Priority Items

Send Us Your Good News Stories! (Ref: 092/20)

Whether it is teachers going above and beyond to support families and students, or the community rallying behind schools at this time, Catholic Schools New South Wales would like to hear about it. Please direct any good news stories to [email protected].

Olympics Unleashed Online! (Ref: 101/20)

With Australians adapting to life at home, Olympics Unleashed is now online and ready to connect Olympians & aspiring athletes to schools and students. Olympics Unleashed, presented by Optus is taking athletes into NSW virtual classrooms and homes to inspire and motivate students to be their personal best. Register here today to have an athlete join your classroom.

School Animal Care and Ethics Committee Nominations (Ref: 098/10)

The Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW) requires that the use of animals in teaching or research is supervised by an animal ethics committee. The Schools Animal Care and Ethics Committee (SACEC) was specifically set up to supervise the use of animals in government and non-government schools. Its role is to:

  • interpret the Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW)
  • prepare and publish a list of approved activities involving the use of animals
  • consider applications for category 4 and 5 activities and those activities which are not listed in the guidelines
  • monitor the use of animals in schools to ensure that it complies with the relevant legislation
  • liaise with teachers and system representatives about matters covered in the terms of reference
  • investigate complaints involving animals
  • report to the appropriate school sector authorities
  • perform other functions as described in its terms of reference.

The committee meets six times a year and members may be asked to participate in school visits in addition to these meetings.

Catholic Schools New South Wales is now seeking nominations for a teacher who is actively involved in animal use for teaching. Nominations can be made by completing Catholic Schools New South Wales Representative Nomination Form and returned to Gerard Delany (State Manager – Education Policy) via email, [email protected]. Nominations should be submitted by Tuesday 19th May 2020.

Professional Learning

Online Professional Learning for Teachers: Professional Associations (Ref: 089/20)

Many professional associations have moved their professional learning programs online in response to COVID-19.


The Professional Teachers Council website provides direct links to member associations and their professional learning programs.

Professional Associations currently provide a range of online courses which include:

Participation in teacher professional learning aligns with Standard 6 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST), in particular 6.2.2. In addition, individual events address other specific standard descriptors of the APST.


Meet the Markers Online Sessions (Ref: 088/20)

Meet the Markers was filled to capacity earlier this year so the presenters have volunteered to present their workshops again online.  Register for MTM online at

Dates for the sessions are below:

May 11 – Meet the Markers Chemistry – Exam Analysis  – 3:30 – 5:30pm 

May 13 – Meet the Markers – Earth Sciences – Exam Analysis – 3:30 – 5:30pm

May 18 – Meet the Markers – Investigating Sciences – Exam Analysis – 3:30 – 5:30pm

May 20 – Meet the Markers – Extension Science – Exam Analysis – 3:30 – 5:30pm

May 25 – Meet the Markers – Physics Exam Analysis – 3:30 – 5:30pm

May 27 –  Meet the Markers – Biology Exam Analysis  3:30 – 5:30pm

June 1 –  Meet the Markers – Depth Studies – Exam Analysis – 3:30 – 5:30pm


National Conference for teachers of German (Ref: 90/20)

Join the Goethe Institut for their biennial National Conference for Teachers of German in Melbourne from 4-5 September 2020 to explore the latest teaching programs and trends in research and language policies. Call for Papers and registration are now open.

For more information please click here. 



Support for Bushfire-Affected School Students and Families in NSW (Ref:017/20)

Please refer to the Catholic Schools New South Wales website for a range of resources and information to support bushfire-affected schools, students and families.
Information includes:
– Financial support for families
– Community support
– Mental health support
– How Catholic schools communities and parishes can help

Please note all this information has previously been provided to diocesan directors and school principals via memo over the last few weeks.


COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 – Latest Updates and Resources (Ref: 060/20)

For the latest updates and helpful resources and advice regarding COVID-19 and it’s impacts on the Catholic Education sector please refer to the COVID-19 Section on the Catholic Schools New South Wales Website. Diocesan Directors and Principals are encouraged to access the COVID-19 Response Portal for relevant resources and information.


