, along with a focus on manipulating key instructional variables of time, program emphasis and grouping to accelerate student learning.
Guiding questions for this professional learning include:
- How can we best support struggling and at-risk students in the context of regular classroom?
- How can we determine if students are making adequate progress?
- How can interventions and supports be intensified when students are not making sufficient growth?
Classroom teachers, learning support teachers, and education support workers (teacher aides) will find this professional learning helpful.
Introducing Dr Sarah McDonagh
Dr Sarah McDonagh is an independent literacy consultant. Sarah earned her doctorate in Special Education at the University of Oregon and has research interests in instructional interventions in reading for students identified at-risk for reading difficulties and scaling up evidence-based practices in applied settings. Her expertise lie in early reading, prevention of reading difficulties, and instructional interventions for students identified at-risk for reading difficulties in the early school years. She has vast educational experience as a primary and special education teacher, academic, researcher, and consultant both in Australia and the United States. Sarah works intensively with schools in New South Wales to support school-wide implementation of effective reading practices and school improvement.
Please find the Presentation Flyer here: Intensifying Instruction for Struggling and At-Risk Student, Zoom Presentation run by Sarah McDonagh – FLYER
Should you need support to access this registration please email [email protected]
DATE CHANGE - Tuesday 20 September - Emina Mclean Maximising Literacy Success through Aligned Assessment, Curriculum and Instruction (K-10 focus) (Ref: 204/22)
Catholic Schools New South Wales is hosting a Zoom Webinar, presented by Emina McLean, that will take place on 20 September, from 3.45pm-4.45pm.
Emina McLean is a researcher, lecturer, primary school English and Literacy leader, and doctoral student, researching the reading and writing skills of university students. She will be presenting on Maximising literacy success through aligned assessment, curriculum, and instruction.
Emina also works as a professional learning provider, consultant, and coach in schools across Australia
Emina’s background is in speech-language pathology, education, child and adolescent psychiatry, and public health.
Emina’s interests are evidence-based practice in education, language and literacy instruction, cognition, mental health, pedagogy, professional learning, and the speech pathology-teaching interface in schools. She is passionate about working with teachers to develop rigorous assessment and instruction practices in English and literacy domains.
Meet the Marker HSC Analysis 2022 Series (Ref: 187/22)
Catholic Schools New South Wales is in partnership with the Science Teachers Association NSW for the “ Meet the Marker HSC Analysis 2022 Series”.
One of the most helpful and sought after types of professional learning for senior secondary teachers is participation in marking Higher School Certificate Examinations in their subject area. Unfortunately, that opportunity is not accessible to all teachers so the Science Teachers Association of NSW has designed a professional learning activity for those who cannot be involved in marking.
The “ Meet the Marker HSC Analysis 2022 Series” includes the Stage 6 Science course workshops for Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science, Physics, Investigating and Extension Science. Each video is 2 hours in length and consists of HSC markers unpacking the results of the previous year’s HSC science exam questions and can be recorded as NESA Elective PD.
This has been a highly popular form of professional learning and places are limited.
Meet the Markers is also highly recommended for both early career teachers taking senior classes for the first time and experienced practitioners.
Links to each video can be found below.
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis: SCIENCE EXTENSION
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis 2022: PHYSICS
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis 2022: INVESTIGATING SCIENCE
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis 2022: EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis 2022: CHEMISTRY
Meet the markers HSC exam analysis 2022: BIOLOGY
Catholic Schools New South Wales CSSA Catholic Secondary Schools Forum-'On the Horizon' Symposium (Ref: 186/22)
The Catholic Schools NSW – CSSA Catholic Secondary Schools Forum will be held on Thursday 3 November 2022 at the Sydney Masonic Centre, Sydney.
The Symposium theme ‘On the Horizon’ reflects our shared commitment to engaging in current and emerging issues in secondary education in Catholic schools. The symposium program will engage participants to reflect upon change within their school and beyond.
This event will bring together education and industry leaders to discuss current and emerging issues to extend the learning opportunities and outcomes available to students.
