National Copyright Unit Q&A on remote learning: Thursdays lunchtime (Ref: 201/21)
In response to the return to remote learning in some States, the National Copyright Unit (NCU) is hosting a one-hour lunchtime copyright question and answer session each Thursday (via Zoom) for curriculum developers and other staff, in the Departments of Education or non-government school bodies, involved in creating and providing educational resources to students, teachers, schools and parents.
When: Thursdays 12-1pm
Where: Via this Zoom link
Who is welcome: Departmental/ Non-government school bodies’ staff involved in creating and providing education resources to teachers, schools and parents.
Please note: teachers and schools can contact NCU for copyright advice by phone at (02) 7814 3855 and via email [email protected]. They can also find practical copyright information and guides on including our new information sheet COVID-19 School Lockdown – Copyright Guidance.
HAVE YOUR SAY on changes to the new English & Maths K–2 syllabuses (Ref: 202/21)
Given the challenges arising from COVID-19, including remote learning, NESA is extending the ‘Have Your Say’ timeline for the new English and Mathematics K–2 syllabuses. The timeline to confirm changes made as a result of feedback from the March–April consultation on the draft English and Mathematics K–2 outcomes and content is:
- Information Period: 26 July to 2 August 2021. Notify stakeholders about the upcoming consultation period.
- ‘Have Your Say’: 2 to 23 August 2021. English and Mathematics K–2 syllabuses released for consultation via an online survey.
You will soon be able to access the syllabuses at the Catholic Schools New South Wales Curriculum Reform Hub (login via NETiD) where you can also find other relevant NESA updates and resources.
Kindergarten Orientation and transition 2021-22 (Ref: 203/21)
Kindergarten orientation and transition to school should be flexible and responsive to emerging COVID-19 guidelines. Where current health restrictions will impact on school orientation visits, it is recommended that they be delayed until later in Term 3 or early Term 4.
To support a successful transition, there are still a number of ways you can engage families and children in preparation for starting school in 2022.
The Early Years Foundations for Learning digital resource is available to all teachers, educators and families including the Advice from the Experts videos. All resources can be found here and have been developed in conjunction with Catholic School Agencies.
Supporting young people impacted by COVID-19 (Ref: 204/21)
In response to the current lockdowns, HeadSpace is running additional Parent/Carer mental health education sessions, over the next 6 weeks.
The sessions are titled supporting young people impacted by COVID-19, and provide Parents and Carers with information and strategies to proactively support their young people during these uncertain times.
The following sessions are available via zoom and scheduled over the next 5 weeks.
- 27 July 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Liverpool
- 28 July 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Waverley
- 4 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, South Western Sydney
- 5 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Cumberland
- 9 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Northern Sydney
- 10 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Georges River
- 11 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, South Eastern Sydney
- 17 August, 2021, 6:30 – 7:45pm, Western Sydney
- 19 August, 2021, 6:30pm – 7:45pm, Randwick
Catholic Schools New South Wales works in partnership with HeadSpace and supports this initiative which provides parents/carers with helpful information during this period of increasing lockdowns and disruptions to daily life.
To register click here
COVID-19 guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services (Ref: 192/21)
COVID-19 guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services
Click here for the latest guidelines for ECEC services. Read the latest communication to services on the current public health orders including answers to FAQs.
These guidelines are to help early childhood education and care (ECEC) services prepare for, prevent and manage an outbreak of COVID-19.
Talking Drugs with Paul Dillon - Vaping! (Ref: 205/21)
Has your teen started vaping? It may surprise you to know that many teens don’t think vaping is harmful – but the pitfalls of engaging in this behaviour are many.
With increasing numbers of young people believing vaping to be harmless, it has become a growing issue for many schools.
In this podcast Jennifer Coen (State Manager- Wellbeing Catholic Schools New South Wales) talks to Paul Dillon about drugs, alcohol & vaping (duration 24 min).
ABS 2021 Census of Population and Housing - Information for School Camps (Ref: 206/21)
Tuesday 10 August 2021 is Census night
The ABS has written to all schools in Australia to outline the process for counting students and staff who will be away from home and on a school camp or overnight excursion on Census night.
Tax, Super + You competition (Ref: 207/21)
The Tax, Super + You competition is a fun and engaging way for high school students to learn about the value of tax and super, and the role they play in our community.
There are prizes for both the winning students and their schools.
Students are asked to develop a creative project on their topic. There are two entry topics this year:
- Junior (Year 7–9): Highlight the value of tax or super (or both) in the community.
- Senior (Year 10–12): Your first job – what you need to know about tax and super.
Watch this video featuring Assistant Commissioner Sally Bektas as she explains how students and their schools can get involved!
The Tax, Super + You competition is now open.
Fruit & Veg Month 2021 starts next month (Ref: 208/21)
Fruit & Veg Month is a free health promotion event for NSW primary schools that puts a positive focus on fruit and vegetables. Each year Fruit & Veg Month has a special theme to inspire kids to get interested in eating, enjoying and learning about fruit and veg, and all schools that register receive a fantastic resource pack full of classroom materials, posters, stickers and more. The event is funded by NSW Health. Find out more at the Fruit & Veg Month website.
Applications Open - Schools Plus funding opportunity for Schools (Ref: 196/21)
Schools Plus is a national not-for-profit that helps children facing disadvantage succeed at school.
Schools can now submit an application to the Smart Giving open round to receive up to $60,000 in funding for a project that will bring profound change to their students.
Schools eligible for support through Schools Plus must have a value below 1000 on the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA). Eligible schools can lodge a simple application for a chance to be matched with a donor who will provide funding for a project designed to improve student outcomes.
Applications are open until Friday 20 August.
To find out more visit the Smart Giving page.
Questions should be directed to: (02) 8880 0296 or [email protected]
Opportunity to teach in the Northern Territory (Ref: 195/21)
Catholic Education Northern Territory is seeking experienced teachers from Catholic schools, especially those with EAL/D training, to apply for a position at one of their Aboriginal Catholic Community Schools.
Teachers should read the circular for more information: Catholic Education NT Circular
The following document provides information for Principals regarding Secondment of staff: Secondment of Teachers for NT Aboriginal Catholic Community Schools
Kids to Farms now more accessible (Ref: 199/21)
The Kids to Farms program, an initiative aimed at increasing primary school students’ engagement with agriculture, will soon be more accessible to schools across NSW.
As early as next month, NSW primary schools will be able to apply for up to $1,500 to visit a farm or agricultural site through the Kids to Farms program, funded as part of the Australian Government’s Educating Kids About Agriculture: Kids to Farms program, which is delivered through the NSW Farmers’ Association.
Through excursions to farms or incursions in the classroom, the Kids to Farms program enables school kids to learn where their food comes from and how a farm works. “Where a few decades ago most people had a connection to farming, our younger generations are less exposed to this vital aspect of Australia’s social and economic fabric,” said Charlotte Groves, Young Farming Council Member from NSW Farmers.
“The Kids to Farms Program is an initiative seeking to close that gap, but some schools face a financial barrier in accessing the program.” Grants of up to $1,500 will be available for excursions conducted between 12 July 2021 and 17 December 2021.
The funding must be applied for one month prior to the excursion taking place, and will be in the form of a reimbursement once the excursion has taken place.
If you have any questions about the funding program please contact the Kids to Farms team at [email protected] or 02 9478 1067.
If you would like further information about the Kids to Farms program please click here.