Priority Items

Catholic Schools New South Wales HSC (DeCourcy) Analysis training and support (Ref: 022/22)

The 2021 HSC Analysis was made available on Tuesday 8th February.

Professional Development and Training

After careful consideration, the preferred mode of delivery for the HSC Analysis training will continue to be face-to-face. A version of the Introduction to the Analysis and Detailed Reading of the Analysis is being trialled via Zoom.

Course Details

Leading your School in the Analysis: Monday 21 March  face-to-face at SMC

Introduction to the Analysis #2: Wednesday 23 March  face-to-face at SMC

Detailed read of the Analysis #2: Friday 25 March face-to-face at SMC

The link to register for this training can be accessed HERE

The online training module can be accessed HERE 

For more information contact Gary Molloy, Manager Research, Data & Analysis

*SMC Conference & Function Centre
66 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000

User Support

All support for users with access or technology issues should in the first instance be directed to the support desk via email: [email protected]

Professional Learning

NSW Curriculum Reform: New online professional development modules (Ref: 045/22)

Teachers can now explore the new English and Mathematics K–2 syllabuses through free online learning modules.

The modules provide an overview of:

  • new syllabus structures
  • outcomes, content and evidence base
  • how to access key information

Each module counts towards 2.5 hours of NESA accredited PD.

Login to online learning HERE.


Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Trends in 2022 (Ref:039/22)

Anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidality and violence are presenting increasing challenges for schools. Increased concerns around student mental health and wellbeing hit the headlines during the COVID-19 crisis. This resulted in increased government spending and renewed interest in school safety and security.

Join Jennifer Coen (Senior Manager- Wellbeing Catholic Schools New South Wales) as she discusses student wellbeing in 2022 and how Catholic Schools New South Wales can support your school staff to become a part of these initiatives.

When: Wednesday 16 March 9:30 – 10:30

Audience: All RI/MPJP well-being & counselling staff

To register for the one hour workshop click here 

You will need to update your details on the Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning site by clicking here.

For any technical support please contact [email protected]. All other enquiries can be directed to Jennifer Coen [email protected] – 0417441781



Modern Slavery Amendment Act NSW 2021 (Ref: 040/22)

On 1 January 2022, the Modern Slavery Amendment Act NSW 2021 (the NSW Act) came into effect in New South Wales.

The NSW Act encourages corporations who are not required to report under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Commonwealth Act) to volunteer to report in accordance with section 6 of the Commonwealth Act. In doing this, the NSW Act does not require supply chain audits or reporting in addition to the requirements of the Commonwealth Act. Rather, the NSW Act supports and sits in harmony with the current Commonwealth Act reporting requirements.

Additionally, the NSW Act has established an Anti-Slavery Commissioner whose role it is to:

  • promote public awareness on modern slavery and its victims
  • encourage and monitor reporting by relevant entities
  • monitor the effectiveness of government due diligence procedures

The Anti-Slavery Commissioner has also been granted the power to request modern slavery-related information from the Police Commissioner as well as an additional power to remove civil liability for whistleblowers who provide information to the Commissioner.

Further information can be found here.


School Newsletter

National School Science Safety Campaign (Ref: 047/22)

The National School Science Safety Campaign ‘Science Safety Matters’ is an initiative of the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA). ASTA is supported in this campaign by the Australian Academy of Science (AAS).

Science by its very nature requires inquiry and investigation, which inherently has risks. Whilst these risks are real, they can be mitigated through safe practices and embedding a safety-first culture within schools. The responsibility for safety with school science rests on the shoulders of school science educators, and school leadership.

The campaign was officially launched on Wednesday 16 February, you can download a copy of the launch video via the link provided (, or on ASTA’s social media accounts as per below:


The campaign will consist of social media posts, articles and resources which will be provided over the course of the year.

Schools can subscribe to the Science ASSIST online advisory service, as well as access the many resources already available on the Science ASSIST website (

ASTA policy position papers are available on the ASTA website under the Impact and Advocacy Section.

