Priority Items

NESA Updated Advice - Novel Coronavirus (Ref:042/20)

NESA has updated advice about school work and assessment for Year 11 and 12 students and the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) – please see links below:

Better, Smarter Regulation Initiative (Ref:035/20)

Catholic Schools New South Wales is still receiving submissions for its Better, Smarter Regulation initiative. While the initial deadline for submissions has passed, any submissions received will still be properly considered.

Catholic Schools New South Wales announced this initiative in 2019 as a way to help to reduce the growing burden of regulation imposed by government on teachers, most particularly on school leaders. The school sector needs a voice back to government on this important issue.

Catholic Schools NSW has heard the message of school teachers and principals that the administrative burden on schools is too high. Australia’s school principals have also reported they are overwhelmed by their workloads. This was the cause of significant stress and prevented school principals from focusing on the core aims of their schools: teaching and learning.

The aim of the Better, Smarter Regulation initiative is to set out a roadmap which provides a practical, achievable work programme to lighten this burden. This Better, Smarter Regulation Roadmap is not about watering down safeguards or removing essential regulation – it is about identifying and removing redundant regulation, ending duplication and inconsistencies and streamlining reporting protocols so that regulation in school education is targeted, properly assessed against risks and more transparent. Critically, this initiative will rely on input from those at the frontlines of our education system.

Catholic Schools New South Wales is therefore calling for teachers, principals, school administrators, school leaders and others in the education industry to make submissions based on their experience of red-tape. These submissions will help guide Catholic Schools New South Wales’s work in preparing a Roadmap for government to seek positive reform in the way it regulates schools. Guidelines for preparing submissions can be viewed here.

Further information on this initiative can be found at

CSSA Forum Membership (Ref:046/20)

Renewals Closing Date 27 March 2020

A reminder that CSSA Forum Membership is due now. An information letter was posted to your Principal/Diocesan Director on Friday 7th February 2020. Please note that your membership will not be activated until you have requested renewal online AND payment has been made.  Failure to pay by the due date will result in forum attendance registrations being charged at non-member rates.

The CSSA Forum Division site is for Secondary Schools and Diocesan CSO/CEO offices to register their CSSA membership payments and to register staff attending the CSSA Forums. The site will also hold information regarding Forums. Go to Membership Registrations on the Menu Bar and follow the instructions to generate and print your invoice(s). Please send your invoice(s) to your accounts department.

Go to then put in your username and password. If you don’t have your username and password email us at [email protected], or phone 9486 3555.

The next CSSA Forum & AGM will be held on the Monday 18th May 2020 at Sydney Masonic Centre.
Second CSSA Forum for 2020 will be held on Friday 6th November.
The focus for both CSSA Forums will be Senior Student Pathways.

Online Registration to the May Forum will open on 30th March.


14th Annual Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Servicemen and Servicewomen Commemoration Service (Ref:045/20)

The ceremony will be held at the Anzac Memorial Hyde Park South, commencing 10.40am Friday, 29 May 2020 with a smoking ceremony. The ceremony is being held in recognition of the contribution that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander veterans have made to this country.

The Organising Committee encourages all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander veterans and their families, the wider veteran community and the general public to take part in the ceremony.
Please click the link to download the relevant pdf: 2020 IDVA

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch) Email: [email protected] • Phone: (02) 9264 8188 or Mr David Williams President NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Veterans & Services Association Mobile: 0450 361 418 • Phone: (02) 9643 3600

Professional Learning

RBA Teacher Immersion Event 2020 (Ref:047/20)

The Reserve Bank’s annual Teacher Immersion Event will be held on Friday, 19 June 2020. Expressions of interest are now open.

This free full-day professional development event provides a unique opportunity for secondary school economics teachers from across Australia to enrich their understanding of current economic issues and concepts by engaging with professional economists and colleagues.

Information can be found at:

(N.B. Expressions of interest will close on Wednesday, 18 March. For those unable to attend, all presentations from the day will be filmed and uploaded to the RBA website, post event.)


NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships (Ref:037/20)

Applications for scholarship-funded study tours commencing in 2021 will close on Sunday 19th April 2020.

Subscribe to our Alert MeExternal link list to keep up to date with scholarship notifications.

The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships provide $10,000 or $15,000 for a five-week study tour within Australia or overseas.

The scholarships, funded by corporate supporters and private foundations, are open to teachers in NSW government and non-government schools, TAFE NSW campuses and early childhood centres. Scholarships are awarded in the year prior to the study tour.

The majority of scholarships are for school-based teachers to explore best practice in their chosen subject area. The program delivers significant outcomes for scholarship recipients, students, teacher colleagues and school communities.

The NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships program is an initiative of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and administered by the NSW Department of Education.

For more information, contact the project team via [email protected] or by calling (02) 7814 3820.


SAVE THE DATE: Education Law Symposium - Catholic School Governance For The Common Good - 6 July 2020 (Ref:016/20)

Please mark your calendars for this great event! For any enquiries please email: [email protected]


K to 6 Workshops (Ref:029/20)

The K-6 Workshops provide valuable collective learning opportunities where colleagues collaborate, network and share knowledge and practice with their community of Catholic schools networks.