Our Teachers Deserve Rockstar Status - Frank Chiment (Ref:102/20)

Principal Leader of Patrician Brothers’ College Blacktown Frank Chiment has penned an article titled ‘Our teachers deserve rockstar status’ in the Catholic Weekly. To download the article please click here.


Government Releases Five New Studies on Impact of Remote Learning (Ref:081/20)

The Australian Government commissioned five pieces of research to examine the potential impact of remote learning from home on educational outcomes for vulnerable cohorts of children, including barriers to access and evidence-based actions to respond.

For more information please click here.



Animal Research Authority 2020 (Ref: 078/20)

The use of animals in schools for educational purposes is governed by the Animal Research Act (1985) NSW. Catholic Schools NSW meets a requirement of this Act by issuing an Animal Research Authority to each school annually.

Accompanying this advice is the annual Animal Research Authority for the Principal and teachers who use animals to complete and retain within the school. Both pages of the Authority need to be completed. The names of teachers approved by the Principal to handle animals should be listed on the second page of the Authority, along with each teacher’s signature.

The Animal Welfare Liaison Officer, appointed by the Principal, must also be identified. The Principal is the Animal Welfare Liaison Officer in Schools for Specific Purposes, primary and infants schools. In central and secondary schools, it is generally the teacher most qualified to supervise the use of animals for teaching and research purposes. A full description of the role of the Animal Welfare Liaison Officer can be found at Animals in schools>Compliance>Responsibilities accessed at

The information on page two of the Animal Research Authority must be updated when changes in personnel occur at the school. The Animal Research Authority must be retained at the school and made available to appropriately authorised people including officers of the NSW Department of Education, inspectors from the NSW Department of Primary Industries Animal Welfare Unit and officers involved with, and members of, the Schools Animal Care and Ethics Committee.

If you require further information about the Animal Research Authority, please contact Gerard Delany, State Manager – Education Policy by email [email protected]

Further information can be obtained via the link below:

2020 Animal Research Authority Catholic Schools New South Wales v1


School Newsletter

Hey NSW, it’s time for some fruit and veg power!  (Ref:099/20)

Register for Fruit & Veg Month, the free, flexible and fun primary school event that encourages kids to eat more fruit and veg.

The event provides resources including curriculum materials, class posters, student reward stickers, parent resources and a student competition.

Fruit & Veg Month is funded by NSW Health.

The event will be held during the last 4 weeks of Term 3, Monday 31 August to Friday 25 September.

For more details on Fruit & Veg Month, and to fill out the quick and easy online registration form, go to:


Aunty Elsie Heiss Scholarship for ATSI Students (Ref:100/20)

A new opportunity now exists with the Archdiocese of Sydney funding a scholarship program through the University of Notre Dame Australia, aimed at making tertiary education more accessible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

The scholarship has been named the Aunty Elsie Heiss Scholarship in recognition of her contribution to the church where she has led Aboriginal Catholic Ministry programs for over three decades at the Reconciliation Church, La Perouse.

Please click here for more information.

Schools invited to apply for a school crossing supervisor (Ref: 076/20)

Schools across NSW are encouraged to apply for a school crossing supervisor in a new round of the Government’s crossing supervisor program.

The NSW Government is currently rolling out 300 additional school crossing supervisors at NSW schools by 2021, as part of a three year $18.5 million initiative to improve road safety for school children.

To apply for a school crossing supervisor, please click here.

2020 NSW Fire and Rescue Open Week Online! (Ref:079/20)

Due to Social Distancing restrictions, this year’s Fire and Rescue Open Day has become an Online Open Week. The 2020 FRNSW Open Day (week) will be hosted online from 16-22 May 2020. NSW Fire and Rescue are aiming to help young people experience something different this year and bring their home (fire stations) to the student’s homes and show them what it’s like to be a fire fighter and provide life lessons about being safe in emergencies.

The key messages for young people this year include:

Get down low and go, go, go

If you see smoke or fire, tell an adult

Get out, stay out. Never go back inside

In an emergency call 000

Have and practice, your home fire escape plan

Stop, drop, cover and roll

Never play with fire

Information concerning the online open week will be hosted here once it becomes available.