Priority Items

New appointment: State Manager Aboriginal Education (Ref: 145/21)

Catholic Schools NSW (Catholic Schools New South Wales) is pleased to announce that Mrs Sharon Cooke has been appointed to the position of State Manager Aboriginal Education.

The State Manager Aboriginal Education is responsible for providing strategic policy and program advice to Catholic Schools New South Wales, diocesan Catholic education offices and RI/MPJP schools in the area of Aboriginal education. The State Manager will lead the implementation of the Catholic Schools New South Wales Aboriginal Education Strategy.

Sharon joins Catholic Schools New South Wales from the Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Armidale, where she held the role of Manager, Indigenous Education K-12. In this role she was responsible for leading the delivery of support to schools to ensure the best pedagogical practices for improving the faith, learning and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal students were implemented. Sharon also led two innovative system-wide initiatives, Wii Gaay and Waramalaya to support students across the Diocese.

Sharon is a proud woman of the Weilwan Ngemba people of north-west region of New South Wales. She is an accomplished educator who has worked in Aboriginal education for over 35 years. Sharon is well known in Catholic education circles and has had a long association with Catholic Schools New South Wales and its predecessor CECNSW, including as a CECNSW Commissioner for 7 years.

She has also represented the Catholic Schools New South Wales on numerous state and national committees and working groups including:

  • Catholic Schools New South Wales Aboriginal Education Reference Group
  • NCEC Aboriginal Education Committee
  • AESOC Aboriginal Education Advisory Group (national inter-governmental group)

Sharon will be joining Catholic Schools New South Wales early next month in this important leadership role serving our shared mission in Catholic schooling.

Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) 2021 Early School Preliminary Report (Ref: 144/21)

Schools completing the AEDC 2021 data collection now have access to an Early School Preliminary Report. Schools that have finalised their data collection will immediately receive a two page preliminary report as soon as they complete the collection. Page one of the report provides an overview of the AEDC and page two provides an indication of trends. The data collection closes on 25 June 2021.

Update on 2021 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations (Ref: 140/21)

  • Online ordering for the 2021 CSSA Trial HSC Examinations has now closed.
  • The dates for the 2021 Trial HSC Examinations are Monday 26 July to Monday 9 August. The Final CSSA Trial HSC Examinations Timetable is available on the CSSA website:
  • The Security Period for the 2021 CSSA Trial HSC Examination is up to, and inclusive of, Wednesday 11 August 2021.  Examinations, related examination materials and student scripts are not to be returned to students until Thursday 12 August 2021.
  • Please note the process for invoicing has been updated. This information has been noted on the CSSA website Notice Board for all registered schools.
  • Principals are reminded to ensure the CSSA Terms and Conditions are followed by all teachers and other staff members.  Principals are reminded to also read the Security Breaches Policy and Procedures for CSSA Trial HSC Examinations. Both documents are located on the CSSA website and were included in the 2021 Principal Information Package.
  • Having completed online ordering, Principals are required to certify in writing their acceptance of the CSSA Terms and Conditions via the 2021 Principal Certification Form. This form must be returned to the CSSA.
  • First Round Deliveries – Schools that have ordered per cohort and using the 2021 CSSA Trial HSC Examination Timetable. These orders will be delivered to schools from Tuesday 13 July to Friday 16 July (Week 1, Term 3).
  • Second Round Deliveries – Schools that have purchased a minimum order of examinations (5 copies per subject). These orders will be delivered to schools from Monday 16 August 2021 (Week 6, Term 3).

Catholic Schools New South Wales hosts Inaugural Kathleen Burrow Research Institute Lecture (Ref: 156/21)

Last week Catholic Schools New South Wales was proud to host the Inaugural Kathleen Burrow Research Institute lecture at The University of Notre Dame, Sydney.

The Kathleen Burrow Research Institute is a research unit within Catholic Schools NSW (Catholic Schools New South Wales) that conducts and publishes research on contemporary issues in school education to promote the advancement of education in all school sectors in Australia.

Our special guest for the evening, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney & Chair of the Bishops Commission for Catholic Education, delivered an inspiring & thought-provoking lecture. We were joined by a range of stakeholders including Professor Elizabeth Labone from University of Notre Dame, Jacinta Collins Executive Director of National Catholic Education Commission, Catholic Schools NSW board members, Directors from Sydney Catholic Schools and Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, school principals, relatives of Kathleen Burrow and more.

Overall it was a fantastic evening of networking with stakeholders in Catholic education.

To view photos from the event please head to @CatholicSchoolsNSW on Facebook 

To read more about the Kathleen Burrow Research Institute within Catholic Schools NSW, including access to a range of our reports click here.