Workshops are held twice yearly in Sydney hosted by Catholic Schools New South Wales, however the sessions of sharing professional practice, subject knowledge and the latest in best teaching methods, is managed by individual dioceses.

Please click the links below to register:

K to 6 Workshop Wednesday 11 March – event registration link

K to 6 Workshop Thursday 12 March – event registration link

For more information please contact Jayde Ward from Catholic Schools New South Wales: [email protected]


'Deutsch Lehren Lernen' German Teacher Scholarship (Ref:026/20)

Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL)“ is an innovative professional learning program of the Goethe-Institut. Offering further training, it answers fundamental questions regarding the teaching of German as an additional language. The 10-week online courses offer a variety of subjects, and are designed for teachers of German who are looking for professional learning utilising the latest training methods.

For  more information on scholarships for this program please click the link below:


'Goethe-Institut' - Young Teachers Network and Award (Ref:027/20)

The Goethe-Institut network has been created to support new teachers of German by providing advice, mentoring, professional learning opportunities, teaching materials, and platforms for personal and virtual exchange. The winner of the Young Teacher Award will attend a professional learning course in Germany in 2021.

For more information please click the link below:
   Young Teachers Network    



Support for Bushfire-Affected School Students and Families in NSW (Ref:017/20)

Please refer to the Catholic Schools New South Wales website for a range of resources and information to support bushfire-affected schools, students and families.
Information includes:
– Financial support for families
– Community support
– Mental health support
– How Catholic schools communities and parishes can help

Please note all this information has previously been provided to diocesan directors and school principals via memo over the last few weeks.


Catholic Professional Standards Ltd – National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (Ref:013/20)

CPSL is committed to providing training & support to enable Church authorities, entities, organisations, ministries & anyone involved in the Church to create a culture of safety for everyone. Following are some resources to support the implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards:


Video Resources on the Topic of Safeguarding and the Catholic Church (Ref:014/20)

Head to the News and Media page of CPSL’s website (or straight to CPSL’s YouTube channel) to access interviews CPSL has conducted with leading experts on child safeguarding and the Catholic Church. These interviews are also available segmented by topic in short clips of less than five minutes, making them perfect for training purposes within your organisation:

Robert Fitzgerald in conversation with Geraldine Doogue: Emerging issues for the Catholic Church

Interview with Fr Hans Zollner SJ: A Global Perspective on child safeguarding in the Catholic Church



NESA Random School Inspections, 2020 (Ref:023/20)

NESA News 10 February 2020 included a notice to remind schools and school systems that the random inspection of schools program will commence from Week 5, Term 1 2020.

Details regarding the requirements for the 2020 Random inspection program were published in the Official Notice NESA 47/19 on 8 November 2019.

Queries regarding random inspections of schools should be directed to Stan Browne, Senior Inspector [email protected],

phone (02) 9367 8156.


Reminder: School, TAA And Cricos Applications Due By 31 March 2020 (Ref:024/20)

Just a reminder that school, TAA and Cricos applications are due by 31 March 2020. Please find below more information regarding the applications process:

The following applications are due by Tuesday 31 March 2020:

Online application forms are available on RANGS Online.

For assistance accessing RANGS Online, please call School Registration and Accreditation on (02) 9367 8866.

For more information, contact:
Anita Yates
Senior Inspector, School Registration and Accreditation
[email protected]
(02) 9367 8214


School Newsletter

NAPLAN Online (Ref:034/20)

NESA has recently distributed materials to assist with the administration of NAPLAN Online to schools. Please contact the NESA NAPLAN team on 1300 119 556, 02 9367 8382 or [email protected] immediately if your school has not received the materials.

Key dates
NAPLAN 2020 test dates

Practice test window for NSW Catholic schools – key readiness activity for all online schools – Monday 23 March to Thursday 26 March 2020

Coordinated practice test (CPT) – participation by all NSW schools is strongly encouraged on – Monday 23 March 2020 at noon


NAPLAN Online tests – 12 – 22 May 2020


NAPLAN paper tests – 12 – 15 May 2020

Schools and students

The best way to ensure the smooth running of NAPLAN Online tests is to plan ahead and ensure staff and students feel prepared.

A number of training and practice opportunities are available to support schools participating in NAPLAN Online. Schools should contact their Diocesan office or Catholic Schools New South Wales for training details.

The following timeline outlines key activities schools should plan for and participate in to help prepare staff and students.

2020 NAPLAN Online Preparation Activities

To assist schools in their transition to NAPLAN Online the following timeline of key activities provide schools with opportunities to help prepare both staff and students for NAPLAN 2020.

Timeline Activity summary Participants
17 February –
8 May 2020

School NAPLAN Online coordinator(s) and all test administrator(s) complete training applicable to their role.

NAPLAN Co-ordinator

School Test Administrators


February – April
NAPLAN platform training environment

Schools will receive log in details for the NAPLAN training environment for their school mid-February 2020.