Catholic Schools New South Wales is pleased to announce the Catholic Schools New South Wales CSSA Catholic Secondary Schools Forum ‘On the Horizon Symposium Agenda including guest speakers:
- Dr Paul Cahill, A/Executive Director, Curriculum Reform, NESA
- Eric Land & Chris Cividino, Education Lead, NSW Department of Education
- Zid Mancenido, Senior Manager, Research and Engagement, Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)
- Reid Smith, Co-CEO, OCHRE Education
- Dr Vicki Cameron, Rebecca McGlashan, & Moira McGarva, PeopleBench
- Danielle Cronin, Director Education Policy, Catholic Schools New South Wales
The Agenda is available here: 2022 Catholic Schools New South Wales CSSA Catholic Secondary Schools Forum Agenda-03112022
Catholic Schools NSW invites Principals, School Leadership, Key Learning Area Coordinators, VET Coordinators, Career Practitioners and Stage 4–6 Year Coordinators in Catholic education to join us at the Catholic Schools New South Wales CSSA Catholic Secondary Schools Forum ‘On the Horizon’ Symposium.
Event Details
Date: Thursday 3 November 2022
Time: Registration opens at 8am for commencement at 8.30am-4:00pm
Location: Sydney Masonic Centre – 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney.
The location is close to Museum Train Station, the Light Rail, Buses or Secure Parking Stations.
Cost: There is NO COST to attend the Symposium.
NESA Elective PD
This professional learning can be recorded as 5hours and 30minutes of NESA Elective PD addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
- 6.3.2 Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice.
- 7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice
Registering is available from Tuesday 23 August until 5pm, Friday 14 October 2022 or until maximum registrations occur.
There are limited registration spots available. Register now to avoid missing out.
Register here and by clicking BOOK NOW (blue button) on the right.
After registering via the Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning portal you will receive a confirmation email within 48-72 hours.
If you are visiting the Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning portal for the first time you may need to visit the dashboard first by clicking here.
For further information contact [email protected]
Catholic Schools New South Wales Online PL module: 'The New K-2 Mathematics Syllabus' (Ref: 196/22)
Catholic Schools New South Wales Online On-demand PL module
The New K-2 Mathematics Syllabus- get ready to teach combining and separating quantities
Catholic Schools New South Wales is providing another exciting professional learning opportunity for all school staff. Dr Christine Mae, a highly experienced and renowned educational advisor and consultant with a demonstrated history of working productively to achieve improved learning outcomes in the education, presents a 90 minute online on-demand professional learning PL module for the implementation of the new K-2 Mathematics Syllabus- get ready to teach combining and separating quantities.
Participants will learn:
- Understanding the structure, language and trajectory of learning in combining and separating quantities K-2.
- Identifying important mathematical ideas in combining and separating quantities and ways to model them.
- Viewing and evaluating sample tasks for combining and separating quantities.
The presentation is available HERE.
*Completing this session of ‘The New K-2 Mathematics Syllabus: Get ready to teach combining and separating quantities’ will contribute 90 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of delivery and assessment of NSW curriculum addressing standard descriptors, ‘Design and implement learning and teaching programs using knowledge of curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements’ (2.3.2) and ‘Apply knowledge and understanding of effective teaching strategies to support students’ literacy and numeracy achievement’ (2.5.2) from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW*
If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales PL before you may need to visit the dashboard first by clicking here.
For further information contact [email protected].
NEW Catholic Schools New South Wales Online PL module: 'Adapting Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities' (Ref: 205/22)
Catholic Schools New South Wales Online On-demand PL module
Adapting Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities
Catholic Schools New South Wales is providing another exciting professional learning opportunity for all school staff. Amanda Corby of Illume Learning, an experienced educator in teaching children with disability and passionate about inclusive education, presents the 4th of nine one hour online on-demand professional learning PL modules.
‘Adapting Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities’ can be found HERE.
The nine online on demand profession learning PL modules are as follows:
- Introduction to Inclusive Education (previously released)
- The Importance of Developing Early Reading Skills for Students with Disabilities (previously released)
- Adapting Early Reading Instruction for Students with Disabilities (previously released)
- Adapting Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- Adapting Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- Rethinking the Role of Teaching Assistants in Inclusive Classrooms
- Universal Design for Learning
- Starting School- Supporting a Successful Transition to School
- Understanding Behaviour as Communication
Each fortnight two more of Illume Learning’s PL online on-demand modules will be released.