Professional Learning

'Stand Tall’ Building hope and resilience in students (Ref: 146/21)

Stand tall is a live event for secondary school students (largest of its kind in Australia) and is aimed at promoting mental health & resilience.

Stand Tall was established to build hope, inspiration, a sense of value & belonging.

For more information click here.

Stand Tall Livestream Flyer 2021


Science “HSC Student Revision” Workshops Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Ref: 153/21)

Since 2019, Crooked Science has been running HSC Student Revision workshops in each of the sciences, run by subject experts with HSC marking experience and more. These workshops have been well received and a suite of these 2-hour workshops via Zoom have been developed for 2021. The workshops will cover the content and skills from Modules 6 & 7, paying particular attention to difficult material and common mistakes. All students will walk away with a range of resources and strategies.

$30 inclusive of GST per student.

Science HSC Revision Workshops Modules 6 & 7


17 June 2021, 3:00-5:00pm


21 June 2021, 3:00-5:00pm


22 June 2021, 3:00-5:00pm

If you have visited Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning before this link will take you directly to registration, simply choose the morning or afternoon session.

If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Leaning before please follow the 2-step process outlined here.

STEP 1: Access the Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning Dashboard click here

STEP 2: Access the by clicking here

If you have never accessed the platform before you will need to follow the 2 steps.


Assessment and Data Literacy Co-contribution Sponsorship Initiative (Ref: 152/21)

Calling Principals and Senior Leaders – Talking Data and Assessment Literacy with Professor Jim Tognolini, Director of the Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA) at the University of Sydney.

As partners committed to providing teachers with the best PD in assessment and the use of data, we would like to invite primary and secondary Principals and other senior leaders to a session with Jim to learn more about the Assessment and Data Literacy Co-contribution Sponsorship Initiative (The Initiative) and other PD opportunities for teachers and school leaders.

After outlining what we can offer you and your school, Jim would welcome an opportunity to have a conversation about the issues and challenges you face with a view to developing a program that supports you an our teachers.

This particular Initiative  we are  launching will offer access to either Module 1 Data Literacy or Module 1 Assessment Literacy, costs worn by Catholic Schools NSW with schools taking up the offer encouraged to self-fund the purchase of another module at a special price.  Each module offers NESA Accredited Interim Professional Development hours.

2 sessions on 15 June

  • 9:30am-10:30am
  • 3:30pm-4:30pm

If you have visited Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning before this link will take you directly to registration, simply choose the morning or afternoon session.

If you have not visited Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Leaning before please follow the 2-step process outlined here.

STEP 1: Access the Catholic Schools New South Wales Professional Learning Dashboard click here

STEP 2: Access the by clicking here

If you have never accessed the platform before you will need to follow the 2 steps.



NESA Professional Learning: Illness and Misadventure HSC applications (Ref: 139/21)

NESA will be offering online workshops in June and July focusing on the application processes for Illness and Misadventure consideration for the HSC. The workshops will cover principles, procedures and evidence required for the application process. Further information and registration details can be accessed here. 


Mini-Certificate of Gifted Education (Mini-COGE) workshops (Ref: 147/21)

UNSW is offering Mini-Certificate of Gifted Education (Mini-COGE) workshops

GERRIC’s Mini-Certificate of Gifted Education (Mini-COGE) provides useful and practical professional development to educators in supporting gifted and high potential students. Gifted and high potential students are not necessarily high achievers; in this course we focus on how to engage and support these students to reach their high potential.

The Mini-COGE will help you to:

  • Identify gifted, high potential and talented students
  • Differentiate the curriculum for high potential students
  • Implement ability grouping or acceleration
  • Understand gifted education research and best practices
  • Develop an existing (or create a new) unit of work to best suit the needs of the differentiated classroom and gifted students

For more information visit here.


Discussion on creativity (Ref: 148/21)

As part of Vivid Sydney, hear from visionary thinkers, artists and authors Pasi Sahlberg, Lynette Wallworth and Jessie Tu on valuing the big picture and how they bring creativity to life every day.

Presented by the UNSW Centre for Ideas and the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture as part of Vivid Sydney.

Click here for registration.


Giving kids the skills to cope by Dr Justin Coulson (Ref: 138/21)

Have you ever wondered why some kids give up easily?

Join Dr Justin Coulson as he discusses how to enable kids to cope with the challenges that life throws at them.

Originally presented to school chaplains this webinar is now available to all staff for a limited time – expires June 16, 2021.

Hosted by Catholic Schools New South Wales

Sponsored by the National School Chaplaincy Program


School Newsletter

Students raise their voices to celebrate the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia (Ref: 149/21)

Catholic students from across the country have joined together in a video performance of the national song ‘Faith in the Future’, to celebrate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia, which marks the anniversary of the first official Catholic school opened in Parramatta in October 1820.

