Professional Learning

Register NOW: Introduction to the Results Analysis Package (Ref: 276/22)

Teachers are invited to join and complete a course which provides an introduction to the Results Analysis Package (RAP) from 9:00 – 10:30 am on Friday 16 December. This course has been developed specifically to meet the needs of teachers new to RAP or teachers in need of a refresher.

NESA staff will guide teachers on navigating functions within RAP that will assist in analysing the HSC results released the previous day.

Interested teachers can register here for the course.

Completing this course will contribute 1 hours and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of the delivery and assessment of the NSW curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptors 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

 For further information please contact: [email protected]


SAVE THE DATE! Friday 28 April 2023 – Early Years Symposium (Ref: 282/22)

In term one next year, Catholic Schools NSW is holding the inaugural ‘Early Years Symposium’.

Registration for the event will go live on the Catholic Schools NSW PL Platform early next year with more information to come.

On Friday 28 April 2023, keynote speaker Nathan Wallis will present at the Symposium, along with Sue Larkey, Professor Tricia Eadie with more speakers to be announced.

Early childhood and early years primary school teachers are encouraged to attend.

For more information, please contact Mr Sean Maloney- Senior Education Officer ([email protected])


HSC Data Analysis Seminar Programme, Jan-Feb 2023 ​​​​​​​(Ref: 278/22)

A seminar programme, running from January to February 2023 concerning the analysis of the upcoming HSC results, will be of interest to teachers, principals, and leaders of curriculum or pedagogy. Three seminars will be offered providing general information regarding analysis, a more detailed look at particular results for your school and ways in which principals and school leaders can guide their schools using the results.

See below for more information and to register for each particular session.

NetID Registration

Before attending any of the face-to-face seminars listed below, it is essential that every participant has a functioning  NetID logon, and have been able to use that to access both the HSC Data Analysis Users portal, and within that the online Tutorial (see below).  (Access to the Complete Report for your school is not enough!)

The Online Tutorial

Before attending any of the face-to-face seminars listed below, it will be extremely useful for intending participants to have completed the online tutorial which has been created to support users of the HSC Data Analysis.  It is accessed within the HSC Data Analysis Users portal:  on the LHS of the portal, click on “Tutorial” then “HSC Analysis Online Tutorial Modules” then “Access Catholic Schools New South Wales online PL here”.  Go to “NESA Elective PD”, and scroll down to “Catholic Schools New South Wales HSC Analysis Online”.

The tutorial consists of 17 modules each of which takes the user through a different aspect of the Analysis.  Each module consists of a short video followed by a 3-question quiz.

While teachers can complete the tutorial solo, by far the best professional learning comes from undertaking them with a colleague. Work through both the content and the quiz together and look at examples of what is provided in each video within your school’s own Analysis.  It’s in the discussion that the learning occurs.

Diocesan Officers’ Overview   

Target group:   Diocesan & congregational system officers

When:                  Tuesday 31 January 2023, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where:                Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St

Programme:     A walk-through of how you use the system-level reports in conjunction with school reports to support schools.  New developments in the 2022 HSC Analysis and 2023 seminar programme, including opportunities for cross-system sharing and key features of the 2022 HSC.   A NESA representative has been invited to attend to talk briefly about the 2022 results, marking operation and NESA services available to the diocese.

Preparation:    Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.

Standards:       5.1.4, 5.4.4

Register at:     Diocesan Overview

HSC Analysis #1: Introduction to the Analysis

Target group:  Teachers, KLA coordinators and others who have not previously attended an HSC seminar, and for those who have but who want to ‘brush up’ on the main ideas behind the Analysis. It’s very handy if two or more people from the same school can enrol for the same seminar.

When:                 Offered twice, on both occasions at Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St.

  • Thursday 2 February 2023, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Monday 20 February 2023, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Programme:    Why and how we should use data within schools to shape the direction of pedagogy.  What we are trying to do with the Analysis, and how does it fit with the Board’s RAP?  The idea of Comparative Learning Gain, and how it can be used to understand HSC data.  A guided reading of your school’s Analysis.

Preparation:    Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.

Accreditation: Completing Introduction to the Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Register for Thu 2 Feb here:  Introduction 2 Feb

Register for Mon 20 Feb here: Introduction 20 Feb

HSC Analysis #2: A detailed reading of your Analysis

Target group:  Experienced users – any teacher, coordinator, AP or Principal who has previously attended at least one HSC Analysis Seminar.  Applicants will be asked to nominate the year in which they attended the earlier seminar.

When:                 Offered twice, on both occasions at Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St.

  • Monday 6 February 2023, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
  • Thursday 16 February 2023, 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Programme:    The background data theory covered in HSC Analysis #1 will be assumed knowledge.  After a brief revision of the main underlying premise of the Analysis, participants will spend most of this seminar in a detailed, guided reading of their own school’s Analysis, surfacing the questions in it and considering ways to resolution.

Preparation:    Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.

Accreditation: Completing A Detailed Reading of your Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Register for 6 Feb here: Detailed Read 6 Feb

Register for 16 Feb here: Detailed Read 16 Feb

HSC Analysis #3: Leading your school in the Analysis

Target group:  Principals, APs, Leaders of Curriculum or Pedagogy:  those who have a whole-school focus rather than a one-KLA or year group.  This program is targeted at senior leadership teams: principals with whoever in the school has carriage of leading the use of the Analysis and the necessary professional learning within the school.

When:                 Tuesday 14 February 2023, 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Where:                Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney

Programme:     We will explore the intersection of leadership, data, teacher professional learning and student achievement.  The idea of the seminar is to surface the questions that come from a reading of the school’s Analysis, and then to consider leadership responses to the issues that surface.  Because leadership is essentially a team function, it is very useful if two or more members of a school’s senior leadership team can attend this seminar together.

Preparation:     Please see “NetID Registration” and “The Online Tutorial” above.

Accreditation: Completing Leading the Analysis will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 5.4.4 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher or Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Register for 14 Feb here: Leading the Analysis 14 Feb

For further information please contact: [email protected]


Register NOW: Catholic Schools New South Wales ACU Sponsorship (Highly Accomplished/Lead Teacher practice) (Ref: 275/22)

Catholic Schools NSW and the Australian Catholic University are offering fully funded scholarships for the Graduate Certificate Education (Highly Accomplished /Lead teacher practice). The graduate certificate articulates to 40 cps to a Master of Education or Master of Educational Leadership. It bridges the gap between the work of the higher-level standards and the academic and ongoing learning expectations of leaders in Catholic education. The course is designed and led by teachers accredited at high levels and participants are encouraged to network with an established group of aspiring and accredited HALTs.

The course is fully funded across two semesters. Please note there is a one-off student services fee of $244 which is the responsibility of the student.

Teachers currently working towards or interested in pursuing higher level accreditation, who are also currently in a master’s program or considering a master’s program should apply.

To express interest please complete this form by COB Wednesday 14 December.

If you would like further information, please contact Mary Ryan either at [email protected] or on: 0409606437.


Resources for Learning

Holiday Learning: Quick Courses for Learning over the break ​​​​​​​(Ref: 283/22)

Playlists of learning which might interest you over the break




  • The want to learn more about DATA playlist is a series of independently accessible online on demand modules on data. While some of the modules are specifically targeted to teachers of a particular stage, others are broader information for you to consume building your knowledge and skills in using data to inform your teaching.




AITSL Summer reading list can be found here:

Top 10 summer reads as voted by AITSL Mail readers

AITSL Board and Team members recommendations