For further information contact: [email protected]

World Hearing Day March 3 (Ref: 048/22)

HSC Stage 6 Indonesian and Literature course (Ref: 046/22)

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) will not be suspending the Stage 6 Indonesian and Literature course in 2022 despite continuing low HSC candidature over three consecutive years (2019, 2020 and 2021).

Due to enrolment disruptions as a result of COVID-19, 2021 has been discounted for the purpose of calculating language completion data for the suspension of courses. Should the candidature in Indonesian and Literature fall again below 15 students in 2022, the course will be suspended following the 2024 HSC examinations with 2023 being the last year for students in Year 11 to undertake the course. If the candidature reaches 15 in 2022, the course will not be suspended in 2024.

Teachers’ Guild of NSW 2022 Education Awards Now Open (Ref: 041/22)

The Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales Education Awards are NOW open to recognise outstanding educators in 2022.



The Early Career Educator Award is for early career teachers who currently work in either a primary or secondary school.

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Awards for Teachers in their Early Years of Teaching, conducted annually by the Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales. There are two categories of Award, one for a secondary (7-12) teacher, and one for a primary (K-6) teacher. Only teachers in their second or third year of teaching are eligible for nomination.

Primary Awards Nomination Form 2022

Secondary Awards Nomination Form 2022

Click here for the Early Career Awards Application Guidelines

Nominations close by 5.00PM Friday 13 May 2022



A “Guild Research Award” is offered to a Postgraduate Student and/or Experienced Teacher in NSW or ACT schools, who is currently completing or completed a research of direct benefit to classroom teaching within the last two years.

2022 Guild Research Award

Date: Friday 19 September 2022

Venue: Concord Golf Club

Cost: This is a free event

Time: 1.00pm to 5.00pm

Click here to nominate for the Research Award

View judging criteria here to find out more about our Research Award

Nominations close by 5.00PM Friday 24 June 2022



The TGNSW Wales Regional / Remote Teaching and Learning Excellence Award is an opportunity to give educators, in all sectors, the ability to share the material they have developed as a teaching and learning resource, which has been delivered as part of an online learning program. It allows for reflections of the educator’s course materials and instructional strategies and provides educators the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the material, by assessing the achievement of the learning outcomes of students, as well as the level of rapport achieved by the educator.

These awards have been created to encourage excellence in the development of online resource materials which is accessed by students in regional / remote learning environments. The Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales will award two winners of $500 each from Regional / Remote Teaching and Learning applications associated with education delivery in any School sector, including TAFE, VET and University.

Please access 2022 Nomination Form here.

Submit nominations to [email protected] by 5.00PM Friday 10 June 2022



Honouring teachers with the World Teachers’ Recognition Certificate who have made a wonderful contribution to their school in advancing the education profession.

Click here to nominate

Click here to view past award winners

Nominations close by 5.00PM Saturday 24 September 2022


Honorary Fellowship of the Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales
Applying is simple. Perhaps you, yourself, will apply. If you believe you are eligible, please do! But please also forward this to colleagues who deserve this recognition. There are so many of them, and we’d love to be able to recognise them. Existing members, or current non-members, may make an application to the Guild for Honorary Fellowship of the Guild.

Click here to see past recipients

Register here for New Membership

Click here if you are an existing TGNSW Member

You will not regret a moment of your time, invested for your own recognition, or for that of valued colleagues.

Let’s recognise the outstanding and accomplished teachers among us. Remember, applicants need not be current members of the Guild.

For any enquiries please contact the Secretariat at
[email protected]

If you would like to join the Teachers’ Guild of NSW social media group,
Like us at
Follow us on twitter @TGNSW

Young Indigenous Women's STEM Academy (Ref: 028/22)

The Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy (the Academy) will increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females undertaking studies and careers in STEM. The Academy does this through targeted, long-term support to help overcome the barriers that discourage Indigenous women from pursuing STEM careers.

Learn more here