The ‘Faith in the Future Australian Catholic Schools Version’ features 370 students from 29 Catholic schools across Australia including remote, regional and rural communities such as: Our Lady Sacred Heart School Waiben (Thursday Island), St John’s Catholic School Richmond in Tasmania, Sacred Heart College Sorrento in Western Australia, and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

Watch the video here

Media Release: National Song


Health advice relating to the mouse plague (Ref: 150/21)

We acknowledge the current mouse plague that is impacting some parts of NSW. Mice, rats and other rodents may carry infections that can spread to humans. These infections are rare, but people should take steps to reduce their risk.

  • NSW Health has released a fact sheet with a guide to staying safe during this time. NSW Health advises to speak with your GP if you have any health concerns related to rodent-borne disease or to contact your local Public Health Unit for any other public health-related concerns on 1300 066 055.
    For early childhood education and care services, we draw your attention to NSW Health advice on cleaning:
  • Mop floors and clean countertops with disinfectant or bleach solution
  • Steam clean or shampoo upholstered furniture and carpets with evidence of rodent exposure
  • Wash any bedding and clothing with laundry detergent in hot water if exposed to rodent urine or droppings
  • When cleaning up mouse carcases or working in areas where mice have been
    • Wear gloves
    • Wear waterproof protective clothing and footwear
    • Cover cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing
    • Wash hands with soap and dry your hands after completing the clean-up, and especially before eating.
    • Ideally, any handling of mouse carcasses should not be undertaken by staff members who are pregnant or immunosuppressed.

Additionally, the NSW Government has released information on support packages that will soon be available to help small businesses manage a mouse plague in regional NSW.

Further information is available on the NSW Government website and the department will continue to provide key updates to the sector.

Football NSW host successful NSWCCC Football Championships (Ref: 151/21)

Valentine Sports Park, the home of Football in NSW, recently hosted the two-day NSWCCC Championships as 21 teams from across NSW competed under great conditions.

The Open Boys category saw schools from Armidale/Bathurst, CBSA, Maitland/Newcastle, MCC, Wollongong, Parramatta, MCS, Lismore, Southern Sydney, Wagga Wagga/Canberra-Goulburn and Broken Bay go head-to-head with one objective and that was to lift the coveted NSWCCC trophy as well as earn a spot on the NSWCCC Team.

It was the boys from Maitland-Newcastle that did the business running out 2-1 winners over CBSA.

The Open Girls category saw similar schools take part, but it was the Catholic Girls Secondary Schools Sports Association (CGSSSA) that proved too strong as they defeated Wollongong 1-0 to lift the silverware.

Post tournament official NSWCCC teams were selected to take part in the 2021 NSW All Schools Tournament set to be held at Valentine Sports Park across two days on the 7th and 8th of June.

Congratulations to all the teams and players who won representative honours for their respective teams.

Read the full article and check out the team photos via Football NSW here



Regional / Remote Teaching and Learning Excellence Award (Ref: 155/21)

The Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales Regional / Remote Teaching and Learning Excellence Award is an opportunity to give educators, in all sectors, the ability to share the material they have developed as a teaching and learning resource, which has been delivered as part of an online learning program. It allows for reflections of the educator’s course materials and instructional strategies and provides educators the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the material, by assessing the achievement of the learning outcomes of students, as well as the level of rapport achieved by the educator.

These awards have been created to encourage excellence in the development of online resource materials which is accessed by students in regional / remote learning environments. The Teachers’ Guild of New South Wales will award two winners from Regional / Remote Teaching and Learning applications associated with education delivery in any School sector, including TAFE, VET and University.

Nomination Form 2021

Please submit your nomination form to: [email protected] by Friday 11 June 2021.


2021 Roger O’Sullivan Memorial Award for Family, School and Community Partnerships for Learning (Ref: 136/21)

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) is proud to declare nominations open for the 2021 Roger O’Sullivan Memorial Award for Family, School and Community Partnerships for Learning.

The award recognises a school community, including parents and carers, that can demonstrate exemplary practice in building partnerships between home and school to enhance the learning outcomes of students.

The project may focus on faith formation, the school curriculum, student wellbeing or any combination of the three.

The award is focused on family, school and community partnerships where all groups are authentically engaged to enhance student learning.

The community will receive $4000 to support the development of a 2021 initiative or an ongoing project.

A4 Flyer with information for emailing

2021 Masthead that can be used for school newsletters

Award information booklet and application form

All entries can be submitted here 

Entries close 20 July 2021