*Completing this session of ‘Adapting Mathematics Instruction with Students with Disabilities’ will contribute 1 hour of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of students/children with Disability addressing standard descriptor, ‘Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities’ (1.5.2) and ‘Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning’ (1.1.2) from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW*
If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales PL before you may need to visit the dashboard first by clicking here.
For further information contact [email protected]
NEW Catholic Schools New South Wales Online PL module: 'Adapting Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities' (Ref: 206/22)
Catholic Schools New South Wales Online On-demand PL module
Adapting Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities
Catholic Schools New South Wales is providing another exciting professional learning opportunity for all school staff. Amanda Corby of Illume Learning, an experienced educator in teaching children with disability and passionate about inclusive education, presents the 5th of nine one hour online on-demand professional learning PL modules.
‘Adapting Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities’ can be found HERE.
The nine online on demand profession learning PL modules are as follows:
- Introduction to Inclusive Education (previously released)
- The Importance of Developing Early Reading Skills for Students with Disabilities (previously released)
- Adapting Early Reading Instruction for Students with Disabilities (previously released)
- Adapting Writing Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- Adapting Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- Rethinking the Role of Teaching Assistants in Inclusive Classrooms
- Universal Design for Learning
- Starting School- Supporting a Successful Transition to School
- Understanding Behaviour as Communication
Each fortnight two more of Illume Learning’s PL online on-demand modules will be released.
*Completing this session of ‘Adapting Writing Instructions for Students with Disabilities’ will contribute 1 hour of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of students/children with Disability addressing standard descriptor, ‘Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities’ (1.5.2) and ‘Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning’ (1.1.2) from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW*
If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales PL before you may need to visit the dashboard first by clicking here.
For further information contact [email protected].
Stay Healthy HSC Campaign, Supporting Wellbeing of Year 12 students (Ref: 200/22)
NESA has developed a Stay Healthy HSC campaign to support the wellbeing year 12 students. The Stay Healthy HSC hub has mental health and wellbeing information, advice, and resources to help support HSC students’ as they complete their final year of school.
Please find the further Campaign resources here.
2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations - Preliminary Information (Ref: 199/22)
The following information is provided to schools in preparation of their 2023 school calendars:
- The 2023 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations are scheduled for Monday 31 July to Monday 14 August with a security period up to and including 8am, Thursday 17 August 2023.
- The 2023 dates for online ordering including disability provisions are available on the CSSA website here.
- The 2023 DRAFT CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable will be available on the CSSA website from Week 2, Term 2 2023.
Cyberbullying and Online Drama: CCSP Webinar for parents and carers of young people aged 11-18 years (Ref: 188/22)
In partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) is running a free webinar designed for parents and carers of young people aged 11 to 18 years old. The webinar will include hints on how to start conversations with your child about their online friendships and positive ways to deal with changing relationships.
The webinar will cover:
- starting conversations with your child about their online friendships and positive ways to deal with changing relationships
- understanding the rights, laws and community expectations that govern social media use
The webinar is being held on Tuesday 20 September from 7.30pm-8.30pm
Register here.
Access the webinar poster here: Cyberbullying landscape Webinar
‘Yellamundie, Voices and Faces of First Nations People in Sydney’ - Book Launch and Resource for Students (Ref: 202/22)
Michelle McGrath, a teaching assistant at Redfern Jarjum College, has recently published a book, titled ‘Yellamundie, Voices and Faces of First Nations People in Sydney’.
Michelle has always been passionate about promoting Indigenous voice and in supporting non-Indigenous kids to learn more about Australia’s first people. The book is a great resource for schools, particularly for supporting non-Indigenous students and teachers to see the faces and hear the voices of their First Nations peers.
The book launch is taking place on 20 September 2022 at Carriageworks in Redfern. Teachers in Catholic Schools New South Wales schools are encouraged t attend the launch.
To attend the book launch, register here.
2022 Principal Health and Wellbeing Survey Launch (Ref: 201/22)
The ACU 2022 Australian Principal Health & Wellbeing survey is now live for new participant registrations. The registration link can be found here.
School Leaders, Principals, Assistant/Deputy Principals and Retired Principals are encouraged to participate.
The research has significant impact in the diagnostic feedback given to school principals, the evaluation of existing policy initiatives, and the consultation with state departments leading to important new policy initiatives.
Read more about the Survey here: 2022 Invitation to Participate – ACU Principal Health and Wellbeing Survey