Priority Items

Teach for Australia Future Leaders Program (Ref: 363/21)

Applications for the Future Leaders program are closing next Friday 10 December.

The Future Leaders Program, supports aspirant and emerging leaders in regional and remote schools to build their leadership capacity, with peers from across WA, the NT, QLD and NSW.

The program offers the opportunity to develop and receive targeted feedback, in an environment with:

  • Individualised coaching –building on your unique strengths and aspirations
  • Contextualised support –focusing on your school and region’s particular opportunities and challenges
  • Peer network –matching you with other teachers who share particular strengths and work in similar contexts, so you can grow together throughout the program and beyond

For further information visit the website

Applications close Friday 10 December

Applications Link

Professional Learning

HSC Results Analysis Training – 2022 Registration (Ref: 352/21)

Catholic Schools New South Wales will again offer a suite of training to assist schools analyse their HSC results. Individual Course Registration links below

If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales PL before you may need to visit the dashboard first by clicking Initial Profile Registration .

Diocesan Officers’ Overview

For Diocesan & RI/MPJP System Level Officers, this seminar will provide a walk-through of how you use the system-level reports in conjunction with school reports to support schools. New developments in the 2021 HSC Analysis and 2022 seminar programme, including opportunities for cross-system sharing and key features of the 2021 HSC.

March 2 2022

Introduction to the Analysis

Teachers, KLA coordinators and others who have not previously attended an HSC seminar, and for those who have but who want to ‘brush up’ on the main ideas behind the Analysis. It’s very handy if two or more people from the same school can enrol for the same seminar.

March 4 2022

March 23 2022

A detailed reading of your Analysis

Target group:  Experienced users – any teacher, coordinator, AP or Principal who has previously attended at least one HSC Analysis Seminar including 2022.  Applicants will be asked to nominate the year in which they satisfied the prerequisite.

March 8 2022

March 25 2022

 Leading your school in the Analysis

Target group:  Principals, APs, Leaders of Curriculum or Pedagogy:  those who have a whole-school focus rather than a one-KLA or year group.  If you are the person within the school to whom the principal delegates the overview of the HSC Analysis, this is the seminar for you.  If you are newly appointed into such a role, you need to be at this seminar.

March 21 2022

The above dates are based on current NESA advice in relation to the release of HSC results.

For further information contact Gary Molloy: [email protected]


Engaging with the AEDC data for teachers (Ref: 350/21)

Access the session here

This session focuses on the value of Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data in supporting children’s learning, wellbeing and implementing differentiated teaching. Educators are also guided in how they can interpret and engage with the AEDC data. Some examples on how to adapt practice to support children’s development in the five AEDC domains are explained. Some guidance on possible actions that educators can take as they use the AEDC data to inform or make assumptions that inform future planning is also provided.

The session is for school leaders and teachers and watching the video can be logged as 1 hour of NESA elective PD.


School Newsletter

Outback Immersion Program receives Roger O’Sullivan Memorial Award (Ref: 362/21)

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) has announced that The Outback Immersion Program conceived by St Mary’s Catholic School, Wellington is the recipient of the 2021 Roger O’Sullivan Memorial Award for Family, School and Community Partnerships for Learning.

You can read more information about the award here.

Catholic Schools New South Wales & ACU Scholarship 2022 (Ref: 349/21)

Catholic Schools NSW has worked closely with The Australian Catholic University to introduce a course this year supporting teachers on their accreditation journey to Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher while recognising the value of a Masters degree in Education or Educational Leadership.

The course includes two 20cp Practice units; Highly Accomplished/Lead Educational Practice 1 and Highly Accomplished/Lead Educational 2. The units support the professional learning needs of emerging leaders and assists aspiring teachers in the process of gaining Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, whilst providing a formal pathway within postgraduate study. Teachers completing the course achieve a Graduate Certificate in Education (Highly Accomplished/ Lead Practice) which also comprises 40 credit points towards a Master of Education or a Master of Educational Leadership at ACU.

The first cohort of teachers have found the course to be invaluable in supporting them to identify, document and reflect on their HA or Lead practice. Most participants recognise the role the course has had in supporting them to begin or advance their submission to higher level certification.

In 2022, Catholic Schools New South Wales is again offering 15 fully funded scholarships for teachers to complete the Graduate Certificate. Teachers will be asked to complete an expression of interest so that a selection process may take place. We ask that you encourage teachers who you know to be seriously considering or working towards HALT accreditation to apply.

To express interest please click here and  complete the form.

For further information or support contact [email protected] 0409 606 437

ABSTUDY resources for community groups (Ref: 351/21)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are finishing Year 6 are eligible for ABSTUDY from the start of secondary school.

Services Australia has reached out to the Catholic sector to encourage parents and guardians to claim ABSTUDY now as it may help with the cost of school materials, school fees, boarding fees and travel.

ABSTUDY is a group of payments that can help students from secondary school right through to tertiary studies. There are ABSTUDY payments for parents whose children live at home as well as away from home.

Parents can claim now for their child starting Year 7 in 2022. It’s especially important parents claim early if their children are moving away from home to study. Claiming before the end of the year will put them in the best position to have their claims finalised and get travel organised so their child is ready to start high school on time.

The ABSTUDY Resources eKit

ABSTUDY website