School NAPLAN coordinator(s) and test administrator(s) are able to use the platform training environment to practice administration tasks such as opening a test session, pausing and restarting a student/ test session, applying disability adjustment codes and finalising a test session

NAPLAN Co-ordinator

School Test Administrators

February –
May 2020
Public demonstration site

·        Students should be provided with opportunities to use the Public demonstration site and the practice tests

to familiarise themselves with the test platform features and functionality and question types.

·        Parents can also access the public site to view the item types available in the online tests.




23 March –
26 March 2020
Practice Test

All Catholic schools transitioning to NAPLAN Online are expected to participate in the practice test with all Years 5/7/9 NAPLAN cohort students sitting a writing and omnibus test. Note: year 3 students will only do an omnibus test.

The practice tests are an important opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the assessment platform, its features and any adjustments that have been applied to accommodate for individual student needs.

NAPLAN Co-ordinator

School Test Administrators


23 March 2020


Coordinated Practice Test

The coordinated practice test is run at a predetermined time on one day during the practice test window. The aim of the CPT is to load test the platform with a large number of students across Australia sitting an online practice test, preferably the writing test. Schools are strongly encouraged to schedule their school’s participation in the CPT as part of their participation in the practice test.

NAPLAN Co-ordinator

School Test Administrators



More information contact Catholic Schools New South Wales

Reserve Bank of Australia – Economics Education Program for Students and Teachers (Ref:038/20)

The Reserve Bank of Australia’s education program is designed to support the teaching and studying of economics. As part of the program, RBA economists travel to high schools to present to students in Years 11 and 12.

Talks are free of charge and cover ‘Monetary Policy and Current Economic Conditions’. The presentation lasts for one hour including time for Q&A at the end.    

Economists will be giving talks in the Sydney area during the weeks of 11 – 22 May. We are looking for several large-capacity schools to host the talks, which other schools can attend.

If you are interested in a talk for your students and if you are able to host students from other schools, please email the RBA at: [email protected]  or contact Christina You, Senior Public Education Officer on (02) 9551 9731 by Friday 6 March.

Reminder: Mobile Phone Use Detecting Cameras- NSW Government (Ref:043/20)

As the school year is progressing, this may be a good time to remind parents of the new regulations around mobile phone use.

The NSW Government’s world-first mobile phone detection cameras have been operating in warning mode since 1 December 2019, but from 1 March 2020 drivers caught doing the wrong thing will cop a $344 fine and five demerit points. Minister for Roads Andrew Constance said 9 million vehicles had been checked by the cameras during the three-month warning period, with more than 30,000 warning letters issued to offending drivers.

NSW Police continue to enforce illegal mobile phone use and issue infringements as part of regular operations.

Find more information about mobile phone rules and FAQs on the Transport for NSW Know the rules page.

NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook - Updated 2019 edition (Ref:019/20)

We are pleased to advise that a new edition of this valuable safety resource is now available online. The current edition has been updated with digital/online safety, light rail safety, metro train safety, dental health, diabetes, etc. It is recommended that school principals bring this important information source to the attention of their school community.
The Child Safety Handbook App has also been produced by NSW Police Legacy and includes everything we need as a community to protect our most valuable and vulnerable resource – our children.  From preventative measures at home to safety outdoors, from cybersafety to dealing with peer pressures, this App is a resource for every family and school community. The app can be downloaded via the Apple store, Google Play or Amazon Kindle.
Link to the digital handbook – NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook
Here is also a link to the website with assets that can be used –

ENTER NOW - 2020 Harmony Day Poster and Song Writing Competitions (Ref:020/20)

This year’s Harmony Day Poster and Song Writing Competition theme is ‘Picture a World in Harmony’. Prizes will be awarded in two categories:
1. Senior (year 7 – year 12)
2. Junior (K – year 6)

Poster Competition Prizes In each category the following prizes are awarded:
– State Winner $500
– Regional Winner $150
– State Winner’s School $500

Song Writing Competition Prizes

In each category the following prizes are awarded:
– First Prize $300
– Second Prize $150

Closing Date: 10 April 2020
Entry Forms and Competition Rules Are available at:

Prize Giving Function Will be held at the NSW Parliament House in June 2020
Every entrant will receive a Certificate of Participation
More information from:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Recruitment for the NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) 2020 is currently open (Ref:021/20)

Applications are now open for the NSW Youth Advisory Council 2020.

Membership of the YAC is open to children and young people between 12-24 years of age residing in NSW. Applications are particularly sought from diverse locations, backgrounds and life experiences.

The 12 member YAC provides a direct avenue of communication between young people and the NSW Government. The YAC meets regularly throughout the year to discuss a range of topics and provide feedback on policies, procedures and resources affecting children and young people.

Members also provide feedback to community groups, government agencies and Departments and Ministers on issues concerning children and young people.

If you are 12 to 24, live in NSW, and want to represent your peers on subjects relevant to young people, then apply before 1 March, 2020 at: